1. which of the following insecticides is capable of controlling mites?

a. endosulphane

b. monocrotophase

c. cypermethrin

d. toxaphene

Correct Answer: c

.2. chewing and biting type of mouth parts are found in.

a. grasshopper

b. butterfly

c. bettle

d. honeybee

Correct Answer: c

.3. the main characterisitic feature of an insect is.

a. three pair of legs

b. presences of wings

c. presences of antena

d. probocis

Correct Answer: a

.4. the type of net used to capture insects in water is called.

a. aerial net

b. net

c. dip net

d. swep net

Correct Answer: c

.5. which order of insect has large range motion for their head?

a. wasps

b. honeybee

c. dragonflies

d. bees

Correct Answer: c

.6. which of these groups of insects have larvae called catterpillars?

a. hymenoptera

b. lepidoptera

c. coleoptera

d. diptera

Correct Answer: b

.7. the venteral serface of thorax is called….

a. sternum

b. pleuron

c. neuron

d. front

Correct Answer: a

.8. the fruit flies collection which trap is….

a. swep trap

b. net trap

c. bait trap

d. light trap

Correct Answer: c

.9. one pair of wings found in which insect order,

a. hymenoptera

b. diptera

c. diptera

d. collumbula

Correct Answer: c

.10. tripulid larva are found in…

a. wood

b. fruits

c. water

d. organic waste

Correct Answer: a

.11. luminous organ is present in…

a. butterfly

b. wasps

c. firefly

d. fruitfly

Correct Answer: c

.12. in cockroaches eggs are present in….

a. ootheca

b. ovary

c. sperm

d. ovule

Correct Answer: a

.13. Total number of species of Blattodia…..

a. 4400

b. 3000

c. 5000

d. 4000

Correct Answer: d

.14. wings that are similar in shape and size are found in….

a. termites

b. wasps

c. flies

d. fleas

Correct Answer: a

.15. the augmentation extensively used in….

a. field

b. forest ecosystem

c. desert

d. water

Correct Answer: b

.16. introduced a large number of natural enemies in a field known as.

a. propagation

b. colonization

c. infection

d. none

Correct Answer: a

.17. lethane was first used in……

a. 1937

b. 1940

c. 1836

d. 1936

Correct Answer: d

.18. the most efficient method of pest control is……

a. non.chemical method

b. IPM

c. biological method

d. chemical method

Correct Answer: b

.19. which type of antennae is found in mentids…..

a. sebaceous

b. setate

c. Filiform

d. monofiliform

Correct Answer: c

.20. vestigial mouth parts are found in….

a. houseflies

b. wasps

c. bot flies

d. fruitflies

Correct Answer: c

.21. olfactory organs in insects are used for….

a. smelling

b. seeing

c. hearing

d. listing

Correct Answer: a

.22. which of these insects has elytra.

a. honeybee

b. ladybug

c. termites

d. flies

Correct Answer: b

.23. which of these insects group have larvae called maggots?

a. collumbula

b. coleoptera

c. diptera

d. hymenoptera

Correct Answer: c

.24. which of the following insects called as a beneficial insects?

a. weaver ants

b. green lacewings

c. ladybug

d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d

.25. How many flowering plants on earth are pollinated by insects?

a. 90 per

b. 65 per

c. 85 per

d. 80 per

Correct Answer: d

.26. which is the insect consider as a Asthetics purpose?

a. bees

b. moths

c. beetle

d. wasps

Correct Answer: c

.27. The density and height of the crop is checked by in…..

a. trapping

b. net sweping

c. sudden trapping

d. narcotized collection

Correct Answer: b

.28. which of the following brood emergence rice stem borer is…

a. scirophaga incertulas

b. Bemisia tabaci

c. Trialeous

d. trialeurodous

Correct Answer: a

.29. Most effective bulbs to use for survey trapping……

a. 80 W

b. 90 W

c. 70 W

d. 60 W

Correct Answer: d

.30. The population of the insects in measured area is counted.

a. bait trap catch

b. sudden trapping

c. sweping

d. None

Correct Answer: d

.31. The effective method for species monitoring at a landscape scale.

a. chemical method

b. trapping

c. captur mark recapture

d. biological method

Correct Answer: c

.32. Corium forewings part is present in…..

a. hymenoptera

b. collumbula

c. diptera

d. none

Correct Answer: d

.33. How many suborder present in Hemiptera order?

a. nine

b. five

c. sevens

d. six

Correct Answer: b

.34. Heteroptera is the suborder of……

a. hymenoptera

b. himeptera

c. collumbula

d. diptera

Correct Answer: b

.35. The scientific name of water bug is….

a. gerromorpha

b. Lethocerus insulans

c. nepomorpha

d. bemisia

Correct Answer: b

.36. Number of species of Blattaria is present ……

a. 5000spp

b. 4550 spp

c. 43000 spp

d. 4000 spp

Correct Answer: d

.37. which is the type of antenna present in Termitidae?

a. filiform

b. sebaceous

c. setate

d. none

Correct Answer: d

.38. How many workers are involved in subterranean termites?

a. 500000

b. 3000,000 to 4000,000

c. none

d. 500,000 to 3000,000

Correct Answer: d

.39. what is the shape of temitidea pronotum?

a. saddle shape

b. spherical shape

c. radial shape

d. symetrical

Correct Answer: a

.40. How many orders are involved in collumbola?

a. 5

b. 7

c. 9

d. none

Correct Answer: d

.41. Number of species of collumbola present in north america.

a. 6650

b. 6700

c. 800

d. none

Correct Answer: d

.42. which is the insect larva is used to treat wounds?

a. catepillar

b. maggots

c. rizhom

d. gregerms

Correct Answer: b

.43. vegetative reproduction relies upon the use of…….

a. stolon

b. suckers

c. rhizomes

d. All of the above

Correct Answer: d

.44. Chlorinated hydrocarbons was firstly used in..

a. 1945

b. 1849

c. 1840

d. 1940

Correct Answer: d

.45. The pesticide which are invovled in synthetic pyrethriods.

a. permethrin

b. deltamethrin

c. cypermethrin

d. all

Correct Answer: d

.46. which are the pesticides are involved for the killing of nematodes.

a. pesticides

b. Nematicides

c. herbicides

d. insecticides

Correct Answer: b

.47. ON the base of chemical composition the inorganic pesticides.

a. borates

b. cryolite

c. cu and S

d. all

Correct Answer: d

.48. Aluminium phosphide is enter in insecticides as a …….

a. contact poison

b. fumigants

c. poison

d. stomach poison

Correct Answer: b

.49. The nematocides which are involved for soil fumigants?

a. methyl bromide

b. organophosphate

c. propylene oxide

d. all

Correct Answer: d

.50. How many the life cycle stages are involved in grasshopper?

a. 5

b. 8

c. 9

d. 3

Correct Answer: d
