1. British isles consist of many….islands

a. 3

b. 1

c. 4

d. 2

Correct Answer: d

2. Lacerta viridis occur in

a. Canada

b. Ireland

c. America

d. Britain

Correct Answer: b

3. Japan has….species of freshwater fishes

a. 44

b. 43

c. 42

d. 45

Correct Answer: d

4. The chinese name of formose is

a. Taiwan

b. caylon

c. shikokuh

d. Houshu

Correct Answer: a

5. … about 90 miles off china coast

a. 89

b. 80

c. 85

d. 90

Correct Answer: d

6. ……distribution is found in camels

a. endemic

b. none of these

c. Discontinuous

d. cosmopolitan

Correct Answer: c

7. continenetal theory proposed by…..

a. Wegnar

b. Darwin

c. Dickerson

d. Pasteur

Correct Answer: a

8. Pangaea was sorrounded by….

a. Panthallasa

b. Laurasia

c. Gondwanaland

d. Antarctica

Correct Answer: a

9. Mesosaurus an….donosaur

a. Flying

b. carnivores

c. Aquatic

d. Terrestrial

Correct Answer: c

10. Lithisphere consist of …..major plates

a. 8

b. 9

c. 10

d. 7

Correct Answer: d

11. Lithosphere thicknes is….

a. 200km

b. 300km

c. 400km

d. 100km

Correct Answer: d

12. Lemur faces were…

a. deer

b. Fox

c. cat

d. Dog

Correct Answer: b

13. Newzealamd is…..island

a. continental

b. none of these

c. ancient

d. oceanic

Correct Answer: c

14. Galapagose is a……island

a. oceanic

b. continental

c. ancient

d. none of these

Correct Answer: a

15. Ceylon has……species

a. 84

b. 85

c. 86

d. 83

Correct Answer: d

16. Oriental region include…..

a. America

b. Russia

c. Asia

d. Africa

Correct Answer: c

17. Paleontology is the study of…..

a. Protista

b. Fossils

c. Plants

d. Animals

Correct Answer: b

18. St. Helena is a ….island

a. Oceanic

b. continetal

c. ancient

d. none of these

Correct Answer: a

19. Opposum is found in….

a. North and south America

b. Africa

c. Asia

d. Russia

Correct Answer: a

20. Protopterus is found in….

a. Asia

b. America

c. Australia

d. Africa

Correct Answer: d

21. Light is a…..barrier

a. Biological

b. none of these

c. Climate

d. Physical

Correct Answer: c

22. Vertical distribution of animals in marine water is called….

a. Bathymetric

b. Halobiotic

c. Limnobiotic

d. Geobiotic

Correct Answer: b

23. Malagasy is a subregion of…

a. Neotropical

b. Ethiopian

c. oriental

d. Nearctic

Correct Answer: b

24. Spalax is a endemic family of…

a. Palearctic

b. Ethiopian

c. Oriental

d. Nearctic

Correct Answer: a

25. Anamoluridae is a endemic family of…

a. oriental

b. Ethiopian

c. Nearctic

d. Neotropical

Correct Answer: b

26. Goat suckers are found in….

a. oriental

b. Ethiopian

c. Palearctic

d. Australian

Correct Answer: b

27. Nearctic and neotropical region are joined by….

a. channel bridge

b. Isthumus of panama

c. strait of dover

d. bering strait

Correct Answer: b

28. Birds continent is…

a. Neotropical

b. Nearctic

c. Ethiopian

d. Oriental

Correct Answer: a

29. Oedipus species is found in….

a. Neotropical

b. Nearctic

c. Oriental

d. Australian

Correct Answer: a

30. Monotremes and Marsupials are found in…

a. Neotropical

b. oriental

c. Australia

d. Nearctic

Correct Answer: c

31. We introduced deers and trouts in….

a. New Zealand

b. Asia

c. England

d. America

Correct Answer: a

32. Tse Tse fly limits the distribution of ungulates

a. Asia

b. England

c. America

d. Africa

Correct Answer: d

33. Hylobatidae is an endemuc family of…

a. Oriental

b. Nearctic

c. Neotropical

d. Australian

Correct Answer: a

34. Tupaiidae is  a endemic family of….

a. Oriental

b. Nearctic

c. Neotropical

d. Australian

Correct Answer: a

35. Ethiopian region include….

a. America

b. Australia

c. Africa

d. Asia

Correct Answer: c

36. Pedetidae is a endemic family of.

a. Australia

b. Ethiopian

c. Nearctic

d. Neotropical

Correct Answer: b

37. Wallace draw a line b/w oriental and Australian region in….

a. 1865

b. 1866

c. 1868

d. 1863

Correct Answer: d

38. Siberia are included in…

a. Palearctic

b. oriental

c. Nearctic

d. Australia

Correct Answer: a

39. Spalaciade family is found in…

a. Palearctic region

b. Ethiopian region

c. Neotropical region

d. Nearctic region

Correct Answer: a

40. Freshwater fish fauna is very rich in…

a. Nearctic

b. Ethiopian

c. oriental

d. Palearctic

Correct Answer: b

41. The term Wallacea was suggested by…

a. Weber

b. Lyell

c. Dickerson

d. Wallace

Correct Answer: c

42. Vertical distribution of animals in freshwater water is called….

a. Limnobiotic

b. Halobiotic

c. Geobiotic

d. Bathymetric

Correct Answer: a

43. We have introduces rabbits in….

a. Africa

b. America

c. Australia

d. Asia

Correct Answer: c

44. Which is a physical barrier?

a. Mountain

b. Climate

c. Light

d. Man

Correct Answer: a

45. Which is a climate barrier?

a. water boundries

b. Light

c. Desert

d. Mountains

Correct Answer: b

46. Lepidosiren is found in….

a. South America

b. Africa

c. America

d. Russia

Correct Answer: a

47. Loxodont is found in….

a. asia

b. Russia

c. Africa

d. America

Correct Answer: c

48. ……..distribution is found in Rhinocerous

a. none of these

b. Discontinuous

c. cosmopolitan

d. Endemic

Correct Answer: b

49. Neoceratodus is found in…..

a. Africa

b. America

c. Australia

d. Asia

Correct Answer: c

50. Girrafe has…….distribution

a. none of these

b. endemic

c. Discontinuous

d. cosmopolitan

Correct Answer: b