Evolution of Human

Human Evolution Questions and Answers

Q1. Homo erectus differed from cro-magnon man in

  1. Small jow
  2. Drawing paintings
  3. Large jaw
  4. Making tools


Q2. The earliest and most primitive anthropoid Ape during oligocene is called

  1. Parapithecus
  2. Propliopithecus
  3. Proconsul
  4. Limnopithecus


Q3. The carnial capacity of Java ape  man was about

  1. 560 cc
  2. 1000cc
  3. 1300 cc
  4. 900 cc


Q4. First Fossil of African Ape Man was discovered by

  1. E, Dubious
  2. Arthur Keith
  3. Dr Leakey
  4. Raymond Dart


Q5. Which of the following Fossil men had religious feelings of workship and used burial customs?

  1. Peking man
  2. African Ape Man
  3. Java man
  4. Neanderthal man


Q6. Homo erectus is the zoological name of

  1. Java Ape Man
  2. Peking man
  3. Neanderthal man
  4. Both 1 and 2


Q7. The drama of human evolution was dramatized in

  1. Asia and Java
  2. China and Asia
  3. Africa and Java
  4. Asia and Africa


Q8. Neanderthal man differs from modern man in

  1. Receding jaws
  2. Protruding Jaws
  3. Could make good tools
  4. Could make good pictures


Q9. Java man is

  1. Pithecanthropus erectus
  2. Pithecanthropus pekinesis
  3. Homo rhodesiensis
  4. Homo hilderbergensis


Q10. Which of the following is true for Homo Sapiens

  1. Protruded mouth
  2. Cranial capacity of 1450 cc
  3. Omnivorous
  4. Developed chin


Q11. The skull of pithecanthropus was found in

  1. Africa
  2. Java
  3. America
  4. All


Q12. Which of the Fossil men had cranial capacity near to modern man?

  1. Australopithecus
  2. Neanderthal
  3. Homo erectus
  4. Sinanthropus


Q13. Geological evidence for most primitive man like animals is found in

  1. Central Africa
  2. China
  3. India
  4. Australia


Q14. The major advantage of bipedal locomotion is that it

  1. Releases fore Limbs for other purposes
  2. Increases speed
  3. Reduces body weight
  4. Provides better support to the body


Q15. Fire was first used for protection and cooking by

  1. Java man
  2. Neanderthal man
  3. Packing man
  4. Cro magnon man


Q16. The theory of evolution indicates that

  1. Man evolved from monkeys
  2. Monkeys evolved from men
  3. Man evolved from dinosaurus
  4. Man and Apes had a common ancestor


Q17. Human ancestors first to till it hurts and wear animal hides were

  1. Peking man
  2. Java man
  3. Cro magnon man
  4. Neanderthal man


Q18. Human ancestors full left cave paintings were

  1. Neanderthal man
  2. Cro magnon man
  3. Java man
  4. Peking man


Q19. Apes are characterized by

  1. Large cranial cavity
  2. Prehensile tail
  3. Absence of tail
  4. Erect posture


Q20. The epoc of human civilization is

  1. Pliocene
  2. Holocene
  3. Pleistocene
  4. Paleocene


Q21. Which of the following Fossil men was expert in making tools weapons and paintings?

  1. Java Ape Man
  2. Peking man
  3. Neanderthal man
  4. Cro magnon man


Q22. The recent and sisters of modern man were

  1. Java Ape Man and peking man
  2. Peking man and Rhodesian man
  3. Rhodesian man and cro magnon man
  4. Cro magnon and neanderthal man


Q23. Homo belongs to class

  1. Mammalia
  2. Primata
  3. Prosimii
  4. Anthropoidea


Q24. Prosimii includes

  1. Lemur
  2. Tarsier
  3. New World monkey
  4. Both 1 and 2


Q25. The surviving members of family homonidae are

  1. Homo habilis
  2. Homo erectus
  3. Homosapiens
  4. All the above


Q26. Nutritionally australopithecus was

  1. Omnivorous
  2. Carnivorous
  3. Herbivorous
  4. Frugivorous


Q27. Remains of neanderthal man were found in neander valley of

  1. Germany
  2. France
  3. England
  4. Egypt


Q28. Fossil  Lucy belongs to

  1. Ramapithecus
  2. Australopithecus
  3. Dryopithecus
  4. Aegyptopithecus


Q29. Dryopithecus had an app like character

  1. Knuckle walker
  2. U shaped dental arch
  3. Slightly projecting snout
  4. All the above


Q30. Which is not human character?

  1. Prominent brow ridges
  2. Cre- centric dental arch
  3. Upright Incisor
  4. Both 1 and 2


Q31. Character absent in apes is

  1. Thick body hair
  2. Prognathous face
  3. Longer Hind Limbs
  4. Small cranium


Q32. In apes forearm magnum is

  1. Drosal
  2. Lateral
  3. Central
  4. Posterior


Q33. In man foramen magnum is

  1. Dorsal
  2. Lateral
  3. Ventral
  4. Anterior


Q34. Common ancestor of Apes and man is

  1. Parapithecus
  2. Cro magnon
  3. Dryopithecus
  4. Australopithecus


Q35. Fossil of neanderthal manand was first discovered in

  1. 1856
  2. 1868
  3. 1924
  4. 1994


Q36.  Fossil of neanderthal man was discovered by

  1. Lartlet
  2. Fuhlrott
  3. Mc Gregor
  4. Pai


Q37. Fossils of crossing magnon man were discovered in

  1. 1924
  2. 1891
  3. 1868
  4. 1856


Q38. Proconsul is other name of

  1. Dryopithecus
  2. Parapithecus
  3. Aegyptopithecus
  4. Ramapithecus


Q39. Which one is the closest to modern man?

  1. Peking man
  2. Cro magnon man
  3. Java Ape Man
  4. African man


Q40. Fossil man having cranial capacity similar to that of modern man was

  1. Australopithecus
  2. Java Ape Man
  3. Neanderthal man
  4. Peking man


Q41. Cranial capacity was highest in

  1. Cro magnon man
  2. Neanderthal man
  3. Java man
  4. Peking man


Q42. The least cranial capacity was that of

  1. Cromagnonman
  2. Neanderthalman
  3. Javaman
  4. Pekingman


Q43. Peking man belongs to

  1. Plaeocene
  2. Pliocene
  3. Eocene
  4. Pleistocene


Q44. Evolution of man is believed to have taken place in

  1. Central America
  2. Australia
  3. Asia
  4. Africa


Q45. Peking man was known as

  1. Australopithecus
  2. Pithecanthropus
  3. Homosapiens
  4. Sinanthropus


Q46. Which one of the following is closest relative of man?

  1. Chimpanzee
  2. Orangutan
  3. Gorilla
  4. Gibbon


Q47. Cro magnon man was

  1. Sanguivorous
  2. Frugivorous
  3. Carnivorous
  4. Herbivorous


Q48. Which one of the following was the first to stand bipedal movement?

  1. Peking man
  2. Australopithecus
  3. Java man
  4. Cro magnon man


50. Ancestors of monkeys, apes, and humans lived how long ago?

  1. 100 million years ago
  2. 50 million years ago
  3. 70 million years ago
  4. 20 million years ago
