1.What is the primary interactive method of communication used by humans?

a. Reading

b. Writing

c. All of the above

d. Speaking

Correct Answer: d

2.Natural language understanding is used in _____________

a. text understanding systems

b. all of the mentioned

c. natural language interfaces

d. natural language front ends

Correct Answer: b

3.Which is the first AI programming language?

a. IPL(Inductive logic programming)




Correct Answer: b

4.In LISP, the atom that stands for “true” is _____________

a. ml

b. y

c. time

d. t

Correct Answer: d

5.Which of the factors affect the performance of learner system does not include?

a. Training scenario

b. Type of feedback

c. Good data structures

d. Representation scheme used

Correct Answer: c

6.In language understanding, the levels of knowledge that does not include?

a. Syntactic

b. Logical

c. Empirical

d. Phonological

Correct Answer: c

7.Different learning methods does not include?

a. Memorization

b. Analogy

c. Deduction

d. Introduction

Correct Answer: d

8.Which instruments are used for perceiving and acting upon the environment?

a. Sensors

b. Perceiver

c. None of the mentioned

d. Sensors and Actuators

Correct Answer: d

9.How many types of agents are there in artificial intelligence?

a. 3

b. 4

c. 1

d. 2

Correct Answer: b

10.hich is not the commonly used programming language for AI?


b. Java


d. Perl

Correct Answer: d

11.Artificial Intelligence has its expansion in the following application.

a. Diagnosis

b. All of the mentioned

c. Planning and Scheduling

d. Game Playing

Correct Answer: b

12.What is Artificial intelligence?

a. Playing a Game

b. Programming with your own intelligence

c. Putting your intelligence into Computer

d. Making a Machine intelligent

Correct Answer: d

13.Which of the following algorithm is online search algorithm?

a. None of the mentioned

b. Depth-first search algorithm

c. Hill-climbing search algorithm

d. Breadth-first search algorithm

Correct Answer: c

14.What is the action of task environment in artificial intelligence?

a. Solution

b. Agent

c. Observation

d. Problem

Correct Answer: d

15.A problem in a search space is defined by one of these state.

a. Intermediate state

b. All of the mentioned

c. Initial state

d. Last state

Correct Answer: c

16.Which search strategy is also called as blind search?

a. Informed search

b. Simple reflex search

c. All of the mentioned

d. Uninformed search

Correct Answer: d

17.Which algorithm is used to solve any kind of problem?

a. Breadth-first algorithm

b. Bidirectional search algorithm

c. None of the mentioned

d. Tree algorithm

Correct Answer: d

18.When will Hill-Climbing algorithm terminate?

a. Stopping criterion met

b. Global Min/Max is achieved

c. All of the mentioned

d. No neighbor has higher value

Correct Answer: d

19.Which of the following algorithm is generally used CSP search algorithm?

a. Hill-climbing search algorithm

b. None of the mentioned

c. Depth-first search algorithm

d. Breadth-first search algorithm

Correct Answer: c

20.Zero sum game has to be a ______ game.

a. Single player

b. Two player

c. Three player

d. Multiplayer

Correct Answer: d

21.The performance of an agent can be improved by __________

a. Observing

b. Perceiving

c. Perceiving

d. Learning

Correct Answer: d

22.The action of the Simple reflex agent completely depends upon __________

a. Learning theory

b. Utility functions

c. Current perception

d. Perception history

Correct Answer: c

23.Which of the following could be the approaches to Artificial Intelligence?

a. All of the mentioned

b. Strong Artificial Intelligence

c. Weak Artificial Intelligence

d. Applied Artificial Intelligence

Correct Answer: a

24.What among the following is/are the example of the intelligent agent/agents?

a. All of the mentioned

b. Human

c. Robot

d. Autonomous Spacecraft

Correct Answer: a

25.Performance Measures are fixed for all agents.





Correct Answer: d

26.An agent is composed of ________

a. Architecture and Program

b. Architecture

c. Agent Function

d. Perception Sequence

Correct Answer: a

27.What is the main task of a problem-solving agent?

a. All of the mentioned

b. Solve the given problem and reach to goal

c. To find out which sequence of action will get it to the goal state

d. None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: a

28.A problem in a search space is defined by one of these state

a. Intermediate state

b. All of the mentioned

c. Initial state

d. Last state

Correct Answer: c

29.A problem solving approach works well for ______________

a. 8-Puzzle problem

b. 8-queen problem

c. Finding a optimal path from a given source to a destination

d. Mars Hover (Robot Navigation)

Correct Answer: d

30.Which search method takes less memory?

a. Linear Search

b. Optimal search

c. Depth-First Search

d. Breadth-First search

Correct Answer: c

31.Which is the best way to go for Game playing problem?

a. Random approach

b. An Optimal approach

c. Heuristic approach

d. Linear approach

Correct Answer: c

32.Which search is implemented with an empty first-in-first-out queue?

a. Breadth-first search

b. Depth-first search

c. Bidirectional search

d. None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: a

33.How many successors are generated in backtracking search?

a. 4

b. 1

c. 2

d. 3

Correct Answer: b

34.What is the space complexity of Depth-first search?

a. O(m)

b. O(bl)

c. O(b)

d. O(bm)

Correct Answer: d

35.Which search method will expand the node that is closest to the goal?

a. A* search

b. None of the mentioned

c. Greedy best-first search

d. Best-first search

Correct Answer: c

36.General games involves ____________

a. Neither Single-agent nor Multi-agent

b. Single-agent

c. Multi-agent

d. Only Single-agent or Multi-agent

Correct Answer: d

37.What is the complexity of minimax algorithm?

a. Space – bm and time – bm

b. Time – bm and space – bm

c. Same as BFS

d. Same as of DFS

Correct Answer: d

38.To which depth does the alpha-beta pruning can be applied?

a. Any depth

b. 8 States

c. 10 states

d. 6 States

Correct Answer: a

39.Which search is similar to minimax search?

a. Breadth-first search

b. All of the mentioned

c. Depth-first search

d. Hill-climbing search

Correct Answer: c

40.Which value is assigned to alpha and beta in the alpha-beta pruning?

a. Both Alpha = max & Beta = min

b. Alpha = max

c. Beta = min

d. Beta = max

Correct Answer: a

41.In LISP, the addition 3 + 2 is entered as _______________

a. (+ 3 2)

b. 3 add 2

c. 3 + 2

d. 3 + 2 =

Correct Answer: b

42.What is the main challenge/s of NLP?

a. Handling POS-Tagging

b. All of the mentioned

c. Handling Ambiguity of Sentences

d. Handling Tokenization

Correct Answer: c

43.What is perceptron?

a. a neural network that contains feedback

b. a single layer feed-forward neural network with pre-processing

c. an auto-associative neural network

d. a double layer auto-associative neural network

Correct Answer: b

44.What is the form of Fuzzy logic?

a. Two-valued logic

b. Crisp set logic

c. Binary set logic

d. Many-valued logic

Correct Answer: d

45.The room temperature is hot. Here the hot (use of linguistic variable is used) can be represented by _______

a. Fuzzy & Crisp Set

b. None of the mentioned

c. Fuzzy Set

d. Crisp Set

Correct Answer: c

46.Fuzzy Set theory defines fuzzy operators. Choose the fuzzy operators from the following

a. NOT

b. All of the mentioned

c. AND

d. OR

Correct Answer: b

47.What are Semantic Networks?

a. None of the mentioned

b. A way of representing knowledge

c. Data Structure

d. Data Type

Correct Answer: b

48.A rule-based system consists of a bunch of IF-THEN rules





Correct Answer: d

49.A Horn clause is a clause with _______ positive literal

a. At most one

b. At least one

c. None

d. All

Correct Answer: a

50.Neural Networks are complex ______________ with many parameters

a. Nonlinear Functions

b. Discrete Functions

c. Exponential Functions

d. Linear Functions

Correct Answer: d