
1. _________ is the factor of target.

A. Work setiing

B. Experience

C. Proximity

D. Social setting

Correct option: C


2. ____________shows different behaviors in different situations.

A. Distinctiveness

B. Consensus

C. Consistency

D. None of the above

Correct option: A


3. A driver fails to notice a pedestrian who has stepped out into the road.this is an example of:

A. Space-based attention

B. In-attentional blindness

C. Change blindness

D. Attentional blindness

Correct option: B


4. A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impression in order to give meaning to their environment:

A. Perception

B. Aggression

C. None

D. Both a & b

Correct option: A


5. According to the text how many different teste sensations are there

A. 2

B. 4

C. 0

D. 6

Correct option: D


6. Attributing one’s own characteristics to other people is:

A. Projection

B. Stereotyping

C. Halo effect

D. Contrast effects

Correct option: A


7. Behaviorists have:

A. No theory of memory

B. No theory of perception

C. No theory of learning

D. No theory of thinking

Correct option: B


8. Damage to the___________may cause sensorineural hearing loss.

A. Eardrum

B. Pinna

C. Stapes

D. Cilia

Correct option: D


9. Damage to your olfactory membrane would most likely impair your ability

A. Hear

B. Feel pain

C. Smell

D. See

Correct option: C


10. Drawing a general impression about an individual is?

A. Contrast effect

B. Halo effect

C. Contact effect

D. None of these

Correct option: B


11. Drawing a general impression about an individual on the basis of single characteristics

A. Halo effect

B. Contrast effect

C. Both of them

D. None of these

Correct option: A


12. Factors in the perceiver are?

A. Attitude

B. Motion

C. Interest

D. All of these

Correct option: D


13. Factors of target excepts:

A. Experience

B. Novellty

C. Motion

D. Similarity

Correct option: A


14. For constancy to operate in the world of normal objects, the more distant features must be:

A. Perceptually expanded

B. Clearly visualised

C. Projected in sufficient light

D. Clearly spaced

Correct option: A


15. Gibson’s direct theory of perception is important because it shows perception to be:

A. Dynamic

B. Impoverished

C. Top-down

D. Constructive

Correct option: A


16. How many chamber are there in the human cochlea

A. 4

B. 2

C. 1

D. 3

Correct option: D


17. How many major factors of perception?

A. 3

B. 2

C. 4

D. None of the above

Correct option: A


18. Humans are

A. Trichromats

B. Dichromate

C. Both a and b

D. None of these

Correct option: A


19. Internal and external cause of behavior in consensus is:

A. External(low), internal(high)

B. External(high), internal(low)

C. Both a and b are correct

D. None of the above

Correct option: B


20. People selectively interpret what they see on the basis of their interests

A. Background

B. Experience

C. Attitude

D. All of these

Correct option: D


21. Perception is ____________

A. An adequate representation of the world.

B. An accurate representation of the world.

C. An appropriate representation of the world.

D. A native representation of the world.


Correct option: A


22. Perception is the experience of the world.

A. Expensive

B. Attractive

C. Sensory

D. Effective

Correct option: C


23. Response is the same as other to same situation.

A. Consensus

B. Distinctireness

C. Consistency

D. B and c are correct

Correct option: A


24. Reversible goblet is a favorite demonstration of:

A. A figure-ground reversal

B. A shape-size reversal

C. A focus-margin reversal

D. A size-contour reversa

Correct option: A


25. Rod photoreceptors are principally involved in processing

A. Location

B. Movement

C. Colour

D. Visual acuity

Correct option: B


26. Sensations of movement from inside our bodies are called:

A. Proprioception

B. Perception

C. Interoception

D. Sensation

Correct option: A


27. Show different behaviour in different situation is called?

A. Distinctireness

B. Consensus

C. Consistency

D. B and c are correct

Correct option: A


28. Simultaneous focusing on two separate activities is otherwise known as

A. Division of attention

B. Span of attention

C. Shifting of attention

D. Distraction

Correct option: A


29. The direct perception of an object’s purpose is the

A. Affordance

B. Invariant

C. Optic array

D. Ecological optic

Correct option: A


30. The most data is received through the organs

A. 3

B. 6

C. 4

D. 5

Correct option: D


31. The perceptual process can be defined as the process of :

A. Receiving and selecting stimuli

B. Organizing and checking

C. Interpreting and reacting

D. All of these

Correct option: D


32. The phenomenon of “induced movement” occurs when there is some real movement which is attributed to:

A. A wrong object

B. A right objects

C. A real object

D. A substitute object

Correct option: A


33. Theory that the retina contains three different color receptors-red,green,and blue

A. Place theory

B. Tri hue theory

C. Trichromatic theory

D. Gate control theory

Correct option: C


34. Time,work setting and social setting are:

A. Factors in the perceiver

B. Factors in the situation

C. Factors in the target

D. None of these

Correct option: B


35. What is the stimulus for vision

A. Electromagnetic energy

B. Electrovision energy

C. Electrostatic energy

D. Electro energy

Correct option: A


36. What is the visible part of the ear called?

A. Pinna

B. Funnel

C. Tibia

D. Cochlea

Correct option: A


37. When an object is moved farther away, we tend to see it as more or less invariant in size. This is due to:

A. Colour constancy

B. Brightness constancy

C. Size constancy

D. Shape constancy

Correct option: C


38. When an object is moved farther away, we tend to see it as more or less invariant in size. This is due to:

A. Size constancy

B. Brightness constancy

C. Color constancy

D. None of these

Correct option: A


39. When familiar large objects look smaller than they are known to be, they are regarded as being at a distance. This is an instance of what is called:

A. Visual acuity

B. Linear perspective

C. Scotopic vision

D. Pliotopic vision

Correct option: B


40. Whether it is the receptor potential itself or some other voltage, the electrical event that triggers nerve impulses is known as the:

A. Generator potential

B. Spike potential

C. Receptor potential

D. Nerve impulse

Correct option: A


41. Which brain area do tests afferent fibre not travel through

A. Parietal lobe

B. Hippocampus

C. Thalamus

D. Brain stem

Correct option: B


42. Which of the following gestalt principal

A. Density

B. Intensity

C. Proximity

D. Frequency

Correct option: C


43. Which of the following is a gestalt principle

A. Frequency

B. Density

C. Proximity

D. Intensity

Correct option: A


44. Which of the following is not one of the six senses?

A. Olfaction

B. Taste

C. Transduction

D. Proprioception

Correct option: C


45. Which of the following is not the part of vestibular system

A. None of these

B. Invicticule

C. Horizontal canal

D. Anterior canal

Correct option: B


46. Which of the following statement does not describe the feature of social perception

A. Social perception happens unconsciously

B. Social perception happens universally

C. Social perception happens slowly

D. Social perception happens automatically

Correct option: C


47. Which of the following words does not describe perception

A. A passive process

B. A psychological process

C. No direct contact with the physical world

D. Using sense organs

Correct option: D


48. Which one of the following is not a pair of gestalt psychology principle?

A. Similarity and emergence principle

B. Symmetry and order principle

C. Proximate and eminence principle

D. Continuity and closure principle

Correct option: C


49. Which personality type has been associated with calm and passivity.

A. Type a

B. Fasciatic

C. Nevrotic

D. Type b

Correct option: D


50. Which see the 4 basic sensations our skin can detect?

A. Itching, tickling, friction, aching.

B. Pain, pressure, hot, cold.

C. Vibration, warmth, tingling, pain.

D. Pain, friction, cold, warmth

Correct option: B