Explain the steps involved in the backup of the database.

In the database, all your posts, media files, comments, and metadata stored. It also contains user’s information and all your plugin settings. All these information are personal and unique. If you lose them, they are gone permanently. Select your WordPress database (which you created during the installation of WordPress).

  • Click on Export.
  • Quick is used when the database is small. Custom is used when the database is large. Suppose we are choosing Custom.
  • After choosing Custom, a table appears. Select all the tables.
  • Now come to the Output section.
  • Choose SQL from the Format drop-down menu.
  • Check “Add drop table.” It is useful for overwriting an existing table.
  • Check “If not exists.” It prevents errors when tables are already there.
  • Now click Go. Your data will be saved in your system.