Romantic and Victorian Age Poetry MCQs

Multiple Choice Questions on Romantic and Victorian Age

  1. Romantic Movement began in 1798 with the publication of:
    1. Lyrical Ballads          b. Poetics

c. Biographia Literaria           d. None

  • Which document is known as the manifesto of Romantic Movement?
    • Lyrical Ballads          b. Poetics        c. Biographia Literaria           d. None

  • The French Revolution began in a. 1785b. 1788            c.1789 d. 1790

  • The Romantic Movement was influenced by
    • Eastern Sufism           b. German philosophers’        c. Neither        d. both

  • The most influential philosopher of the Romantic Movement was
    • Rousseau        b. Voltaire       c. Hegel           d. Kant

  • Emile and Social Contract were the monumental works by
    • Voltaire           b. Rousseau    c. Kant     d. Hegel

  • Slogans like “go back to nature” and “man is born free” became the watch- Words of Romantic Movement were given by:

a. Rousseau    b. Voltaire       c. Hegel           d. Kant

  • Romantic poetry was known for its
    • imagination    b. feelings       c. nature          d. all of these

  • Who is known as the priest of nature?
    • Rousseau         b. Wordsworth          c. Shelley        d. Byron

  1. Coleridge was known for:

a. escapism     b. simplicity   c. supernaturalism    d. freedom

  1. Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ is the famous work of Romantic poet

a. Keats           b. Shelley        c. Byron          d. Coleridge

  1. Who was a visionary poet and also an artist and engraver and had a particular In childhood:

a. Blake          b. Keats           c. Shelley        d. Byron

  1. Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey are known as

a. First generation Romantics b. Lake poets’ c. None           d. Both

  1. The second generation of Romantic poets included

a. All these     b. Byron          c. Shelley        d. Keats

  1. Sir Walter scot, Mary Shelley and Jane Austen were famous novelists of

a. Bothb. Victorian period      c. None            d. Romantic period

  1. Charles Lamb, William Hazlitt and Thomas De Quincey were the famous

a. None of these          b. novelists’    c. essayists’    d. poets

  1. Pickwick papers was the first novel of

a. Dickens       c. Lamb           b. Hardy          d. Hazzlit

  1. Vanity Fair was the most famous work in fiction by

a. Thackeray b. Dickens       c. Hardy          d. Lamb

  1. Hardy’s first novel appeared in 1872 under the title of

a. Under the Greenwood Tree         b. A Pair of Blue eyes c. Tess d. None

  • Robert Browning and Alfred Tennyson were the famous Victorian

a. Novelists     b. Poets           c. Essayists     d. dramatists

  • The Importance of Being Earnest was the famous play by a.Shawb. Oscar Wilde         c. Lamb   d. Hazzlit

  • Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, remains famous scientific work of

a. Victorian period    b. Elizabethan period  c. Norman period       d. Edwardian

  • John Stuart Mill and Thomas Carlyle were famous victorian writers of

a. Prose           b. novel           c. drama          d. fiction

  • The Oxford English Dictionary was a monumental work of

a. Victorian period    b. Elizabethan period  c. Norman period       d. Edwardian

  • Wuthering Heights is the famous work of

a. Emily Bronte         b. Charlotte Bronte     c. Anne Bronte            d. None of these

  • George Eliot, was the pseudonym of

a. Mary Ann Evans   b. Mary Shellyc. Anthony Trollope   d. Emily Bronte

  • Alfred Lord Tennyson and Robert Browning were the famous Victorian

a. Novelists     b. dramatists’  c. poets’         d. essayists

  • Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw were famous victorian

a. Novelists     b. dramatists’ c. poets’          d. essayists

  • Thomas Carlyle, Thomas, Henry Huxley,Karl Marx ,Friedrich Engels,

John Ruskin and Matthew Arnold were famous victorian

a. Novelists     b. dramatists   c. poets            d. prose writers

  • Wordsworth realized that to love nature is to

a- love man    b. love God     c. hate God      d. hate Man

  • The sonnets of ‘William Wordsworth’ appeared in a. 1838b. 1840            c. 1841d. 1844

  • ”Bliss was it in that down to be alive but to be young as very heaven.”

a. About the French revolution       b. about the childhood

c. about the old age    d. none

  • Wordsworth revisited ‘Tintern Abbey’ after

a. seven years b. three years   c. five years    d. none

  • The sonnet on sonnet is a sonnet by

a. Wordsworth          b. Keats           c. Milton         d. Shakespeare

  • ”The words is too much with us, late and soon getting and spending.”

a. Wordsworth          b. Scott            c. Lamb           d. Hazlitt

  • ”Language really used by man” should be the language of poetry.

a. Wordsworth          b. Keats           c. Richard       d. Coleridge

  • Who died of Tuberculosis?

a. Keats          b. Shelley        c. Coleridge    d. Southey

  • Keat’s Endymion as included in Cockney shool of the poetry of Slacewoods Edinburgh Magazine

a. Yes  b. No   c. Perhaps        d. None

  • Cockney school of poetry a phrase coined on analogy with the

a. Lake School           b. Romantic School

c. Augustan     d. None

  • Shelley’s Ariel to Miranda was inspired by Shakespeare’s play

a. The Tempest          b. The Merchant of Venice

c. The Taming of the shrew   d. The winter’s tale

  • Which of the following book influenced Shelley most?

a. Political Justice     b. The Essay on Man

c. An apology for poetry        d. The Faerie Queene

  • Shelley’s O World! O life! O Time! Is a

a. lyric b. sonnet         c. ode d. elegy

  • From whom did the English romantic poets get the idea of ‘Return to nature?

a. Rousseau    b. Godwin       c. Cobbett       d. None

  • Who gave a separate life and soul to nature?

a. Wordsworth          b. Grayc. Blake           d. Collins

  • Wordsworth made nature the —–of man.

a. teacher       b. childc. mother        d. lover

  • Wordsworth died in

a. 1850b. 1860            c. 1870d. 1889

  • Where did Samuel Coleridge die?

a. Highgate    b. Valetta        c. Florence      d. None

  • Which college did Samuel Coleridge attend?

a. Jesus College         b. Trinity College       c. Bothd. None

  • Which work of Shelley has the sub-title”The Spirit of Solitude”?

a. Alastor       b. Queen Mab c. The Cenci    d. The Sensitive Plant

  • Who called Shelley”an ineffectual angel beating in the void his luminous wing in vain?

a. Mathew Arnold     b. John Ruskin

c. Charles Lamb         d. None

  • Who has written ‘Endymion”?

a. Keats          b. Shelley        c. Wordsworthd. None

  • From whom do we get the phrase negative capability?

a. Keats          b. Hazlitt         c. Coleridge    d. Shelley

  • From which career did Keats receive formal training?

a. Medical      b. Writing       c. Clergyman d. None

  • Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings who said this?

a. Wordsworth          b. Shelley        c. Coleridge    d. None

  • Who is termed as the harbinger of nature?

a. Wordsworth          b. Keats           c.Shelley         d. Pope