
1. A clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event.

a. flashbulb memory

b. echoic memory

c. implicit memory

d. explicit memory

Correct Option: a


2. “Converting something in such a way that it can be store and can be recalled” is :

a. Recall

b. Encode

c. Coding

d. Decode

Correct Option: b


3. Which of the following statements is an example of explicit memory?

a. A dog learns that food is associated with a bell

b. A 30 year-old woman recalling how to ride a bicycle after years of not riding

c. A teenager remembers her/his tenth birthday party

d. A man forms a habit of checking his email every night right before bed

Correct Option: c


4. How many types of memory

a. 4

b. 5

c. 3

d. 6

Correct Option: c


5. The ability to take in formation, store it, and recall it at a later time is known as:

a. Memory

b. Data

c. Intelligence

d. Genius

Correct Option: a


6. Memory is a hearing as_________

a. Shot term

b. Echoic

c. Eidetic

d. Working

Correct Option: b


7. Which type of memory results from conditioning of forced associations? s

a. Semantic Memory

b. Rote Memory

c. Episodic Memory

d. Iconic Memory

Correct Option: b


8. ________ memory is to hearing as ______  memory is to seeing.

a. Short term, working

b. Echoic, eidetic

c. Eidetic,echoic

d. Working,short term

Correct Option: b


9. ________ information is lost from sensory memory, and ________ information is lost from

short-term memory.

a. Unpleasant, pleasant

b. Pleasant, unpleasant

c. Unrehearsed, unattended

d. Unattended, unrehearsed

Correct Option: d


10. Damage to the cerebellum is likely to interfere with:

a. implicit memory

b. explicit memory

c. auditory processing

d. emotional memories

Correct Option: a


11. Which is not typically used to test memory retrieval

a. Serial position effect

b. Dot probe task

c. Word stem completion

d. Crud recall

Correct Option: b


12. The word fragment test is uesd to test a person memory

a. implicit

b. intrinsic

c. Explicit

d. Extrinsic

Correct Option: a


13. the ability to take in

information, encode it, store it,

and retrieve it at a later time. Is called

a. Storage

b. Memory

c. Emotions

d. Thoughts

Correct Option: b


14. There are two forms of encoding of sensory information.Automatic and of the answers below falls into the automatic type .slect it.

a. Remembering the series of numbers

b. Space

c. Learning to read

d. Learning new language

Correct Option: b


15. The three steps in memory information process is

a. Encoding, storage,retrieval

b. Input, output, storage

c. Input,processing,output

d. Input, storage,retrieval

Correct Option: a


16. To prevent information in short term store from decay , one can use .

a. Rehearsal

b. Elaboration

c. Explication

d. Memory

Correct Option: a


17. which of the following result in memory distortion

a. the overconfidence effect

b. The hindsight bias

c. all of the above

d. Confabulation

Correct Option: c


18. Naming as many state capitals as you can requires you to engage in

a. spreading activation.

b. free recall..

c. cued recall.

d. . priming.

Correct Option: b


19. In a typical memory experiment participants are asked to recall stimuli in which phase

a. Presentation

b. Material

c. Test

d. Distinction

Correct Option: c


20. The processing of information into the memory system.

a. storage

b. retrieval

c. encoding

d. automatic processing

Correct Option: c


21. ___Is such a thing or occasion that happen with us to do some changes in our environment:

a. Memory

b. Recognition

c. Stimuli

d. Retrieval

Correct Option: c


22. What are three reasons people forget?

a. Retrieval failure, deep processing, decay

b. Decay, ineffective coding, interference

c. Interference, retrieval failure, over-learning

d. Over-learning, repression, deep processing

Correct Option: b


23. What type of memory loss is most common during the initial stage of Alzheimer’s disease?

a. Procedural memory loss

b. Short term memory loss

c. Semantic memory loss

d. Episodic memory loss

Correct Option: b


24. Name the types of memory :

a. Long term memory, brain memory .

b. Short term memory, long term memory .

c. Sensory memory, Short term memory, long term memory .

d. All of these .

Correct Option: c


25. Memory is to seeing as

a. Short term

b. Eidetic

c. Echoic

d. Working

Correct Option: b


26. The graphic representation of learning which shows that the strength of response gradually increases with more and more learning trials is called:

a. Acquisition Curve

b. Plateau

c. Retention Curve

d. Forgetting Curve

Correct Option: a


27. Which part of working memory controls how attention is directed

a. The director

b. The central executive

c. The mother board

d. The mnemonic processor

Correct Option: b


28. Research has shown that there is _________________ between the accuracy of a person’s memory and their confidence in the accuracy of that memory.

a. a strong positive correlation

b. a strong negative correlation

c. virtually no correlation

d. a curvilinear relationship

Correct Option: c


29. Whuch authors proposed the modal of memory

a. Atkinson and shifftin(1968)

b. Craik and lockhart(1972

c. Tulving and thompson(1975)

d. Lonsdale and bagaley(2008)

Correct Option: a


30. The fact that given a list or series of words or numbers we can recall the first and last numbers rather easily is the exaple of.

a. Sensory memory

b. Serial position effect

c. Short term memory

d. Spacing effect

Correct Option: b


31. Visual Sensory memory is

a. Photo memory

b. Iconic memory

c. Echoic Memory

d. Semantic memory

Correct Option: b


32. A test where participants are asked to retrieve in any order to stimuli previously presented is?

a. Free recall

b. Cued recall

c. Implicit memory

d. Explicit memory

Correct Option: a


33. The dominant means of long term storage of verbal material is …

a. Visual

b. Acoustic

c. Meaning

d. All of these

Correct Option: c


34. Which of the following can enhance memory?

a. staying awake for a long as possible after studying

b. researching

c. massed practice

d. Rote memorization

Correct Option: b


35. In the context of memory LTP stand for

a. Long term potentiation

b. Limited transfer potential

c. Lateral temporal probability

d. Latent timing probability

Correct Option: a


36. Which pair of words is most closely related in terms of a semantic web?

a. Dog and dig

b. Cat and cut

c. Dog and cat.

d. Cat and tiger

Correct Option: c


37. The recency effect in memory retrieval can be reduced when

a. rehearsal is prevented

b. retention interval is increased

c. a backwards masking task is used

d. short- to long-term memory interference is introduced

Correct Option: b


38. Retroactive inhibition is a term of memory

a. Retrieval

b. Interference

c. Decay

d. Delay

Correct Option: b


39. Unconscious encoding of incidental information.

a. effortful processing

b. rehearsal

c. Unconscious encoding of incidental information.

d. chunking

Correct Option: c


40. Retrieval means:

a. Recall

b. Recognition

c. Recognition & Recall

d. Delete

Correct Option: c


41. Which of the following encoding strategies would be most useful in enhancing long-term memory?

a. Rote rehearsal and mnemonic devices

b. Rote rehearsal alone

c. Self-referencing and mnemonic devices

d. Chunking and self referencing

Correct Option: c


42. Sensory memory quickly fade if they are not processed furthur in an adaptive characteristics of memory system explain by ————– 1991.

a. Matrindale

b. Stern

c. Ellis

d. Hunt

Correct Option: a


43. Short term memory is also known as :

a. Brain memory .

b. Emotional memory .

c. Working memory .

d. Down memory.

Correct Option: c


44. Heuristic are

a. The same as mnemonics

b. Information processing strategic

c. A type of hormones

d. A type of emotion

Correct Option: b


45. One type of rehearsal in which items in short-term store are simply repeated over and over is called:

a. Maintenance Rehearsal

b. Levels-of-processing

c. Sensory Register

d. Elaborative Rehearsal

Correct Option: a


46. Research suggests that if you are sad when you study for a test you are likely to be better at remembering the material:

a. When you are angry

b. When you are happy

c. When are drunk

d. When you are sad

Correct Option: d


47. The spacing effect suggests that when you study for a test you should:

a. spread your study time over a number of sessions

b. wait until the last minute then find a quiet place to study

c. always study in a spacious area

d. None

Correct Option: a


48. Information can be held in this storage bank for around 30 seconds with out rehearsal?

a. Long-term memory.

b. Sensory memory.

c. Visual encoding.

d. Short-term memory.

Correct Option: d


49. Which memory is known as working memory .

a. Short-term memory

b. Sensory memory

c. Long -term memory

d. None of these

Correct Option: a


50. The process by which we process an external event into memory is as follows:

a. Short term memory ,long term memory,sensory memory

b. Sensory memory,long term memory ,short term memory

c. long term memory ,short term memory

d. Sensory memory,short term memory ,long term memory

Correct Option: d


51. Echoic memory fade after approximately

a. 1 Second

b. 1 hour

c. 3 to 4 Seconds

d. 1 Minute

Correct Option: c


52. Participant take part in an experiment where they learn a number of words and are told that they will be tested later on what they have learned .this is test of?

a. Explicit memory

b. Recognition

c. Implicit memory

d. Interference

Correct Option: a


53. ___stores large amounts of information for short period of time called

a. Sensory memory

b. Short term

c. Long term

d. Models

Correct Option: a


54. what does phonemic encoding relate to?

a. the colour of word on a page

b. how was sound

c. how words look

d. the meaning of words

Correct Option: b


55. The memory has an incredibly vast storage capacity

a. Long- term memory

b. Short- term memory

c. Sensory memory

d. None of the above

Correct Option: a


56. The susceptibility of our memories to include false details that fit in with real details of an event is called the

a. tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.

b. misinformation effect..

c. priming effect.

d. . interference effect.

Correct Option: b


57. After reading an article about a case of cheating on campus, students are likely to over- estimate the incidence of cheating on campus. This is an example of

a. the availability heuristic

b. iconic memory salience

c. counterfactual thinking

d. functional fixedness

Correct Option: a


58. Which authors proposed the modal model of memory?

a. Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968)

b. Craik and Lockhart (1972)

c. Tulving and Thompson (1975)

d. Lansdale and Baguley (2008)

Correct Option: a


59. According to levels of processing,which of the following leads to the deepest level of memory

a. Perceptual

b. Associative

c. semantic

d. Cue dependent

Correct Option: c