10 Mistakes You Should Avoid When You Create a YouTube Channel

10 Mistakes You Should Avoid When You Create a YouTube Channel: A blog about the traps to avoid when setting up your YouTube channel.


If you’re not careful, YouTube can be a minefield of bad decisions. From choosing the wrong channel name, to forgetting to turn on the “privacy” setting and ignoring Community Guidelines, it’s easy to make rookie mistakes when setting up your YouTube account. However, with a few tips and tricks from experienced YouTubers there are ways that you can avoid making these common mistakes.

Picking the wrong name

When choosing a name for your channel, it’s important to avoid these common mistakes:

  • Using a name that is already taken. This includes the brand, product or service you’re trying to promote. For example, if you’re launching a cooking channel and there are already several people called “Cooking With Julie,” then don’t use this name because it’s already taken by someone else (and they probably deserve better).

  • Using misleading titles like “Cooks” or “Foodies.” These can lead viewers down the wrong path and make them feel misled about what kind of content will be on your channel (for example if they think all their favorite chefs are going to show up).

  • Having too long names that aren’t easily remembered (like 123ChuckNorris1234). People will get tired typing out long strings of numbers on YouTube search boxes so try coming up with shorter ones instead!

Not setting a goal and strategy

When you start a YouTube channel, the first thing to do is establish what your goal is. If you don’t know where your channel will lead, it will be difficult for you to keep going. You need some sort of strategy in place before jumping into creating content and building an audience.

For example: “I want to become famous on YouTube!” is not useful as a goal because there are so many factors that could prevent this from happening (e.g., lack of experience). Instead, think about what kind of videos would help make that happen—a tutorial on how to make something or how-to guide? Or perhaps more narrative-based content? The possibilities are endless! Just remember not to get too ambitious or vague with your goals right off the bat because things could change quickly once filming starts rolling (and trust us; sometimes they do).

Not creating a schedule

The first thing you should do when creating a YouTube channel is to set up a schedule. This will help you stay on track and manage your time more effectively.

There are many ways that people go about setting up their own schedules, but the most important thing is consistency: if you don’t stick with it, then there’s no point in having one at all! A good way of keeping things interesting for yourself as well as others who watch your videos could be by adding new content every week or so (or even just once every two weeks). This will give viewers something fresh every time they tune into your channel; however, if this isn’t possible due to lack of available resources then try adding something else instead like uploading updates from other creators’ channels onto yours instead – this way even though there aren’t any major changes happening within these individual channels themselves yet those watching them won’t notice anything different either!

Not setting up your channel page properly

You should also make sure that your channel page is set up properly.

The most important thing for a good YouTube channel is to have a well-optimized and optimized page. This means that the website needs to follow best practices for SEO, mobile optimization, audience targeting and brand awareness—all of which can help you attract more people who will be interested in what you’re doing on YouTube.

Not adding a thumbnail

Not adding a thumbnail.

This is the first thing that people see when they visit your channel, and it can make or break your success. A good thumbnail should be eye-catching, relevant to the video and have a high resolution so it looks sharp in all of its glory! The rule of thumb for thumbnails is: if you’re not using them on every video in your channel then don’t worry about it too much; just try to keep them consistent with each other (example: black background vs white background).

Lacking a title and description

Your title and description are the two most important things in your YouTube channel. They are what people search for and read when they want to find your content, so it’s vital that you make sure these two elements are as SEO-friendly as possible.

  • Title: The name of your video should be short, sweet and easy to remember—and should include keywords relevant to what you’re showing (or planning on showing). If possible, try not to use capital letters or all caps when choosing words like “title” or “description.” It’s best if they’re all lowercase so that they don’t get confused with hyperlinks; this makes sense since YouTube will automatically replace those characters with HTML tags when displaying videos on its site!

  • Description: This text is meant as an introduction paragraph where viewers can understand who you are before diving into anything else related to making this project happen (i.e., why someone might want their own channel). Make sure there aren’t any typos here either; after all this work designing graphics for something specific like how does one create their own website design?

No tags, views or metadata

Tags and metadata are important to your audience. They help them find your content in the YouTube search results, as well as inform them what they can expect from you. You can add tags from the video manager, editor or even from within a video itself.

If you don’t tag anything though, people will struggle to find your videos when searching for them on YouTube—and that’s not good!

No cards or links in your video

Cards in your YouTube videos are a great way to direct viewers to another video on the same channel. You can add them to the video description and thumbnail, as well as within the title of your video itself.

If you want people who visit your channel regularly (and potentially subscribe) but aren’t necessarily interested in all of your content yet, then adding cards could be a good idea: it will give them something else they might like on their list when they return home after viewing one of these popups!

Forgetting to turn on the “privacy” feature

If you want to prevent viewers from seeing your videos, it’s easy to turn on the “privacy” feature. This is a default setting that can be turned on by going to your channel’s settings and then clicking “privacy.” You’ll see an additional button labeled “Private.” If you click that button and then choose an option (from none to all), only those who have signed up for YouTube Red will be able to view your content.

If you want more control over who sees what content on YouTube, though, there are other options available as well—which means it might make sense for some people not just yet but perhaps in the future when they’re ready or have more time on their hands

Ignoring YouTube’s Community Guidelines

Ignoring YouTube’s Community Guidelines is one of the most common mistakes made by new YouTubers. These rules are an important part of keeping YouTube a safe and positive place for everyone, so it’s worth taking some time to familiarize yourself with them.

They’re enforced by the YouTube staff, who will take action against channels that break their rules if necessary. If your channel breaks these rules, they may remove or restrict access to your videos depending on how many violations you’ve committed and how serious they are (e.g., “you can’t monetize your content”).

These mistakes can prevent your channel from gaining momentum.

  • You don’t have a strong brand.

  • You don’t have a clear idea of what you want to say and do on your channel, or how to achieve it.

  • Your content is generic, unoriginal and boring (or worse).

It’s easy to make these mistakes when creating a YouTube channel because there are so many options available online that allow you to start your own YouTube channel without any prior experience or knowledge of how things work. However, once the dust settles down after all those years spent trying out different things until finally finding something which works for you personally then it will become very difficult for anyone else who follows their footsteps not just because their content may not be as good but also because they won’t understand what makes theirs unique enough for people outside their network circle who might find themselves interested in watching them as well if only just once!


With all of these tips in mind, you’re ready to set up your channel and start uploading videos. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out—we are here to help!