
1. What does the term echinoderms mean?

A. Tube feet

B. Star shaped

C. Spiny skin

D. Stomach foot

2. The terrestrial species of Echinodermata is

A. Brittle star

B. Starfish

C. Sea lily

D. None of these

3. The echinoderms are related to chordates by their similarity in the development of

A. Gut

B. Nervous system

C. Heart

D. Coelom

4. There are exclusively ……… animals.

A. Marine

B. Freshwater

C. Terrestrial

D. All of these

5.Characteristics feature of Echinodermata is.

A. They are triploblastic

B. They have a true coelom

C. Fertilization is external

D. All of these

6.Example of Echinoderms is

A. Planaria

B. Flatworm

C. Sea cucumber

D. All of these

7.  Echinoderms are triploblastic.

A. Yes

B. No

C. Both

D. None

8. Taxonomists have divided echinoderms into classes;

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

9. Scientist believed that echinoderms evolved from;

A. Asymmetrical ancestors

B. Bilaterally symmetrical ancestors

C. Radially symmetrical ancestors

D. Symmetrical ancestors

10. Echinoderms are from which period;

A. Cambrian period

B. Cretaceous period

C. Palaeozoic period

D. Cenozoic period

10.  Animals present in class Asteroidea have arms;

A. 2

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

12. Sea stars are believed to share a common evolutionary history with phylum;

A. Annelida

B. Arthropoda

C. Echinodermata

D. Chordata

13. In sea stars, Madreporite is the opening for;

A. Digestive system

B. Water vascular system

C. Excretory system

D. Circulatory

14. Ampulla contract and force fluid into

A. Suckers

B. Podia

C. Radial canal

D. Stone canal

15. Which structures at the tip of the podia come into contact with the substrate?

A. Suckers

B. Ampulla

C. Rectal caeca

D. All of these

16. Podia contract by forcing water back into

A. Ostia

B. Suckers

C. Ampulla

D. None

17. Echinoderms prey on

A. Oysters

B. Clams

C. Seafood

D. All of these

18. Short intestine extends from the pyloric stomach to

A. Urinary bladder

B. Anus

C. Urethra

D. Ureter

19.  Starfish eats bivalves such as

A. Clams

B. Oysters

C. Mussels

D. All of these

29. Asexual reproduction in sea stars takes place by:

A. Binary fission

B. Regeneration

C. Budding

D. Parthenogenesis

21.  The endoskeleton in echinoderms is made up of:

A. Calcareous plates

B. Mucous plates

C. Proteinaceous plates

D. none of these

22. Skin gills in starfish play role in:

A. locomotion

B. thermoregulation

C. osmoregulation

D. gas exchange and excretion

23. Pedicellaria are modified:

A. tube feet

B. integumentary structures

C. spines

D. some other structures

24. Main difference between starfishes and a brittle star is:

A. number of arms

B. structure of the ambulacral groove

C. tube feet

D. pedicellaria

25. The mode of nutrition in ophiuroids is:

A. predators only

B. scavengers only

C. decomposers

D. predators

26. Which class of Echinoderm lack Arms.

A. Asteroidea

B. Ophiuroidea

C. Echinoidea

D. Crinoidea

27.  Body surface is usually covered with moveable spines.

A. Crinoidea

B. Asteroidea

C. Ophiuroidea

D. Echinoidea

28.  The examples of Echinoidea are.

A. Sea urchins

B. Sand Dollars

C. Sea Biscuits

D. All of these

29. Chewing apparatus called Aristotle’s lantern present in.

A. Sand Dollars

B. Sea urchin

C. Sea Biscuit

D. Sea star

30.Use tube to filter food out of the water.

A. Sea Biscuit

B. Sea star

C. Sand Dollars

D. Sea urchin

31. Which class of Echinoderm is most primitive.

A. Crinoidea

B. Echinoidea

C. Asteroidea

D. Ophiuroidea

32. Most primitive form of echinoderms is:

A) Holothuroidea

B) Crinoidea

C) Ambulacral

D) None

33. Oral surface of Crinoidea is:

A. Upward

B. Downward

C. Forward

D. None

34. Along the length of the arms are branches called:

A. Grooves

B. Podia

C. Pinnules

D. Crown

35. Muscular cloaca of Holothuroidea is used for:

A. Respiration

B. Excretion

C. Gas exchange

D. All

36. The largest known sea star weighted is about:

A. 12 pounds

B. 10 pounds

C. 11 pounds

D. 8 pounds

37. Female sea star can lay eggs at a time:

A. 10 million

B. 12 million

C. 1000 million

D. 100 million

38. According to fossil record show many classes of echinoderms have become extinct.

A. About 13 of 20

B. about 12of 19

C. about 13 of 16

D. about 12 of 18

39. filter feeding is present in which class of Echinoderms

A. Crinoidea

B. Ophiuroidea

C. Asteroidea

D. Echinoidea

40. Echinoderms have calcarious endoskeleton in the form of

A. Ampulla

B. Ossicles

C. Gonads

D. Cecum

41. which system derives from coelomic cavities

A. Nervous system

B. Hemal system

C. Respiratory system

D. Circulatory system

42 .They all are deuterostomes.

A. Echinoderms, Chordata, vertebra

C. Echinoderms, reptiles and birds

C. Echinoderms, reptiles and fishes

D. Echinoderms,hemichordata and Chordata

42. How  many pieces of living Echinoderms are present?

A. 5000 species

B. 6000 species

C. 7000 species

D. 8000 species

43. the Echinoderms hemichordata and Chordata have cleavage

A. Radial and determinate

B. Radial and indeterminate

C. Bilateral and determinate

D. Bilateral and indeterminate

44. which canal  opens outside through stone canal

A. Ring canal

B.. Radial canal

C. Lateral canal

D. Bilateral canal

45. A sieve like plate is called?

A. Stone canal

B. Polian vesicles

C. Madr eporite

D. Tiedemann bodies

46. Tiedemann bodies are sites for production of phagicytic cell is called?

A. Acelomocytes

B. Ocelomocytes

C. Madr eporite

C. Polian

47. which canals are present in the arms of star shaped Echinoderms

A. Radial canal

B. Lateral canal

C. Ring canal

D. Stone canal

48. The tube feet end in a bulb like____?

A. Pyloric Cecum

B. Ossicles

C. Muscular ampulla

D. Ambulacra alossicles

49. The original function of water vascular systemise

A. Locomotion

B.  Feeding

C. Respiration

D. Excretion

50. Water vascular system allow of respiratory gases and nitrogenous wastes across body wall

A. Emission

B. Effusion

C. Diffusion

D. Excretion

51. The Hemal system is avestigial system

A. Nervous system

B. Respiratory system

C. Circulatory system

D. Excretory system

52. Feather stars cling to substrate during

A.  Rest

B.   Feeding

C. Excretion

D   Swimming

54.  The oldest echinoderms fossil are about million years ago

A. 500 million

B. 400 million

600 million

D  550 million

55. Feather stars cling in substrate by

A. Crown

B. Cirri

C. Stalk

D. Calyx

56. Changes in water vascular system was evolution of

A. Ampullae

B. Suction disk

C. Feeding  tentacle

D. All of these

57.  Crinoids do not use water vascular system for

A.  Filter feeding

B.  Locomotion

C. Excretion

D.  None

58. The fossil record of crinoidia shows that the large number of species in

A. Cambrian period

B. Cretaceous period

C. Palaeozoic period

D. Cenozoic period

59. Along length of arms are branches called

A.  Grooves

B.  Pinnules

C.  Poach

D.  Crown

 60. Oral surface of Crinodia is

A. Upward

B. downward

C. Forward

D. None of these

61.   Most primitive class of living echinoderm

A. Asteroidea

B. Crinodia

C.  Echinoidea

D. Ambulaceral

62. The Crinodia have living species  are

A. 200

B. 400

C. 550

D. 630

63.  Sae lilies attached with substrate by

A Crown

B Cirri

C Stalk

D Calyx