Psychology Sample Paper

Psychology is a scientific study of

  • Behavior
  • Mind
  • Soul
  • Mind and behaviour

The branch of psychology that study a human from conception to death

  • Developmental psy
  • Child psy.
  • Human psy
  • None of these

The observation in which the observer observe the situation directly called

  1. Participant observation
  2. Non participant observation
  3. A and b both
  4. None of these

In which all questions are planned before the interview

  1. Unstructured interview
  2. Structured interview
  3. Semi structure interview
  4. None of these

The branch of psychology that study the criminal behaviors

  1. Forensic psy
  2. Child psy.
  3. Human psy
  4. Sports psy.

The branch of psychology that study the abnormal people

  1. menpsy
  2. Child psy.
  3. Human psy
  4. clinicalpsy.

If we have wrong perception its called

  1. Delusion
  2. Illusion
  3. Hallucination
  4. None of these

Perception without stimulus called

  1. Delusion
  2. Illusion
  3. Hallucination
  4. None of these

Indepth study of an individual

  1. Survey method
  2. Observation
  3. Case study
  4. None of these

Which method of study is appropriate when we have to study a large sample

  1. Survey method
  2. Observation
  3. Case study
  4. None of these

The process of repeating the last few words that the client said

  1. Reflection
  2. Paraphrasing
  3. Active listening
  4. Selective reflection

The process of attempting to understand and making sense of the stimuli in our environment called

  1. Learning
  2. Memory
  3. Recognition
  4. Perception

A state of  WRONG perception

  1. Conflict
  2. Delirium
  3. illusion
  4. hallucination

Recallable information store in

  1. Sensory memory
  2. Short term memory
  3. Long term memory
  4. Forgetting

Perception without any stimulus called

  1. Perception
  2. Hallucination
  3. Illusion
  4. Delusion

Ability to store information for a long time

  1. Short term memory
  2. Working memory
  3. Long term memory
  4. Sensory memory

Focused awareness of the present state called

  1. Attention
  2. Perception
  3. Memory
  4. None of theses

When an object is not moving but it can be perceived as moving this situation called

  1. Real movement
  2. Apparent movement
  3. Depth perception
  4. None of these

It receives sound vibration and passes to the eardrum

(a) outer ear

(b) middle ear

(c) inner ear

(d) eustachian tube

20.   Innermost layer of eyeball is

            a. iris

            b. retina

            c. ciliary body

            d. pupil

21. Who is particularly intersted in studying patterns of behaviour, beliefs and values which are shared by people?
a) Social Psychologist
b) Experimental Psychologist
c) Clinical Psychologist
d) PsychoAnalyst

22. Which part of personality opposes the irrational desires of id according to Freud’s Psychoanalytic THeory of Personality?
a) Ego
b) Psychic energy
c) Super Ego
d) LIbido
23. The ________ complex is to girls as the ________ complex is to boys.
a. Electra, Oedipus
b. Oedipus, Electra
c. oral, phallic
d. phallic, oral

24.  what is reinforcement

(a) a reward

(b) a punishment

(c) behavior

(d) None of the above

25. a person characteristics called

a. attitude

b. personality


non of these

26. In which schedule of reinforcement, the delay intervals vary as per a previously decided plan?

(a) Fixed Ratio Schedule

(b) Variable Ratio Schedule

(c) Fixed Interval Schedule

(d) Variable Interval Schedule

27. In our daily life, any kind of looking for things which occur without any reference to our behaviour may illustrate the application of:

(a) Variable Interval Schedule

(b) Fixed Ratio

(c) Variable Ratio Schedule

(d) Fixed interval Schedule

(e) None of the above

28. pre negative evolution of person called

a. stereotype attitude

b. prejudice

c. discrimination

d. love

29. rigid pattern of thinking

a. stereotype attitude

b. prejudice

c. discrimination

d. love

30. when anyone do wrong with others intentionally

a. stereotype attitude

b. prejudice

c. discrimination

d. love

31. learning by coping the other behavior

a. modeling

b. imitation

 c. observation

d. reinforcement

32. learn on the based of consequences what will be gained

a. modeling

b. imitation

 c. observation

d. reinforcement

33. learning by using sense organs

a. modeling

b. imitation

 c. observation

d. reinforcement

34. conversation of two individuals

a. communication

b. interview

c. structured interview

d. unstructured interview

35. followed planned questions in interview

a. communication

b. interview

c. structured interview

d. unstructured interview

36. ask what interviewer want to ask in interview

a. communication

b. interview

c. structured interview

d. unstructured interview

37. the questions in which the respondent has freedom to response

a. open ended questions

b. closed ended question

c. doubled barred question

d. direct questions

38. the branch of psychology deals with the psychological illness

a. abnormal psychology

b. child psychology

c. developmental psychology

d. forensic psychology

39. branch of psychology deal with the development span from birth to death of child

a. abnormal psychology

b. child psychology

c. developmental psychology

d. forensic psychology

40. branch of psychology deal with the development span from birth to childhood of child

a. abnormal psychology

b. child psychology

c. developmental psychology

d. forensic psychology

41. branch of psychology deals with the criminal activities

a. abnormal psychology

b. child psychology

c. developmental psychology

d. forensic psychology

42. when a person behave differently from normal people called

a. abnormal behavior

b. normal behavior

c. deviate behavior

d.good behavior

43. when a person learn by associating two things or objects

a. conditioning

b. reinforcement

c. modeling

d. imitation

44. . The cerebellum is located between the cerebrum and the brain stem in the back of the head. It helps in __________
a) Breathing and controlling blood pressure
b) Balance and coordination
c) Voluntary movement
d) Speech and hearing

45. What connects two hemispheres of the brain?
a) Pons
b) Pia matter
c) Corpus callosum
d) Diencephalon

46. Which part of the brain controls higher mental activities like reasoning?
a) Temporal lobe
b) Frontal lobe
c) Medulla oblongata
d) Cerebellum

47. Which part of the brain controls emotion experiences?
a) Pia matter
b) Hypothalamus
c) Limbic system
d) Medulla oblongata

48. A person response to an act

a. behavior


c. response


49. the actual and real love is

a. God love

b. self love

c. father love

d.mother love

50. feelings of a person also called

a. emotions

b. behavior


d. none of these