Plant Physiology – Respiration

Respiration in plants

CH2O + O2 → CO2 + H2O + energy

1. The process of respiration in green plants occurs

a) only when stomata are open

b) only when photosynthesis ceases

c) only when photosynthesis is in progress

d) At all times

2. Respiratory enzymes are located in

a) mitochondrial matrix

b) cristae

c) perimitochondrial space

d) outer membrane

3. The site of glycolysis in a cell is

a) chloroplast

b) nucleus

c) cytoplasm

d) mitochondria

4. Respiration is

a) Anabolic process

b) Exothermic process

c) Endothermic process

d) Endergonic process

5. The annual plant exchange of gases takes place mainly through

a) Leaf scars

b) lenticels

c) stomata

d) stem

6. Kreb’s cycle take place in

a) vesicles of ER

b) Mitochondrial matrix

c) lysosomes

d) Dictyosomes

7. Common immediate source of energy in cellular activity:

a) NAD

b) ATP

c) DNA

d) RNA

8. Photorespiration involves

Photorespiration involves three organelles:Chloroplast, Peroxisome and Mitochondria

a) Glycolate cycle

b) kreb’s cycle

c) calvin cycle

d) CAM cycle

9. In succulent xerophytes the R.Q is :

a) Zero

b) unity

c) less than one

d) more than one

10. R.Q. of fatty substances is generally:

a) unity

b) Zero

c) more than one

d) less than one

11. Conversion of pyruvic acid into ethyl alcohol is facilitated by the enzymes:

a) carboxylase


c) dehygrogenase

d) carboxylase and dehygrogenase

12. During respiration yeast converts glucose to

a) ethanol and water

b) ethanol and oxygen

c) ethanol and CO2

d) lactic acid and CO2

13. The net gain of ATP produced during the oxidation of one glucose molecule in a plant cell

a) 38 ATP molecules

b) 30 ATP molecules

c) 36 ATP molecules

d) 24 ATP molecules

14. The final acceptor of electrons in the electron transport chain is

a) Water

b) Oxygen

c) Hydrogen

d) Cytochrome b

15. In plant cell, digestion of fats occurs with the help of

a) lysosomes

b) Peroxisomes

c) glyoxisomes

d) microtubules

16.The ultimate respiratory substrate, yielding maximum number of ATP molecules, is

a) glycogen

b) glucose

c) amylose

d) ketogenic amino acid

17. End product of citric acid/ Kreb’s cycle is

Citric acid Cycle

a) citric acid

b) pyruvic acid

c) latic acid

d) carbon dioxide and water

18. The first phase in the breakdown of glucose, in animal cell, is

a) glycolysis

b) E.T.S

c) Kreb’s cycle

d) Glycolysis

19. End product of fermentation are

a) O2 and C2H5OH

b) CO2 and O2

c) CO2 and C2H5OH

d) CO2 and acetyaldehyde

20. Out of 36 ATP molecules produced per glucose molecule during respiration

a) 2 are produced outside glycolysis and 34 during repiratory chain

b) 2 are produced outside mitochondria and 34 inside the mitochondria

c) all the formed inside mitochondria

d) 2 during glycolysis and 34 during Krebs cycle

21. Incomplete oxidation of glucose into pyruvic acid with several intermediate steps is known as

a) TCA pathway

b) Glycolysis

c) HMS pathway

d) Glycolysis

22. When one glucose molecule is completely oxidised, it changes

a) 36 ADP molecules into 36 ATP molecules

b) 38 ADP molecules into 38 ATP molecules

c) 30 ADP molecules into 30 ATP molecules

d) 32 ADP molecules into 32 ATP molecules

23. Link between glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle and β oxidation of fatty acid or carbohydrate and fat metabolism is

a) citric acid

b) succinic acid

c) acety CoA

d) Oxaloacetic acid

24. Terminal cytochrome of respiratory chain which donates electrons to oxygen is

Electron transport Chain

a) Cyt. b

b) Cyt.a1

c) Cyt.c

d) Cyt.a3

25. R. Q is ratio of

a) CO2 produced to substarate consumed

b) CO2 produced to O2 consumed

c) oxygen consumed to CO2 produced

d) Oxygen consumed to water produced

1- d11-d21. b) Glycolysis
2- b12-c22. b) 38 ADP molecules into 38 ATP molecules
3-c13-c23. c) acety CoA
4-b14-b24. d) Cyt.a3
5-c15-c25. b) CO2 produced to O2 consumed
6-b16. b) glucose 
7-b17. d) carbon dioxide and water 
8-a18. a) glycolysis 
9-a19. c) CO2 and C2H5OH 
10-d20.b) 2 are produced outside mitochondria and 34 inside the mitochondria