Bitcoin $$ [Q&A]
- What is Bitcoin?
- What do you mean by Bitcoin Mining?
- Who developed Bitcoin?
- Who governs Bitcoin?
- What is a Bitcoin wallet?
- What is a Bitcoin address?
- Is Bitcoin Anonymous?
- Who sets the Bitcoin price?
- How can you choose a Bitcoin wallet?
- How is Bitcoin purchased?
- Can stores accept Bitcoins?
- How can you convert Bitcoin into Fiat currencies?
- Can I mine Bitcoins?
- Can I trade bitcoin without selling at an exchange?
- What can I buy with Bitcoins?
- Is Bitcoin legal?
- How does Bitcoin work?
- What are the advantages of bitcoin?
- What are the disadvantages of Bitcoin?
- What is mean by Unconfirmed Transaction?
- Who controls the Bitcoin network?
- What is the price of one Bitcoin? Can I buy a part of one Bitcoin?
- Is it legal to buy and sell Bitcoin from India?
- How do bitcoin transactions work?
- What steps should you take to safeguard themselves from Bitcoin fraud?
Angular JS [Q&A]
- What is the difference between Angular and Backbone.js?
- Is it possible to make an angular application to render on the server-side?
- What do you understand by services in Angular?
- difference between a constructor and ngOnInit?
- How do you categorize data binding types in Angular?
- What is multicasting in Angular?
- What is the use of Angular filters? What are its distinct types?
- What are the different types of directives in Angular?
- What are string interpolation and property binding in Angular?
- What were the main reasons behind introducing client-side frameworks like Angular?
- What is Angular CLI?
- What is lazy loading in Angular?
- What do you understand by the router imports?
- What are the different router events used in Angular Router?
- What are the different router events used in Angular Router?
- What is the best way to perform Error handling in Angular?
- What do you understand by Angular bootstrapping?
- What are the key differences between a Component and a Directive in Angular?
- What is the purpose of AsyncPipe in Angular?
- What is the main purpose of Angular?
- What is the difference between AngularJS and Angular?
- What are the biggest advantages of using Angular?
- What do you understand by Angular expressions? How are Angular expressions different from JavaScript expressions?
- Why was Angular introduced as a client-side framework?
- What are the different Lifecycle hooks of Angular? Explain them in short
- What are the biggest advantages of AOT in Angular?
- What is the concept of scope hierarchy in Angular?
- What is the difference between Observables and Promises in Angular?
- What were the main reasons behind introducing client-side frameworks like Angular?
Data Structure [Q&A]
- List the area of applications of Data Structure.
- What is the difference between PUSH and POP?
- How to reference all the elements in a one-dimension array?
- What is a multidimensional array?
- How are the elements of a 2D array are stored in the memory?
- Are linked lists considered linear or non-linear data structures?
- What are the advantages of Linked List over an array?
- Define the tree data structure.
- What are the scenarios in which an element can be inserted into the circular queue?
- List the types of tree.
- How can AVL Tree be useful in all the operations as compared to Binary search tree?
- State the properties of B Tree.
- What are the differences between B tree and B+ tree?
- List some applications of Tree-data structure?
- Differentiate among cycle, path, and circuit?
- the data structures which are used in graph implementation.
- What are the applications of Graph data structure?
Accounting [Q&A]
- What do you understand by contingent liabilities?
- Is the knowledge of statistics is necessary for accounting?
- What do you understand by project implementation in accounting?
- What are the various steps of project implementation in accounting?
- What is the Accounting Information System (AIS)?
- Why did you choose ‘accounting’ as a career? / Why have you chosen accounting as a profession?
- What are the major constraints that can hamper relevant and reliable financial statements?
- What are the drawbacks of the Double Entry System?
- What do you understand by GAAP?
- What are some examples of liability accounts?
- What are some examples of intangible assets?
- What are the Revenue Recognition and Matching Principles in Accounting?
- What are some different accounting concepts?
- What do you understand by the term owner’s equity?
- What things are included in the Owner’s equity?
- What is the best way to estimate bad debts?
- What is TDS? And where is it shown in the balance sheet?
- What is the difference between inactive and dormant accounts?
- What do you understand by real and nominal accounts? Explain them with examples.
- What do you do to maintain accounting accuracy?
- What is the difference between “accounts payable (AP)” and “accounts receivable (AR)”?
- What do you think about Accounting Standards? Are they mandatory?
Python [Q&A]
- What advantages do NumPy arrays offer over (nested) Python lists?
- What is the difference between range & xrange?
- What are python modules?
- What are functions in Python?
- Why do lambda forms in Python not have the statements?
- Explain Python Functions?
- What are the applications of Python?
- What is zip() function in Python?
- What is Python’s parameter passing mechanism?
- What is swapcase() function in the Python?
- Why do we use join() function in Python?
- What is tuple in Python?
- Which are the file related libraries/modules in Python?
- What are the different file processing modes supported by Python?
- What are the different types of operators in Python?
- Is Python interpreted language?
- How is memory managed in Python?
- What is the Python decorator?
- What are iterators in Python?
- What is a generator in Python?
- What is slicing in Python?
- What is Pass in Python?
- Explain docstring in Python?
- What is a negative index in Python and why are they used?
- What is pickling and unpickling in Python?
- What is the usage of help() and dir() function in Python?
- What are the differences between Python 2.x and Python 3.x?
- How Python does Compile-time and Run-time code checking?
- What is the shortest method to open a text file and display its content?
- What is type conversion in Python?
- What is the difference between Python Arrays and lists?
- What is lambda function in Python?
Android Development[Q&A]
- What are the code names of android?
- What are the advantages of Android
- What are the core building blocks of android?
- What is intent?
- List the various storages that are provided by Android.
- What is the Google Android SDK?
- What is an APK format?
- Which types of flags are used to run an application on Android?
- What is DDMS?
- Define Android Architecture?
- Explain the Android application Architecture.
Node JS [Q&A]
- What is Node.js?
- What is the purpose of Node.js?
- What are the advantages of Node.js?
- Explain Node.js web application architecture?
- What do you understand by the first class function in JavaScript?
- What is the difference between JavaScript and Node.js?
- What are the streams in Node.js?
- What is the difference between events and callbacks in Node.js?
- What are the key differences between Angular and Node.js?
- What do you understand by an EventEmitter in Node.js?
- What is the difference between readFile and createReadStream in Node.js?
- What is the concept of Punycode in Node.js?
- How can you enhance the Node.js performance through clustering?
- What is the use of a buffer class in Node.js?
- Does Node.js supports cryptography?
- Explain the working of Node.js?
- How can you manage the packages in your Node.js project?
- Why is Node.js Single-threaded?
- How is Node.js better than other most popular frameworks?
- What are some commonly used timing features of Node.js?
- What is the main difference between front-end and back-end development?
- What are buffers in Node.js?