1.More concentrated urine is found in

a. camal

b. desert rat

c. cat

d. dog

Correct Answer: b

2.Bacteria and fungi live symbiotically in

a. small intestine

b. colon

c. stomach

d. large intestine

Correct Answer: d

3.Bicarbonates raises the PH for digestion

a. 2 to 7

b. 3 to 7

c. 4 to 7

d. 5 to 7

Correct Answer: a

4.Bile is produced by

a. galbladder

b. pancreas

c. liver

d. stomach

Correct Answer: c

5.blood pressure forces fluid through a filter. There fluid now called

a. glomerulus

b. glomerular filter

c. filtration silt

d. bowman’s capsule

Correct Answer: b

6.bulbber is a layer of fate that maintain temperature in marine animals between

a. 36 to 38 C

b. 35 to 36 C

c. 36 to 39 C

d. 36 to 40 C

Correct Answer: a

7.Carotene along with kidney activates

a. vitamin K

b. vitamin B

c. vitamin A

d. vitamin D

Correct Answer: d

8.Complete digestion of food occurs in

a. small intestine

b. large intestine

c. stomach

d. Duodenum

Correct Answer: d

9.Energy rich source is for human body is

a. proteins

b. lipids

c. sugar

d. carbohydrates

Correct Answer: d

10.For coding birds’ body which hormone released

a. Thyroxine

b. prolectine

c. lipase

d. amalyase

Correct Answer: a

11.freshwater fishes are

a. osmoregulators

b. osmoconformers

c. hypertonic

d. hypotonic

Correct Answer: c

12.How many calories are obtained from lipids

a. 9.3

b. 4.3

c. 9.2

d. 4.5

Correct Answer: a

13.How many ovaries are found in female

a. five

b. two

c. three

d. four

Correct Answer: b

14.In annelids which type of reproduction found

a. fragmentaion

b. budding

c. simple fussion

d. multiple fussion

Correct Answer: d

15.liver store fat soluble vitamin is

a. vitamin B

b. vitamin A

c. vitamin D

d. vitamin  k

Correct Answer: d

16.Maxillary glands are present in

a. annelids

b. crustaceans

c. insects

d. arachnids

Correct Answer: b

17.Metanephric kidney is found in

a. amphibians

b. mammals

c. birds

d. reptiles

Correct Answer: b

18.Most endothermic animals are

a. hibernative

b. homothermic

c. heterothermic

d. ectothermic

Correct Answer: b

19.Most of crustaceans release

a. uric acid

b. lactic acid

c. ammonia

d. urea

Correct Answer: c

20.musins changes the ingested food into moist mass known as

a. food

b. mucus

c. bolus

d. cyme

Correct Answer: c

21.pepsinogen is secreted by

a. mucous cell

b. pepsin cell

c. chief cell

d. parietal cell

Correct Answer: c

22.Prolonged sleep in mammals called

a. non of these

b. torpor

c. hibernation

d. aestivation

Correct Answer: a

23.small intestine store how any water per day

a. 9 liters

b. 20 liters

c. 7 liters

d. 12 liters

Correct Answer: a

24.some marine reptiles use seawater so they built up high conc. of

a. HCl

b. KCl

c. NaCl

d. CaCl

Correct Answer: c

25.Sweat glands are not found in

a. amphibians

b. birds

c. mammals

d. reptiles

Correct Answer: b

26.The ability to maintain the internal condition constant or near the constant is called

a. endotherms

b. Homoeostasis

c. thermoregulation

d. ectotherms

Correct Answer: b

27.The animals that have high basal metabolic rate

a. birds & mammals

b. reptiles

c. insects

d. amphibians

Correct Answer: a

28.The animals which derive most of their body heat from the environment called

a. endotherms

b. osmoconformers

c. thermoregulators

d. Ectotherms

Correct Answer: d

29.The animals which maintain their osmotic concentration equal to the environment called

a. osmoregulation

b. homostasis

c. osmoconformers

d. osomoregulators

Correct Answer: c

30.The average body temperature of birds

a. 35°C to 42°C

b. 34°C to 37°C

c. 35°C to 47°C

d. 35°C to 47°C

Correct Answer: a

31.The color of antennal gland is

a. blue

b. green

c. black

d. red

Correct Answer: b

32.The coxal glands are found in

a. eye

b. nose

c. leg

d. mouth

Correct Answer: c

33.The direct transfer of heat between molecules of the environment and the body  surface of animals is known as

a. evaporation

b. conduction

c. radiation

d. convection

Correct Answer: b

34.The enzyme that kill the microorganism into mouth

a. lysozyme

b. protease

c. lysine

d. amlyase

Correct Answer: a

35.The function of allantois in birds

a. food exchange

b. protection

c. gas exchange

d. storage

Correct Answer: c

36.The functions of gizzard is

a. storage

b. release

c. grinding

d. cutting

Correct Answer: c

37.The HCL enzyme is secreted by

a. chief cells

b. mucous cells

c. zymogen cells

d. parietal cells

Correct Answer: d

38.The kidney that is unicellular

a. mesonephridia

b. none of these

c. proptonephridia

d. metanephridia

Correct Answer: c

39.The loop of nephron increase the efficiency  of reabsorption by

a. countercurrent flow

b. backup flow

c. passive transport

d. active transport

Correct Answer: a

40.The metanephridia are

a. protozoic

b. metazoic

c. multicellular

d. unicellular

Correct Answer: c

41.The mulluscs have protonephridia in

a. whole life

b. pupal stage

c. larval stage

d. adult stage

Correct Answer: c

42.The small intestine join with large intestine by

a. anus

b. cecum

c. colon

d. rectum

Correct Answer: b

43.The state of slow metabolism and activity in summer is called

a. dormancy

b. aestivation

c. hibernation

d. torpor

Correct Answer: b

44.The storage area of sperm is

a. Spermatheca

b. penis

c. seminal vesicles

d. Testes

Correct Answer: c

45.The term marsupials used for

a. birth young one

b. primitive mammals

c. reproduction

d. develop in pouch

Correct Answer: d

46.The upper portion of mammal’s stomach expands and form large pouch called

a. colon

b. omasum

c. rumen

d. abosum

Correct Answer: c

47.The urine leaves the body

a. collecting duct

b. urethra

c. urinary bladder

d. kidney

Correct Answer: b

48.TMO stands for

a. tetramethyl oxide

b. trimethyl oxide

c. trilymethylamino oxide

d. trimethylamine oxide

Correct Answer: d

49.Total surface area  inner wall of small intestine is

a. 300m

b. 200m

c. 400m

d. 500m

Correct Answer: a

50.when air passes through the tissues during inhalation the temperature of tissues

a. increase

b. remain same

c. up

d. decrease

Correct Answer: d

1.Energy rich source is for human body is

a. carbohydrates

b. proteins

c. lipids

d. sugar

Correct Answer: a

2.How many calories are obtained from lipids

a. 9.3

b. 4.3

c. 9.2

d. 4.5

Correct Answer: a

3.Carotene along with kidney activates

a. vitamin K

b. vitamin B

c. vitamin A

d. vitamin D

Correct Answer: d

4.Bacteria and fungi live symbiotically in

a. colon

b. stomach

c. large intestine

d. small intestine

Correct Answer: c

5.Complete digestion of food occurs in

a. stomach

b. Duodenum

c. small intestine

d. large intestine

Correct Answer: b

6.The HCL enzyme is secreted by

a. chief cells

b. mucous cells

c. zymogen cells

d. parietal cells

Correct Answer: d

7.The upper portion of mammal’s stomach expands and form large pouch called

a. abosum

b. colon

c. omasum

d. rumen

Correct Answer: d

8.The functions of gizzard is

a. storage

b. release

c. grinding

d. cutting

Correct Answer: c

9.Most endothermic animals are

a. ectothermic

b. hibernative

c. homothermic

d. heterothermic

Correct Answer: c

10.The average body temperature of birds

a. 35°C to 42°C

b. 34°C to 37°C

c. 35°C to 47°C

d. 35°C to 47°C

Correct Answer: a

11.For coding birds’ body which hormone released

a. prolectine

b. lipase

c. amalyase

d. Thyroxine

Correct Answer: d

12.Prolonged sleep in mammals called

a. torpor

b. hibernation

c. aestivation

d. non of these

Correct Answer: d

13.The animals which maintain their osmotic concentration equal to the environment called

a. osomoregulators

b. osmoregulation

c. homostasis

d. osmoconformers

Correct Answer: d

14.The metanephridia are

a. protozoic

b. metazoic

c. multicellular

d. unicellular

Correct Answer: c

15.The color of antennal gland is

a. red

b. blue

c. green

d. black

Correct Answer: c

16.The coxal glands are found in

a. eye

b. nose

c. leg

d. mouth

Correct Answer: c

17.Metanephric kidney is found in

a. reptiles

b. amphibians

c. mammals

d. birds

Correct Answer: c

18.TMO stands for

a. tetramethyl oxide

b. trimethyl oxide

c. trilymethylamino oxide

d. trimethylamine oxide

Correct Answer: d

19.More concentrated urine is found in

a. camal

b. desert rat

c. cat

d. dog

Correct Answer: b

20.In annelids which type of reproduction found

a. fragmentaion

b. budding

c. simple fussion

d. multiple fussion

Correct Answer: d

21.The storage area of sperm is

a. seminal vesicles

b. Testes

c. Spermatheca

d. penis

Correct Answer: a

22.How many ovaries are found in female

a. three

b. four

c. five

d. two

Correct Answer: d

23.The function of allantois in birds

a. protection

b. gas exchange

c. storage

d. food exchange

Correct Answer: b

24.The term marsupials used for

a. reproduction

b. develop in pouch

c. birth young one

d. primitive mammals

Correct Answer: b

25.Total surface area  inner wall of small intestine is

a. 300m

b. 200m

c. 400m

d. 500m

Correct Answer: a

26.Bile is produced by

a. liver

b. stomach

c. galbladder

d. pancreas

Correct Answer: a

27.liver store fat soluble vitamin is

a. vitamin B

b. vitamin A

c. vitamin D

d. vitamin  k

Correct Answer: d

28.Bicarbonates raises the PH for digestion

a. 2 to 7

b. 3 to 7

c. 4 to 7

d. 5 to 7

Correct Answer: a

29.The small intestine join with large intestine by

a. cecum

b. colon

c. rectum

d. anus

Correct Answer: a

30.small intestine store how any water per day

a. 9 liters

b. 20 liters

c. 7 liters

d. 12 liters

Correct Answer: a

31.The animals which derive most of their body heat from the environment called

a. thermoregulators

b. Ectotherms

c. endotherms

d. osmoconformers

Correct Answer: b

32.The ability to maintain the internal condition constant or near the constant is called

a. ectotherms

b. endotherms

c. Homoeostasis

d. thermoregulation

Correct Answer: c

33.The urine leaves the body

a. urinary bladder

b. kidney

c. collecting duct

d. urethra

Correct Answer: d

34.The loop of nephron increase the efficiency  of reabsorption by

a. active transport

b. countercurrent flow

c. backup flow

d. passive transport

Correct Answer: b

35.blood pressure forces fluid through a filter. There fluid now called

a. bowman’s capsule

b. glomerulus

c. glomerular filter

d. filtration silt

Correct Answer: c

36.some marine reptiles use seawater so they built up high conc. of

a. CaCl

b. HCl

c. KCl

d. NaCl

Correct Answer: d

37.when air passes through the tissues during inhalation the temperature of tissues

a. up

b. decrease

c. increase

d. remain same

Correct Answer: b

38.freshwater fishes are

a. osmoregulators

b. osmoconformers

c. hypertonic

d. hypotonic

Correct Answer: c

39.Maxillary glands are present in

a. annelids

b. crustaceans

c. insects

d. arachnids

Correct Answer: b

40.Most of crustaceans release

a. ammonia

b. urea

c. uric acid

d. lactic acid

Correct Answer: a

41.The kidney that is unicellular

a. metanephridia

b. mesonephridia

c. none of these

d. proptonephridia

Correct Answer: d

42.The mulluscs have protonephridia in

a. whole life

b. pupal stage

c. larval stage

d. adult stage

Correct Answer: c

43.The state of slow metabolism and activity in summer is called

a. aestivation

b. hibernation

c. torpor

d. dormancy

Correct Answer: a

44.The animals that have high basal metabolic rate

a. birds & mammals

b. reptiles

c. insects

d. amphibians

Correct Answer: a

45.bulbber is a layer of fate that maintain temperature in marine animals between

a. 36 to 38 C

b. 35 to 36 C

c. 36 to 39 C

d. 36 to 40 C

Correct Answer: a

46.Sweat glands are not found in

a. birds

b. mammals

c. reptiles

d. amphibians

Correct Answer: a

47.The direct transfer of heat between molecules of the environment and the body  surface of animals is known as

a. conduction

b. radiation

c. convection

d. evaporation

Correct Answer: a

48.pepsinogen is secreted by

a. chief cell

b. parietal cell

c. mucous cell

d. pepsin cell

Correct Answer: a

49.musins changes the ingested food into moist mass known as

a. bolus

b. cyme

c. food

d. mucus

Correct Answer: a

50.The enzyme that kill the microorganism into mouth

a. lysine

b. amlyase

c. lysozyme

d. protease

Correct Answer: c