Technical Report Writing (Full Book MCQs)

 Paragraph limit length in document design of brochure, ranges from;

A. 8-6 lines

B. B. 5-6 lines

C. 4-3 lines

D. All of above

Most appropriate technique for prewriting short reports, known as;

A. Reporter’s questions

B. Branching

C. Listing

D. Numbering

An effective writing rule for an e-mail, embodied with;

A. Not making hardcopies of an e-mail

B. Auto replying to all recipients

C. Proofreading of an emails

D. Examining text format

Relying on too many facts in technical documents, failing in achieving technical

witting goal of;

A. Communicating the information aesthetically

B. Communicating the information easily

C. Communicating the information briefly

D. Communicating the information eloquently ._____

establishes the technical report.

A. Logical conclusion

B. Illogical Conclusion

C. Personal prejudice

D. Misplaced learning

A report may be used for?

A. Reading

B. Hearing

C. Both A and B

D. None of these

Which of these is not a parameter in a report?

A. Extent of information

B. Quality of information

C. Age of writer

D. Ability to acquire information

Reports that provide data or findings, analyses, and conclusions are

a. informational reports.

b. progress reports.

c. summaries.

d. analytical reports.

If the report is for your management or for your mentees, it’s a

A. External Reports

B. Vertical report

C. Periodic Reports

D. Informal Report

There are ……… principles to guide technical writing

A. 6

B. 7

C. 8

D. 5

Which of these must never be a basis for a technical report

a) Facts

b) Tests

c) Personal prejudices

d) Experiments

Which of these must be avoided in a technical report?

a) Facts

b) Logical conclusion

c) Objective evaluation

d) Subjective evaluation

Which of these reports is raised annually?

a) Inventory reports

b) Confidential reports

c) Laboratory reports

d) Inspection reports

Which of these is not a part of a report?

a) Front matter

b) Gender

c) Front cover

d) Title page

Which of these reports are used in business?

a) Formal technical reports

b) Informal reports

c) Personal reports

d) Musical reports

A non- formal report written in the form of a letter is similar to a


a) Friendly letter

b) Business letter

c) Complaint letter

d) Notice

______ report includes breakdown of machinery.

a) Feasibility

b) Periodic

c) Trouble

d) Progress

Which of these is not a type of a report?

a) Periodic

b) Progress

c) Trouble

d) Fancy

The conclusion of a research report:

A. can introduce new information.

a. b. must be based only on material presented in the report.

b. is the same as the abstract except that it is presented at the end of the report.

c. should focus only on the findings of the research.

Which of these is usually written in a form of a memorandum?

A) Informal reports

a. b) Formal reports

b. c) Professional reports

a. D .Business reports

Into which of these types are formal reports not classified?

a) Informational

b) Interpretative

c) Oral

d) Routine

Which of these reports contains information of a routine nature?

a) Periodic report

b) Interpretative

c) Routine

d) Progress

Which of these reports provide information without any evaluation?

a) Informational

b) Progress report

c) Trouble report

d) Laboratory report

_______ report provides rational findings.

a) Informative

b) Interpretative

c) Routine

d) Progress

Interpretative reports are also known as ____

a) Recommendation reports

b) Routine reports

c) Progress reports

d) Informal reports

Which of these reports are written for recording information?

a) Informational

b) Interpretative

c) Routine

d) Recommendation

Which of these is not mentioned in a progress report?

a) Name of project

b) Right choice of instruments

c) Nature of work

d) Amount of work left

In technical writing the largest report termed is:

A. Conclusion/recommendation

B. Discussion

C. Heading

D. Footing

In a technical report Which of these must be avoided.

A. Facts

B. Logical conclusion

C. Objective evaluation

D. Subjective evaluation

Which of the following reports is an example of an analytical report?

A )A report summarizing the details of a recent seminar you attended

b) A report outlining the new company procedure for reporting workplace injuries

c) A report recommending an antiterrorism security system for mass transit

d) A report showing state budget allocations for education

When you’re writing a report, be sure to adapt to your audience be

(A) being sensitive to their needs.

(B) controlling your style and tone.

C) both a and b.

(D) None of the above.

Which one is used for the Shortest document among technical written documents?

(A). report

(B). website

©. Summary

(D). paragraph

Which of these reports is raised annually?

A. Inventory reports

B. Confidential reports

C. Laboratory reports

D. Inspection reports

A memorandum is almost like a _____.

A. Simple letter

B. Formal letter

C. Informal letter

D None of these

In report writing the conclusions grow out of interpretations of the facts and

recommendations grow out of ………………….

a. A Facts

b. Recommendations

c) Interpretations

d )Conclusions

Which of the following should not be part of a resume

A Religious affiliation

B Employment history

C Contact information

D Education

Which of the following is not a resume format

A Chronological

B Portfolio

C Functional

D Combination

Your resume is a tool with one specific purpose

A To get a job

B To win an interview

C To discuss salary

D To discuss time

A resume is a word of which language

A American

B German

C French

D None of these

Which of these topics is also covered on many resumes

A Criminal record

B Family history

C Languages

D Positions

Where your personal details should be written of your resume

A At the top

B At the bottom

C On the back

D None of these

Your resume job is very simple: to get you

A A higher profile

B A higher salary

C A job interview

D Both b and c

Unless you are applying for a very senior position , it’s best to limit your resume


A One page

B Two pages

C Three pages

D Four pages

Which period of education is not normally detailed in a resume

A Tertiary

B Secondary

C Primary or elementary

DNone of these

Under work experience list all your with your job at the top

A First

B Latest

C Best

D Old

The best way to start a statement on your resume is with

A I or My

B A noun

C An active verb

D An adjective

Which topic is not normally mentioned in a cover letter

A The position

B The salary

C The company

D The order

Your cover letter can summarize a key selling point such as your

A Work history

B Medical history

C Relevant experience

D None of these

Your name should be of the letter

A At the top

B At the bottom

C In the middle

D At the side

When should you send a cover letter

A Only when an ad specifically request it

B Every time you send out your resume

C When you need to list reference

D None of these

A cover letter or covering letter can also be called

A A resume

B A CV sales letter

C A letter of application

D Both a and b

Job applicants must send a letter sending their resume

A Before

B When

C After

D Between

Which date format is best for a cover letter

A October 9, 2021

B 9-10-21

C 9,10-21

D 9\10\21

A cover letter should be

A Clear and concise

B friendly

C Funny

D long and detailed

If a cover letter is poorly written most emloyers will the applicant

A Forgive

B Reject

C Ignore

D Contact

How can you make the most of your college experience in your cover letter

A Describe skills gained in the classroom

B Describe sports activities

C Discuss hands on projects

D All of the above

Where is the date mentioned in a minutes

A Top left

B Top right

C Bottom left

D Bottom right

Minutes must be self sufficient

A True

B False

C None

D Both a and b

Which of these details are not mentioned in minutes

A Venue of the meeting

B Date of the meeting

C Name of the chairman

D Age of the chairman

The main points of a meeting must be reduced to writing

A True

B False

C None

D Both a and b

Where is the signature of the secretary mentioned in minutes

A Bottom left

B Bottom right

C Top left

D Top right

Writing process is basically

A Single step process

B Two step process

C Three step process

D Four step process

It is good writing process to avoid humor and puns because

A It is universal

B People are illiterate

C It is not universal

D It is boring

Most outdated letter format is known as

A Simplified format

B Full block format

C Half block format

D All of above

What are alternatives of texting

A Video

B Animation

C Symbols

D All of the above

Clustering of ideas in writing e-mails and memos a part of

A Write

B Rewrite

C Prowrite

D All of them

What is the total number of references normally given in a bio data

A Two

B Three

C Four

D Five

Select the location where the name and address can be mention in a skills profile

A Top right corner

B Top left corner

C Bottom right corner

D None of the above

Which of the following is not revealed in a bio data

A Career aim

B Address

C Name

D Reference

Reference must not be mentioned in a resume

A True

B False

C Both a and b

D None of these

Curriculum vitae is a word of which language

A Latin

B German

C English

D None of these

Employers like candidates to express a willingness to perform any available job

A True

B False

C Both a and b

D None of these

It’s ok to mentioned skills gained in school even if they have nothing to do with

the job sought

A True

B False

C Both a and b

D None of the above

Who organizes the meeting

A Chairperson

B Secretary


D Participants

In a qualitative research proposal you would not expect to see a…………

a) Research question

b) Research aim

c) Hypothesis

d) Operational definition

Which of the following statement is not true?

a) A research proposal is a document that presents a plan for a project

b) A research proposal shows that the researcher is capable of successfully conducting

the proposed research project

c) A research proposal is an unorganized and unplanned project

d) A research proposal is just like a research report and written before the research


After identifying the important variables and establishing the logical reasoning in

theoretical framework, the next step in the research process is……….

a) To conduct surveys

b) To generate the hypothesis

c) To focus group discussions

d) To use experiments in an investigation

The fundamental characteristic of the scientific method is __________


b) Empiricism

c) Replication

d) Evaluating data

According to Goodstein’s (2000) “evolved theory of science,” which of the

following is not a characteristic of scientific inquiry?

a) Scientists make observations that are accurately reported to other scientists and the

public so others can replicate the methods and obtain the same results.

b) Science flourishes when there is an open system for the exchange of ideas in which

supporters and those who disagree with an idea can report their research and it can be

evaluated by others.

c) Research studies must be reviewed by peers before they become a part of the

scientific literature.

d) Scientists search for observations that support ideas popular to others and

viewed by other scientists as publishable.

The main advantage of producing a written research proposal is——-

a) Informs all interested parties

b) Helps with credibility

c) Helps the institution

d) Helps keep people employed

The one which will always appear in a research proposal is…….

a) Business objective

b) Research objective

c) Marketing objective

d) Creative objective

Good research proposals will always-…….

a) Consider all possible research that had previously been done on the topic

b) Provide respondent names and addresses

c) Focus on the Harvard style

d) Focus on addressing the research objectives

The proposal’s literature review is important because-——

a) It is expected by the university

b) The tutor insists upon it

c) It looks authoritative

d) It shows that you are knowledgeable about the literature that relates to your research


The proposal section which intended to describe the purpose with a full

statement of the research question is———–

a) Literature review

b) References

c) Introduction

d) Proposed Method

Which of the following statement is not true?

a) A research proposal is a document that presents a plan fora project

b) A research proposal shows that the researcher is capable of successfully conducting

the proposed research project

c) A research proposal is an unorganized and unplannedproject

d) A research proposal is just like a research report and writtenbefore the research


The statement of purpose in a research study should——–

a) Identify the design of the study

b) Identify the intent or objective of the study

c) Specify the type of people to be used in the study

d) Describe the study

The research participants are described in detail in……….section of the research


a) Introduction

b) Method

c) Data analysis

d) Discussion

The Method section of the research plan typically specifies ———-

a) The research participants

b) The apparatus, instruments, and materials for the research study

c) The planned research procedures

d) all of the above

The interactive, computer-based information system that collects data on

transactions and operations is……….

a) Transaction processing system

b) Decision support system

c) Executive information system

d) Expert system

One of the following is not the three main components in a decision support


a) Communications

b) Dialogue

c) Model

d) Data

To explain, predict, and/or control phenomena are the goal of ————–

a) Tradition

b) Inductive logic

c) Deductive logic

d) The scientific method

The purpose of a literature review is to-………..

a) Help you find out what is already known about this area

b) Identify any inconsistencies or gaps in the literature.

c) Demonstrate an awareness of the theoretical context in which the current study can

be located

d) Find what is already known, identify gaps,and demonstrate awareness

The scientific method is preferred over other ways of knowingbecause it is


a) Reliable

b) Systematic

c) Accurate

d) All of the given options

According to Burrell & Morgan (1979) one of the following is not a paradigm

within business research methods is……

a) Radical structuralist

b) Radical positivist

c) Functionalist

d) Interpretative

After you locate a source, you should write down all the details of the reference,


a) Full names of the authors

b) Titles

c) Volumes

d) Price

The basis of Scientific Method is………

a) To test hypotheses in conditions that is conclusive to its success

b) To formulate a research problem and disprove the hypothesis

c) To formulate a research problem, test the hypothesis in carefully controlled

conditions that challenge the hypothesis.

d) To test hypotheses and if they are disproved, they should be abandoned completely.

The facts that should be collected to measure a variable, depend upon the——–

a) Conceptual understanding

b) Dictionary meaning

c) Operational definition

d) All of the above

The word ‘Research’ means——-

a) A lab experiment

b) A report.

c) A systematic enquiry

d) A procedure

If a researcher is studying the effect of using laptops in hisclassroom to ascertain

their merit and worth; he is likelyconducting……type of research

a) Basic

b) Applied

c) Evaluation

d) Experimental

The reasons for consulting handbooks, yearbooks, encyclopedias, or reviews in

the Initial stages of identifying a research topic is……..

a) They are readily available

b) They provide an overview of the issues related to a topic

c) They are primary sources

d) They avoid reporting statistical data so one can interpret the results more easily.

Qualitative and Quantitative Research are the classification of research on the

basis of……

a) Use of the research

b) Time dimensions

c) Techniques used

d) Purpose of the research

The application of the scientific method to study of business problems is


a) Inductive reasoning

b) Deductive reasoning

c) Business research

d) Grounded theory

The research method is not applicable under…….

a) Healthcare

b) Business

c) Government offices

d) Imaginary worlds

In an article it is most beneficial to read——-

a) References

b) Methods

c) Introduction

d) Figures.

Which of the following is not a function of clearly identified research questions?

a) They guide your literature search

b) They keep you focused throughout the data collection period

c) They make the scope of your research as wide as possible

d) They are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument

An operational definition is—

a) One that bears no relation to the underlying concept

b) An abstract, theoretical definition of a concept

c) A definition of a concept in terms of specific, empirical measures

d) One that refers to opera singers and their work

Basic research can also be called as——-

a) Practical research

b) Fundamental Research

c) Action research

d) Assessment research

In the research process, the management question has the following critical

activity in sequence………….

a) Origin, selection, statement, exploration and refinement

b) Origin, statement, selection, exploration and refinement

c) Origin, exploration, selection, refinement, and statement

d) Origin, exploration, refinement, selection and statement

The meaning of a good research does not mean ——

a) Purpose clearly defined

b) Research process detailed

c) Research design thoroughly planned

d) Findings presented ambiguously

ce of report, being mentioned in report writing, in the;

a) Conclusion/recommendation

b) Discussion

c) Heading

d) All of above

Paragraph limit length in document design of brochure, ranges from;

A. 8-6 lines

B. B. 5-6 lines

C. 4-3 lines

D. All of above

Most appropriate technique for prewriting short reports, known as;

A. Reporter’s questions

B. Branching

C. Listing

D. Numbering

An effective writing rule for an e-mail, embodied with;

A. Not making hardcopies of an e-mail

B. Auto replying to all recipients

C. Proofreading of an emails

D. Examining text format

Relying on too many facts in technical documents, failing in achieving technical witting goal of;

A. Communicating the information aesthetically

B. Communicating the information easily

C. Communicating the information briefly

D. Communicating the information eloquently ._____

establishes the technical report.

A. Logical conclusion

B. Illogical Conclusion

C. Personal prejudice

D. Misplaced learning

A report may be used for?

A. Reading

B. Hearing

C. Both A and B

D. None of these

Which of these is not a parameter in a report?

A. Extent of information

B. Quality of information

C. Age of writer

D. Ability to acquire information

Reports that provide data or findings, analyses, and conclusions are

a. informational reports.

b. progress reports.

c. summaries.

d. analytical reports.

If the report is for your management or for your mentees, it’s a

A. External Reports

B. Vertical report

C. Periodic Reports

D. Informal Report

There are ……… principles to guide technical writing

A. 6

B. 7

C. 8

D. 5

Which of these must never be a basis for a technical report

a) Facts

b) Tests

c) Personal prejudices

d) Experiments

Which of these must be avoided in a technical report?

a) Facts

b) Logical conclusion

c) Objective evaluation

d) Subjective evaluation

Which of these reports is raised annually?

a) Inventory reports

b) Confidential reports

c) Laboratory reports

d) Inspection reports

Which of these is not a part of a report?

a) Front matter

b) Gender

c) Front cover

d) Title page

Which of these reports are used in business?

a) Formal technical reports

b) Informal reports

c) Personal reports

d) Musical reports

A non- formal report written in the form of a letter is similar to a


a) Friendly letter

b) Business letter

c) Complaint letter

d) Notice

______ report includes breakdown of machinery.

a) Feasibility

b) Periodic

c) Trouble

d) Progress

Which of these is not a type of a report?

a) Periodic

b) Progress

c) Trouble

d) Fancy

The conclusion of a research report:

A. can introduce new information.

a. b. must be based only on material presented in the report.

b. is the same as the abstract except that it is presented at the end of the report.

c. should focus only on the findings of the research.

Which of these is usually written in a form of a memorandum?

A) Informal reports

a. b) Formal reports

b. c) Professional reports

a. D .Business reports

Into which of these types are formal reports not classified?

a) Informational

b) Interpretative

c) Oral

d) Routine

Which of these reports contains information of a routine nature?

a) Periodic report

b) Interpretative

c) Routine

d) Progress

Which of these reports provide information without any evaluation?

a) Informational

b) Progress report

c) Trouble report

d) Laboratory report

_______ report provides rational findings.

a) Informative

b) Interpretative

c) Routine

d) Progress

Interpretative reports are also known as ____

a) Recommendation reports

b) Routine reports

c) Progress reports

d) Informal reports

Which of these reports are written for recording information?

a) Informational

b) Interpretative

c) Routine

d) Recommendation

Which of these is not mentioned in a progress report?

a) Name of project

b) Right choice of instruments

c) Nature of work

d) Amount of work left

In technical writing the largest report termed is:

A. Conclusion/recommendation

B. Discussion

C. Heading

D. Footing

In a technical report Which of these must be avoided.

A. Facts

B. Logical conclusion

C. Objective evaluation

D. Subjective evaluation

Which of the following reports is an example of an analytical report?

A )A report summarizing the details of a recent seminar you attended

b) A report outlining the new company procedure for reporting workplace injuries

c) A report recommending an antiterrorism security system for mass transit

d) A report showing state budget allocations for education

When you’re writing a report, be sure to adapt to your audience be

(A) being sensitive to their needs.

(B) controlling your style and tone.

C) both a and b.

(D) None of the above.

Which one is used for the Shortest document among technical written documents?

(A). report

(B). website

©. Summary

(D). paragraph

Which of these reports is raised annually?

A. Inventory reports

B. Confidential reports

C. Laboratory reports

D. Inspection reports

A memorandum is almost like a _____.

A. Simple letter

B. Formal letter

C. Informal letter

D None of these

In report writing the conclusions grow out of interpretations of the facts and

recommendations grow out of ………………….

a. A Facts

b. Recommendations

c) Interpretations


Which of the following should not be part of a resume

A Religious affiliation

B Employment history

C Contact information

D Education

Which of the following is not a resume format

A Chronological

B Portfolio

C Functional

D Combination

Your resume is a tool with one specific purpose

A To get a job

B To win an interview

C To discuss salary

D To discuss time

A resume is a word of which language

A American

B German

C French

D None of these

Which of these topics is also included in many resumes

A Criminal record

B Family history

C Languages

D Positions

Where your personal details should be written of your resume

A At the top

B At the bottom

C On the back

D None of these

Your resume job is very simple: to get you

A A higher profile

B A higher salary

C A job interview

D Both b and c

Unless you are applying for a very senior position , it’s best to limit your resume to

A One page

B Two pages

C Three pages

D Four pages

Which period of education is not normally detailed in a resume

A Tertiary

B Secondary

C Primary or elementary

DNone of these

Under work experience list all, with ________ job at the top

A First

B Latest

C Best

D Old

The best way to start a statement on your resume is with

A I or My

B A noun

C An active verb

D An adjective

Which topic is not normally mentioned in a cover letter

A The position

B The salary

C The company

D The order

Your cover letter can summarize a key selling point such as your

A Work history

B Medical history

C Relevant experience

D None of these

Your name should be ___________of the cover letter

A At the top

B At the bottom

C In the middle

D At the side

When should you send a cover letter

A Only when an ad specifically request it

B Every time you send out your resume

C When you need to list reference

D None of these

A cover letter or covering letter can also be called

A A resume

B A CV sales letter

C A letter of application

D Both a and b

Job applicants must send a letter sending their resume

A Before

B When

C After

D Between

Which date format is best for a cover letter

A October 9, 2021

B 9-10-21

C 9,10-21

D 9\10\21

A cover letter should be

A Clear and concise

B friendly

C Funny

D long and detailed

If a cover letter is poorly written most emloyers will________ the applicant

A Forgive

B Reject

C Ignore

D Contact

How can you make the most of your college experience in your cover letter

A Describe skills gained in the classroom

B Describe sports activities

C Discuss hands on projects

D All of the above

Where is the date mentioned in a minutes

A Top left

B Top right

C Bottom left

D Bottom right

Minutes of meeting must be self sufficient

A True

B False

C None

D Both a and b

Which of these details are not mentioned in minutes

A Venue of the meeting

B Date of the meeting

C Name of the chairperson

D Age of the chairperson

The main points of a meeting must be reduced to writing

A True

B False

C None

D Both a and b

Where is the signature of the secretary mentioned in minutes

A Bottom left

B Bottom right

C Top left

D Top right

Writing process is basically

A Single step process

B Two step process

C Three step process

D Four step process

It is good writing process to avoid humor and puns because

A It is universal

B People are illiterate

C It is not universal

D It is boring

Most outdated letter format is known as

A Simplified format

B Full block format

C Half block format

D All of above

What are alternatives of texting

A Video

B Animation

C Symbols

D All of the above

Clustering of ideas in writing e-mails and memos a part of

A Write

B Rewrite

C Prowrite

D All of them

What is the total number of references normally given in a bio data

A Two

B Three

C Four

D Five

Select the location where the name and address can be mention in a skills profile

A Top right corner

B Top left corner

C Bottom right corner

D None of the above

Which of the following is not revealed in a bio data

A Career aim

B Address

C Name

D Reference

Reference must not be mentioned in a resume

A True

B False

C Both a and b

D None of these

Curriculum vitae is a word of which language

A Latin

B German

C English

D None of these

Employers like candidates who express a willingness to perform any available job

A True

B False

C Both a and b

D None of these

It’s ok to mentioned skills gained in school even if they have nothing to do with the job


A True

B False

C Both a and b

D None of the above

Who organizes the meeting

A Chairperson

B Secretary


D Participants

In a qualitative research proposal you would not expect to see a…………

a) Research question

b) Research aim

c) Hypothesis

d) Operational definition

Which of the following statement is not true?

a) A research proposal is a document that presents a plan for a project

b) A research proposal shows that the researcher is capable of successfully conducting the

proposed research project

c) A research proposal is an unorganized and unplanned project

d) A research proposal is just like a research report and written before the research project

After identifying the important variables and establishing the logical reasoning in

theoreticalframework, the next step in the research process is……….

a) To conduct surveys

b) To generate the hypothesis

c) To focus group discussions

d) To use experiments in an investigation

The fundamental characteristic of the scientific method is __________


b) Empiricism

c) Replication

d) Evaluating data

According to Goodstein’s (2000) “evolved theory of science,” which of the following is not a

characteristic of scientific inquiry?

a) Scientists make observations that are accurately reported to other scientists and the public

so others can replicate the methods and obtain the same results.

b) Science flourishes when there is an open system for the exchange of ideas in which

supporters and those who disagree with an idea can report their research and it can be

evaluated by others.

c) Research studies must be reviewed by peers before they become a part of the scientific


d) Scientists search for observations that support ideas popular to others and viewed by

otherscientists as publishable.

The main advantage of producing a written research proposal is——-

a) Informs all interested parties

b) Helps with credibility

c) Helps the institution

d) Helps keep people employed

The one which will always appear in a research proposal is…….

a) Business objective

b) Research objective

c) Marketing objective

d) Creative objective

Good research proposals will always-…….

a) Consider all possible research that had previously been done on the topic

b) Provide respondent names and addresses

c) Focus on the Harvard style

d) Focus on addressing the research objectives

The proposal’s literature review is important because-——

a) It is expected by the university

b) The tutor insists upon it

c) It looks authoritative

d) It shows that you are knowledgeable about the literature that relates to your research topic

The proposal section which intended to describe the purpose with a full statement of the

research question is———–

a) Literature review

b) References

c) Introduction

d) Proposed Method

Which of the following statement is not true?

a) A research proposal is a document that presents a plan fora project

b) A research proposal shows that the researcher is capable of successfully conducting the

proposed research project

c) A research proposal is an unorganized and unplannedproject

d) A research proposal is just like a research report and writtenbefore the research project

The statement of purpose in a research study should——–

a) Identify the design of the study

b) Identify the intent or objective of the study

c) Specify the type of people to be used in the study

d) Describe the study

The research participants are described in detail in……….section of the research plan

a) Introduction

b) Method

c) Data analysis

d) Discussion

The Method section of the research plan typically specifies ———-

a) The research participants

b) The apparatus, instruments, and materials for the research study

c) The planned research procedures

d) all of the above

: A _____ is/are a major form of Technical/business communication.

1: report

2: letter

3: proposal

4: all

4: progress

The __________of memo indicates who is writing to whom, when and why.

1: body

2: Heading

3: Salutation

4: date

In _________ you provide more detail about others have done in the area

1: literature review

2: bibliography

3: references

4: none

The purpose of _________ is to give the reader a brief overview of the study.

1: summary

2: literature review

3: title

4: none

An _____________ of application is written for a job which has not been advertised by the


1: Cover letter

2: Solicited letter

3: Unsolicited letter

4: Open letter

In ______________ writing, avoid the use of personal pronoun “I”.

1: Thesis

2: Proposal

3: Resume

4: none

____________ are the official record of the organization.

1: Minutes

2: Creation

3: Meetings

4: none

Informal gossips are included in meeting minutes

1: false

2: true

When a report is written, It is expected to represent ____________ information on a particular


1: fake

2: factual

3: both 1 and 2

4: none

A short summary of Technical Report is called

1: article

2: research abstract

3: guide

4: none

The actual message of your letter is ______________.

1: Address

2: Dateline

3: Body

4: Salutation

The interactive, computer-based information system that collects data on transactions

andoperations is……….

a) Transaction processing system

b) Decision support system

c) Executive information system

d) Expert system

One of the following is not the three main components in a decision support system……..

a) Communications

b) Dialogue

c) Model

d) Data

To explain, predict, and/or control phenomena are the goal of ————–

a) Tradition

b) Inductive logic

c) Deductive logic

d) The scientific method

The purpose of a literature review is to-………..

a) Help you find out what is already known about this area

b) Identify any inconsistencies or gaps in the literature.

c) Demonstrate an awareness of the theoretical context in which the current study can be


d) Find what is already known, identify gaps,and demonstrate awareness

The scientific method is preferred over other ways of knowingbecause it is more……..

a) Reliable

b) Systematic

c) Accurate

d) All of the given options

According to Burrell & Morgan (1979) one of the following is not a paradigm within business

research methods is……

a) Radical structuralist

b) Radical positivist

c) Functionalist

d) Interpretative

After you locate a source, you should write down all the details of the reference,


a) Full names of the authors

b) Titles

c) Volumes

d) Price

The basis of Scientific Method is………

a) To test hypotheses in conditions that is conclusive to its success

b) To formulate a research problem and disprove the hypothesis

c) To formulate a research problem, test the hypothesis in carefully controlled conditions

thatchallenge the hypothesis.

d) To test hypotheses and if they are disproved, they should be abandoned completely.

The facts that should be collected to measure a variable, depend upon the——–

a) Conceptual understanding

b) Dictionary meaning

c) Operational definition

d) All of the above

The word ‘Research’ means——-

a) A lab experiment

b) A report.

c) A systematic enquiry

d) A procedure

If a researcher is studying the effect of using laptops in hisclassroom to ascertain their merit

and worth; he is likelyconducting……type of research

a) Basic

b) Applied

c) Evaluation

d) Experimental

The reasons for consulting handbooks, yearbooks, encyclopedias, or reviews in the Initial

stages of identifying a research topic is……..

a) They are readily available

b) They provide an overview of the issues related to a topic

c) They are primary sources

d) They avoid reporting statistical data so one can interpret the results more easily.

Qualitative and Quantitative Research are the classification of research on the basis of……

a) Use of the research

b) Time dimensions

c) Techniques used

d) Purpose of the research

The application of the scientific method to study of business problems is called…….

a) Inductive reasoning

b) Deductive reasoning

c) Business research

d) Grounded theory

Q : _____ reports communicate the activities of an ongoing operation at equal and regular


1: periodic

2: progress

3: analytical

4: none

____letters are generally precise and to-the-point, without any unnecessary detail

1: office memos

2: informal

3: both 1 and 2

4: none

_____ reports have more professional value

1: written

2: oral

3: progress

4: none

In conclusion no new material can be introduced.

1: true

2: false

If a report presents facts pertinent to an issue or a situation it is _____ report.

1: Informative

2: periodic

3: analytical

The research method is not applicable under…….

a) Healthcare

b) Business

c) Government offices

d) Imaginary worlds

In an article it is most beneficial to read——-

a) References

b) Methods

c) Introduction

d) Figures.

Which of the following is not a function of clearly identified research questions?

a) They guide your literature search

b) They keep you focused throughout the data collection period

c) They make the scope of your research as wide as possible

d) They are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument

An operational definition is—

a) One that bears no relation to the underlying concept

b) An abstract, theoretical definition of a concept

c) A definition of a concept in terms of specific, empirical measures

d) One that refers to opera singers and their work

Basic research can also be called as——-

a) Practical research

b) Fundamental Research

c) Action research

d) Assessment research

In the research process, the management question has the following critical activity in


a) Origin, selection, statement, exploration and refinement

b) Origin, statement, selection, exploration and refinement

c) Origin, exploration, selection, refinement, and statement

d) Origin, exploration, refinement, selection and statement

The meaning of a good research does not mean ——

a) Purpose clearly defined

b) Research process detailed

c) Research design thoroughly planned

d) Findings presented ambiguously

1: An _____________ of application is written for a job which has not been advertised by the employer.

a) Cover letter

b) Solicited letter

c) Unsolicited letter

d) Open letter

2: ___________reflects your contact with specific employees.

a) Education

b) Objective

c) Experience

d) Reference

3: _____________ is used only for the first page of a letter.

a) Dateline

b) Salutation

c) Letter head

d) Body

4: The actual message of your letter is ______________.

a) Address

b) Dateline

c) Body

d) Salutation

5: _____________ takes less time for writing, transmission and writing.

a) Letter

b) Proposal

c) Thesis

d) Memo

6: In ______________ writing, avoid the use of personal pronoun “I”.

a) Thesis

b) Proposal

c) Resume

d) Application

7: The __________of memo indicates who is writing to whom, when and why.

a) Body

b) Heading

c) Salutation

d) Date

8: ____________ are the official record of the organization.

a) Minutes

b) Creation

c) Meetings

d) hours

9: A well planned meeting helps ensure ___________ meeting minutes.

a) Effective

b) Strong

c) Happy

d) Short

10: ___________is written to the people who are involved in or at least familiar with your work.

a) Letter

b) Memo

c) Proposal

d) Thesis

11: A ___________stands for your personal “brochure”.

a) Letter

b) Thesis

c) CV

d) Proposal

12: A __________ is an offer by one party to provide a product to another party:

a) Proposal

b) Company

c) Presentation

d) Studying

13: In _________ proposal, the sections for inclusion are frequently specified:

a) Non-solicited

b) Sales

c) Multinational

d) Solicited

14: __________ helps reader to evaluate results of the study:

a) Material

b) Results

c) Data

d) Introduction

15: __________of proposals are similar to either short or long reports:

a) Drafts

b) Title pages

c) Summaries

d) Table of contents

16: A___________ proposal is designed to persuade an organization:

a) Argumentative

b) Commercial

c) Analytical

d) Business

17: The __________ can be discussed in conjunction with a research timetable.

a) Literature review

b) Research question

c) Research plain

d) Introduction

18: __________ conveys the message independently.

a) Numerals

b) Tables

c) Data

d) Results

19: The purpose of ___________ research paper is persuasion.

a) Commercial

b) Argumentative

c) Sales

d) Analytical

20: __________ defines the boundaries of projects.

a) Purpose

b) Background

c) Scope

d) Limitation

21: ___________ gives the list of sources which are used or quoted in the proposals:

a) Budget

b) Reference

c) Appendices

d) Conclusion

22: the word “report” is derived from the Latin “reportare” means to __________

a) To see

b) To read

c) To help

d) To bring back

23: _________ gives unity and coherence to your report:

a) Details

b) Orientation

c) Precision

d) Simplicity

24: __________ reports identifies a problem and explaining whom that problem affects:

a) Periodic

b) Analytical

c) Informative

d) Routine

25: A good report is always _________ oriented:

a) Reader

b) Writer

c) Group

d) Critic

26: __________ facts make a report confusing:

a) Factual details

b) Relevant

c) Irrelevant

d) Simple

27: A _________ report is a report on work you have begun but not yet completed:

a) Informational

b) Progress

c) Periodic

d) Investigative

28: __________ reports are selected to a single occasion or situation:

a) Oral

b) Written

c) Special

d) Periodic

29: __________ reports deal with non-recurred problems

a) Oral

b) Periodic

c) Special

d) Progress

30: _________ reports have more professional value:

a) Oral

b) Written

c) Special

d) Progress

31: A ___________ methodology proceeds from the unknown to the known:

a) Inductive

b) Deductive

c) Periodic

d) Structural

32: The length of summary usually ranges from _________words depending on the complexity of the


a) 100-150

b) 100-200

c) 100-250

d) 100-300

33: In __________, data are interpreted and highlighted; the important features and their causes:

a) Discussion

b) Conclusion

c) Data

d) Results

34: The best way of describing the _________ is to give all the basic and essential data from the study:

a) Introduction

b) Materials

c) Methods

d) Results

35: In _________ it is needed to give a sense of the general field of research:

a) Research question

b) Review

c) Justification

d) Introduction

36: Reports which provide information at regular interval are called ___________report.

a) Analytical

b) Routine

c) Periodic

d) Informational

37: ____________ may be tables, graphs, maps, drawing, charts and photographs.

a) Special format

b) Homogeneity

c) Illustration

d) Accuracy

38: The word report is derived from the ___________ word reportare.

a) Latin

b) French

c) Greek

d) English

39: In __________ report immediate feedback is possible.

a) Oral

b) Written

c) Progress

d) Special

40: ________ deals with the methods and principles used in an activity.

a) Letter

b) Memo

c) Accounts

d) methodology

41: _________ information is best communicated through diagrams and charts.

a) Qualitative

b) Quantitative

c) Structural

d) Prefatory

42: An ___________ reports provides information about something in a systematic manner.

a) Information

b) Supporting

c) Helping

d) Watching

43: ____________are written offer to solve a technical problem.

a) Thesis

b) Novels

c) Proposals

d) Short stories

44: __________ proposal are known as business proposal.

a) Research

b) Sales

c) Thesis

d) Term

45: ____________ proposals are usually academic in nature.

a) Research

b) Non solicited

c) Sales

d) Multinational

46: There are _________ main types of research paper.

a) Two

b) Six

c) Four

d) Three

47: ___________describes the restrictions over which the proposal has no control.

a) Purpose

b) Scope

c) Limitation

d) Background

48: In ___________ no extra material or new material is introduced.

a) Discussion

b) Conclusion

c) Title

d) References

49: In ___________ you provide more detail about what others have done in the area.

a) Literature review

b) Research question

c) Justification

d) Introduction

50: A _____________ proposal is a document proposing a research project.

a) Scientific

b) Commercial

c) Business

d) Research