1. signals that attract mates are often unique to a species it is called_______.

a. seasonal isolation

b. habitat isolation

c. Ethological isolation

d. temporal isolation

Correct Answer: c


2. Abort development of hybrid at some embryonic stage_________.

a. hybrid breakdown

b. zygotic mortality

c. hybrid in viability

d. Hybrid sterility

Correct Answer: c


3. After the development of reproductive isolation, the population may again come into contact, still the remain distinct and said to be__________.

a. Sympatric

b. Allopatric

c. Parapatric

d. None of these

Correct Answer: a


4. The observed tendency of a part or organ to change progressively in size is called__________.

a. All of these

b. Orthogenesis

c. Allometry

d. Adaptive radiation

Correct Answer: b


5. Reproductive isolation is due to differences in genes that arise during the origin of sub-species in population by.

a. None of these

b. Muller

c. H.f.osborn

d. Dobzhansky

Correct Answer: b


6. Non –evolving population phenomenon was illustrated by___________.

a. Dobzhansky

b. None of these

c. Hardy-weinberg

d. H.f.osborn

Correct Answer: c


7. The movement of alleles into or out of a population either by__________.

a. genetic drift

b. mutation pressure

c. Immigration

d. Emigration

Correct Answer: c


8. The process by which comparatively better adopted individuals out of a heterogenous population are favored by nature over less adapted individuals are called as________.

a. Artificial selection

b. natural selection

c. Functional selection

d. Natural selection

Correct Answer: b


9. Non-random mating is the act of self-fertilization that is common in__________.

a. some plants

b. Some Bacteria

c. Some Algae

d. Some Fungi

Correct Answer: a


10. Microevolution is the change in_________.

a. genetic drift

b. Genome

c. genome/gene pool

d. gene pool

Correct Answer: c


11. members of one sex compete against each other to attract members of opposite sex are called_______.

a. Sexual selection

b. Intra sexual

c. Inter sexual

d. Sexual

Correct Answer: b


12. Organisms found in the Galapagos are

a. Marine iguanas

b. Finches

c. Land tortoises

d. All of these

Correct Answer: d


13. the smallest, lowest islands were hot dry and nearly barren.

a. baffin island

b. great britian

c. galapagos island

d. mada gascer

Correct Answer: c


14. who use the caption of VOYAGE OF BEAGLE?

a. Russel Wallace

b. Jean lamark

c. None of these

d. Charles Darwin

Correct Answer: d


15. An inherited trait that increase an organism change of survival is called__________.

a. modification

b. inheritance

c. Natural selection

d. adaptation

Correct Answer: d


16. who’s takes into account of mutation, variation, heredity, isolation and natural selection is________.

a. Lamarkism

b. modern synthesis theory

c. Darwinism

d. Neo-darwinism

Correct Answer: b


17. _________ is factor of Darwinism.

a. variation

b. over production

c. formation of new specie

d. All of these

Correct Answer: d


18. Darwinism’s natural selection theory is based on__________.

a. survival of fitness

b. different traits

c. natural selection

d. artificial selection

Correct Answer: a


19. Punctuated equilibrium is________.

a. short bursts of change

b. long bursts of change

c. slow change over long time

d. All of these

Correct Answer: a


20. when female prefer one phenotype over another is called_________.

a. Sexual selection

b. natural and sexual selection

c. Artificial selection

d. Natural selection

Correct Answer: b


21. marine molluscs are the example of__________.

a. stabilizing selection

b. directional selection

c. None of these

d. disruptive selection

Correct Answer: d


22. levels of selection are loosely structured according to__________.

a. species>groups>kin > individuals >genes

b. None of these

c. genes>individual>kin > groups > species

d. gene> kin > individuals >groups

Correct Answer: c


23. the process of complete or partial reduction of organ that have lost their adaptive significance are called__________.

a. regression

b. convergent evolution

c. radiation

d. All of these

Correct Answer: a


24. the evolutionary patterns, in which many related species evolved from a single ancestral species is called_________.

a. Regression

b. convergent evolution

c. natural selection

d. adaptive radiation

Correct Answer: d


25. Who proposed that one type of animals could descend from animals from other type.

a. Lamarck

b. Carlous linneaus

c. Aristotle

d. Anaximander and Empedocles

Correct Answer: d


26. In 1809 Lamarck gave the theory of”__________”.

a. Transmutation

b. Lamarckism

c. Acquired characters

d. All of these

Correct Answer: a


27. Big bang roughly occurred

a. 4.6 billion years ago

b. 3.9 billion years ago

c. 3.5 billion years ago

d. 10-18 billion years ago

Correct Answer: d


28. Theory of evolution is also known as_________.

a. Transformation

b. Transmutation

c. Translation

d. Lamarckism

Correct Answer: a


29. New needs create a new habit and the new environment create a new need which play as the key point of evolution. This theory is called as_________.

a. Neo Darwinsim

b. Neo Lamarckism

c. Transformation

d. Theory of special creation

Correct Answer: b


30. Heritable variation plays very vital role and provide very raw material for evolution, how variations are transfers to next generation this mechanism is called as________.

a. Neo Lamarckism

b. Pangenesis

c. Darwinism

d. Neo-darwinism

Correct Answer: b


31. Assemblage of species by inspection into a group of similar species and forming hierarchy by aging grouping of similar taxa is called as_________.

a. Upward classification

b. Downward classification

c. hierarchy classification

d. All of these

Correct Answer: a


32. Genes that do not code for proteins and are non functioning genes are called as_________.

a. None of these

b. Pseudogenes

c. Non functional genes

d. Formal genes

Correct Answer: b


33. In which book charles darwin proposed the mechanism of natural selection

a. All of these

b. on the origin of species

c. on the origin of life

d. on the origin of earth

Correct Answer: b


34. Zahavi’s principle is also called as_______.

a. Zahavi’s concept

b. All of these

c. Handicap principle

d. New principle

Correct Answer: c


35. A desirable male is one who is fit inspite of the________ he carries.

a. Zahavi’s concept

b. All of these

c. Handicaped

d. New principle

Correct Answer: c


36. The study of kinds and diversity of organisms and the relationships among them is called as_________.

a. Systematics

b. Evolution

c. Ecology

d. Physiology

Correct Answer: a


37. Taxis means_____ and nomos means______________.

a. Taxa

b. Taxon

c. All of these

d. arrangement, law

Correct Answer: d


38. Behavior of up and down jumps exhibited by gazelles upon spotting a wolf or other predators, prior to their runing away is called as__________.

a. Stotting behavior

b. Reproductive behavior

c. Isolated behavior

d. None of these

Correct Answer: a


39. Female invest more for mating while males mate many female at a time this behavior is called as__________.

a. Isolated behavior

b. Mating display

c. Stotting behavior

d. Reproductive behavior

Correct Answer: b


40. The particular individual that happens to found new populations is called as______________.

a. Population effects

b. All of these

c. Founder effect

d. Bottleneck effect

Correct Answer: c


41. ___________ alters the frequency of an allele in a population randomly resulting in the extinction or fixation of alleles

a. Gene pool

b. None of these

c. Genetic drift

d. Genetic manipulation

Correct Answer: c


42. The mutation which enables the mutant organisms to withstand particular environment stressor better than wild type organisms is

a. Harmful mutation

b. Moderate mutation

c. Non functional mutation

d. Beneficial mutation

Correct Answer: d


43. Change in allele frequencies due to repeated occurrence of same mutations is called as________.

a. Mutational meltdown

b. Mutation pressure

c. Benefecial mutation

d. Genetic drift

Correct Answer: b


44. Any cause that reduces reproductive success in a proportion of a population potentaily exerts ____________.

a. Mutation pressure

b. All of these

c. Evolutionary pressure

d. Potential pressure

Correct Answer: c


45. __________ is a regular, periodic movement of populations away from and back to their place of origin.

a. Mutation

b. Migration

c. Movement

d. Poplation meltdown

Correct Answer: b


46. The movement of genes into or out of a population is called as________.

a. Genetic makeup

b. All of these

c. Gene flow

d. Genetic drift

Correct Answer: c


47. Who created the term isolating mechanisms in his classic work genetics and the origin of species.

a. Earnest hackle

b. Darwin

c. All of these

d. Dobzhansky

Correct Answer: d


48. ______ develops by sudden development of reproductive isolation between units of population due to sudden change in their genotypes.

a. Sympatric speciation

b. Allopatric speciation

c. Parapatric speciation

d. Quantum speciation

Correct Answer: a


49. Study of the growth of part of an organism in relation to entire organism is called as_______.

a. Symmetry

b. Parametery

c. None of these

d. Allometry

Correct Answer: d


50. The model of long term gradual change is usually referred to as____________.

a. Phyletic lineage

b. All of these

c. Gradualism

d. Evolution

Correct Answer: c
