Media and culture studies

Media and culture studies

  • The word ‘’media’’ is from which word?
  1. Mediator

B)    Medium

  1. Message
  2. Modem
  • Media is and                 

A)    Political and Agenda based

  1. Apolitical and Agenda less
  2. Neutral and agenda less
  3. None of these
  • Which thing people needs to implement their specific ideas?
  1. Determination
  2. Optimism

C)    Institution

  1. Ideas
  • Can media change or manipulate our ideas and thinking process?
  1. No
  2. Never

C)    Yes

  1. None of these
  • Who gave three major definitions of culture?
  1. Noam Chomsky
  2. Stuart Hall

C)    Raymond William

  1. None of these
  • In which year Raymond William defined culture? A) 1890
  1. B) 1990

C) 1983

  1. D) 1968
  • Culture refers to a general process of————-
  1. Intellectual
  2. Spiritual
  3. Aesthetic

D)    All of these

  • The study of media in which we explore media’s political, social and cultural power is called?
  1. Media studies
  2. Sociology
  3. Cultural studies

D)    Media and cultural studies

  • In which studies we supposed to analyse cultural texts and people’s relations with each other?
  1. Media studies


B)    Cultural studies

  1. Natural studies
  2. None of these
  • Culture refers to the ——- and———– of intellectual and especially artistic activities.

A)    Works, practices

  1. Norms, practices
  2. Habits and norms
  3. Binormal, works.

Ferdinand De Saussure and Roland Barthes

  • Who is father of linguistics?
  1. Roland Barthes

B)    Saussure

  1. Derrida
  2. Stuart Hall
  • Saussure said, ‘’language is a system of signs embedded in———– ‘’
  1. Human thought

B)    Culture

  1. Politics
  2. Ideas
  • Something that stands for something else is called?
  1. Labour

B)    Sign

  1. Alienation
  2. Referent
  • How many parts of signs?
  1. 1

B)    2

  1. 3
  2. 4
  • The sound image or psychological imprint is called?

A)    Signifier

  1. Signified
  2. Referent
  3. None of these
  • All those mantle images which we create with the help of sound image is calles?
  1. Signifier

B)    Signified

  1. Estrangement
  2. Both A and b
  • Part and chunks of language which we used in daily life routine is called?
  1. Langue

B)    Parole

  1. Fabula
  2. Suzette
  • The relationship between signifier and signified is——


  1. Fixed
  2. Vague

C)    Arbitrary

  1. Both A and b
  • Who creates meaning of words?
  1. Individual

B)    Community

  1. Philosophers
  2. All of these
  • What are cultural representations?
  1. Symbols
  2. Signs

C)    Texts

  1. None of these
  • Who was second structuralist?
  1. Ferdinand De

B)    Roland Barthes

  1. Jakobson
  2. Victor
  • Barthes was the only person who analysed——-
  1. Images
  2. Moving pics
  3. Portraits

D)    Both A and B

  • The subject which deals with the study of signs is called?
  1. Neurology
  2. Neurotics

C)    Semiology

  1. Sociology
  • How many levels of signification according to Barthes?
  1. 1

B)    2

  1. 3
  2. 4
  • The dictionary and literal meaning of word is called———-
  1. Connotative meanings

B)    Denotative meanings

  1. Both A and B
  2. None of these
  • Which meaning people generate without association to their culture, ideology and society?
  1. Connotative

B)    Denotative

  1. Negotiated
  2. None of these


  • The personal, individual, and subjective interpretation of the word is called……..
  1. Denotative

B)    Connotative

  1. Oppositional
  2. Negotiated
  • Figurative meanings which we extract from text are called……
  1. Denotative

B)    Connotative

  1. Literal
  2. False

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

  • According to Marx, culture, history, text and every practise is supposed to analyse under the relation to——–
  1. Mode of production

B)    Means of production

  1. Material of production
  2. None of these
  • Which theory influences historical movements, and ideological perceptions?
  1. Cultivation theory

B)    Marx’s theory

  1. Mulvey’s theory
  2. None of these
  • For Marx, ‘’———— Is struggle of classes for materialistic pursuits’’.
  1. Life
  2. Class

C)    History

  1. Religion
  • Who determine the political social and cultural shapes of society?
  1. Family

B)    Mode of production.

  1. Mean of production.
  2. Religion
  • When society was feudal and Agrarian then modes of production were——-
  1. Technological
  2. Developed

C)    Agrarian

  1. None of these
  • On which thing superstructure is based?
  1. Money

B)    Base

  1. Power
  2. Knowledge
  • Economy is———— of society.
  1. Superstructure

B)    Base


  1. Both A and B
  2. None of these
  • All the raw material, technology, workers and their skills are called——
  1. Means of production.
  2. Mode of production.

C)    Forces of production

  1. Relations of production
  • Which aspect determine the Class position of anyone in Marxist society?
  1. Forces of production

B)    Relations of production

  1. Means of production.
  2. Mode of production
  • The ideology which dominates a specific era and consists of institutes is called——
  1. Base

B)    Superstructure

  1. Both A and B
  2. None of these
  • The relationship between Base and superstructure is ——–
  1. Linear
  2. Complex

C)    Two-fold

  1. Arbitrary
  • Superstructure often legitimate Base because it creates —–
  1. Class
  2. Identity

C)    Ideology

  1. Politics
  • What happed to superstructure if base is mechanical?
  1. Remain same

B)    Superstructure also mechanical

  1. Divided in parts.
  2. Disappeared
  • Which disease in society need to diagnose, according to Marx?
  1. Alienation

B)    Capitalism

  1. Nihilism
  2. Dadaism
  • The gap and estrangement between a worker and product is called ——
  1. Isolation

B)    Alienation

  1. Liberalism
  2. Surplus
  • Who control all the surplus value?
  1. Workers

B)    Capitalist

  1. Marxist


  1. None of these
  • In which process in which pre-capitalist modes of production are transformed into capitalist modes of production?
  1. Linear progression
  2. Alienation

C)    Primitive accumulation

  1. Both A and B
  • Capitalism in its heart is ———-
  1. Strong
  2. Stable

C)    Unstable

  1. Ruined
  • According to Marx, unemployment in any society symbolises that we have ——–
  1. No resources

B)    Enough resources

  1. Unstable economy
  2. Both A and C

Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer

  • Who is child of Marxism?
  1. Feminism

B)    Frankfurt school

  1. Liberal school
  2. Economical school
  • When did Frankfurt school established? A) 1914

B) 1923

  1. C) 1922
  2. D) 1990
  • Which theory was produced by Frankfurt school?
  1. Modern theory

B)    Critical theory

  1. Marxist theory
  2. Post-modern theory
  • Critical theory is mixture of which two theories?

A)    Marxism and psychoanalysis.

  1. Marxism and liberalism.
  2. Marxism and structuralism
  3. None of these
  • Cultural theory was given by which two philosophers?
  1. Marx and Engel

B)    Adorno and Horkheimer

  1. Adorno and Kipling
  2. Horkheimer and Marx
  • In which year cultural theory was published? A) 1988


B) 1944

  1. C) 1922
  2. D) 1993
  • The set of corporation which produce culture like films, media, magazines is called—
  1. Media industry

B)    Culture industry

  1. Economical industry
  2. Fashion industry
  • How many features culture industry have?
  1. 1

B)    2

  1. 3
  2. 4
  • Culture industry have features of ———- and ————-
  1. Nobility and idealism
  2. Homogeneity and idealism

C)    Homogeneity and predictability

  1. Predictability and universality
  • How many claims Adorno made in his essay on popular music?
  1. 1
  2. 2

C)    3

  1. 5
  • Adorno talks about 1940s when———– was on peak.
  1. Marxism

B)    Pop music

  1. Fashion
  2. Jazz music

Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman

  • Media is source of information as well as entertainment that’s why we called it ——

A)    Infotainment

  1. Infogainment
  2. Infopayment
  3. Entertainment
  • Who proposed the influential model of propaganda?
  1. Noam Chomsky
  2. Edward Herman

C)    Both A and B

  1. None of these
  • According to propaganda modal, which thing is manufactured by media?
  1. Economy
  2. Our values

C)    Our consent

  1. Both A and B



  • In propaganda modal, how many filters are described by Chomsky?
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3

D)    5

  • In 1920s we observed————– of press.
  1. Rise
  2. Downfall

C)    Industrialization

  1. Relocation
  • How many companies owned whole media industry?
  1. 23

B)    24

  1. 34
  2. 25
  • How many conglomerates holed 90% of world’s media?
  1. 3
  2. 4

C)    5

  1. 6
  • On which thing media’s revenue models are based?
  1. Audience

B)    Advertisement

  1. Media giants
  2. None of these
  • Advertisement supports media ——– and give power to fight with their ——
  1. Emotionally, rivals

B)    Financially, rivals

  1. Financially, pals
  2. None of these
  • who can manipulate news by misusing their powers?
  1. Audience
  2. Viewers

C)    Corporates

  1. Sellers
  • Which thing based on official and non-official resources?
  1. Power of news

B)    Credibility of resource

  1. Authenticity and power
  2. None of these
  • The negative response to the statement and program published or broadcasted is called
  1. Slang

B)    Flak

  1. Negotiation


  1. Both A and B
  • Which thing was evil for American corporation and elite groups?
  1. Revolutions
  2. Flak

C)    Communism

  1. All of these

Paul Lazarsfled

  • Who proposed theory of limited effects?
  1. Stuart Hall
  2. Noam Chomsky

C)    Paul Lazarsfled

  1. Both A and B
  • In which year Lazarsfled conducted research on presidential election? A) 1980
  1. B) 1987

C) 1940

  1. D) 1990
  • According to Paul, in reality who is manipulating the thoughts of people more than media?
  1. Politicians

B)    Opinion leaders

  1. President
  2. None of these
  • Which are two interpretations of word ‘’limited’’ in limited effects theory?
  1. Minimal and low

B)    Minimal and influential

  1. Influential and high
  2. Strong and repulsive
  • Which theories talk about overwhelming effects of media?
  1. Limited effects theory
  2. Hypodermal needle theory
  3. Magic bullet theory

D)    Both B and C

  • Which era of media studies is started from limited effects modal?
  1. 1st
  2. 2nd
  3. 3rd
  4. 4th
  • Lazarsfled———- all previous notions regarding media.
  1. Accepted

B)    Challenged

  1. Supported
  2. Both A and C


  • According to limited effects theory, media has———– effects on us.
  1. Worse

B)    Limited

  1. High
  2. Low
  • How many kinds of listeners are described by Lazarsfled?

A)    2

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  • Lazarsfled proposed—– step flow.
  1. 1

B)    2

  1. 3
  2. 4
  • Limited effects theory states that, most people form their opinions not through media but through ——
  1. Family

B)    Opinion leader

  1. Music
  2. News
  • At high level all those people who control the flow of information are called——–
  1. Opinion leader

B)    Gatekeepers

  1. Opinion followers
  2. None of these
  • An active person who interprets the meaning of media messages to others is called—-
  1. Opinion follower
  2. Gatekeeper

C)    Opinion leader

  1. Both A and C
  • The low media user who dependent on opinion leaders for all information are called…
  1. Gatekeeper
  2. High listener

C)    Opinion followers

  1. Political sheep

 Marshall McLuhan’s technological determinism

  • Marshal McLuhan was a————–
  1. Russian
  2. American

C)    Canadian

  1. British
  • What is the name of theory given by Marshal McLuhan?
  1. Cultivation
  2. Popular culture


C)    Technological determinism

  1. None of these
  • According to technological determinism, who determine our society, culture, life and existence?
  1. God
  2. Human

C)    Technology

  1. Weather
  • According to Marshall, ‘’technological determinism is a belief that technology is —–

force in society’’.

  1. Repulsive

B)    Governing

  1. Attractive
  2. None of these
  • Technological determinism determines the relationship between ——- and ——–
  1. Human and God
  2. Human and politics
  3. Society and Government

D)    Society and technology

  • Who said, ‘’technology determines history’’?
  1. Raymond William

B)    Roe Smith

  1. Marshall
  2. Stuart Hall
  • Which is basic statement made by Marshall McLuhan’s theory of technological determinism?
  1. All relations are money relation.

B)    Medium is message.

  1. Message is pluralistic.
  2. None of these
  • The medium through which message is transmitted is———- than message itself.
  1. Ambiguous
  2. Vague

C)    Important

  1. None of these
  • Marshall adopted which term for the explanation of ‘’Medium is message’’?
  1. Glocalization

B)    Global village

  1. Imperialism
  2. None of these
  • Which is driving force in technological determinism?
  1. Economy

B)    Medium

  1. Message
  2. Society


  • Marshall said, ‘’you cannot understand the message without understanding the———————————————————————————————– ‘’
  1. Society

B)    Medium

  1. Politics
  2. None of these
  • How many kinds of determinists are pointed by Marshal McLuhan?
  1. 1

B)    2

  1. 3
  2. 4
  • Which kind of determinists said that technology is independent from social concerns?

A)    Hard determinists

  1. Soft determinist
  2. Neutral determinists
  3. None of these
  • Marshal was———-

A)    Soft

  1. Hard
  2. Neutral
  3. Vague
  • Which determinists believe that we have option regarding the outcomes of situation?
  1. Hard

B)    Soft

  1. Neutral
  2. None of these

Manuel Castells

  • Manuel Castell was———-
  1. British
  2. Canadian

C)    Spain

  1. American
  • From which valley Castells got concept of network societies?
  1. Neutral valley
  2. Technological valley

C)    Silicon- valley

  1. None of these
  • The society whose social structure is made of networks is called—–
  1. Technological society
  2. Modern society

C)    Network society

  1. All of these
  • Network society is a———
  1. Linear

B)    Multidimensional


  1. Simple
  2. Noe of these
  • Network society emerged as a result of transformation from —– to —-


  1. Modern to post-modern

B)    Industrial to information

  1. Feudal to industrial
  2. Pre-modern to modern
  • The set of inter-connected nodes are called——–
  1. Family

B)    Network

  1. Technological circle
  2. Loop
  • How many dimensions of social change is described by Castell?
  1. 1
  2. 3

C)    5

  1. 6
  • Which is basic and very first dimension of network society?
  1. Globalisation

B)    Information technology

  1. Crisis of patriarchy
  2. Hypertext
  • What is backbone of network societies?
  1. Globalism
  2. Technology

C)    Electronic hypertext

  1. None of these
  • The technology culture not only effected our mode of living but our—-
  1. Familia institution
  2. Societal institution

C)    Both A and B

  1. None of these
  • What is the only advantage of networks or network society?
  1. Adaptability
  2. Volatile

C)    Both A and B

  1. None of these
  • The concept of place lessness is named by Castel as ………..
  1. Rootlessness

B)    The space of flows

  1. The space of decline
  2. Web of network
  • Why is Castell criticized by other theorists?

A)    He is optimistic.

  1. He is pessimistic.


  1. He is materialistic.
  2. None of these

Stuart Hall

  • How many theories of Stuart Hall is famous?
  1. 1

B)    2

  1. 4
  2. 3
  • Stuart Hall discusses the relationship between ——- and ——
  1. Politics and media

B)    Media and audience

  1. People and society
  2. None of these
  • Producer of message———– the text.
  1. Decode

B)    Encode

  1. Crack
  2. All of these
  • Hall——– the important aspect that how media messages are composed and


  1. Accepted

B)    Challenged

  1. Represent
  2. None of these
  • Conventional modal of communication was———– In sense.
  1. Complex

B)    Linear

  1. Vague
  2. Composed
  • Hall focuses on how people————
  1. Encode

B)    Decode

  1. Reject
  2. None of these
  • In postmodern world, meaning is ——-
  1. Fixed

B)    Not fixed

  1. Stable
  2. Both A and C
  • Message is not transparent, it always has ——
  1. Agenda
  2. Political background
  3. Specific purpose

D)    All of these



  • Which aspect is crucial to Hall’s argument?
  1. Mode of communication

B)    Lack of fit

  1. The space of flow
  2. Process of encoding
  • Hall is concerned with—— values in tele-visual signs.
  1. Linear

B)    Polysemic

  1. Neutral
  2. Political
  • Hall said, Consumer is also—-
  1. Political
  2. Corrupt

C)    Producer

  1. None of these
  • When we decode the universal and dominant meaning, it is called—–
  1. Negotiated meaning.

B)    Preferred meaning

  1. Implemented meaning.
  2. None of these
  • How many hypothetical positions of decoding are given by Hall?
  1. 1
  2. 2

C)    3

  1. 4
  • The position in which viewer has the potential to adopt and oppose the dominant code is called—–
  1. Hegemonic position

B)    Negotiated position

  1. Oppositional position
  2. None of these
  • The position in which viewer opposed the dominant and hegemonic position or meaning, is called—-
  1. Negotiated position.
  2. Hegemonic position.

C)    Oppositional position.

  1. None of these
  • Along with theory of decoding/encoding, Hall also proposed theory of—-

A)    Representation

  1. Cultural identity
  2. Neutrality
  3. None of these
  • According to Hall, Media does not reflect meaning but———
  1. Manipulate

B)    Generate


  1. Avoid
  2. All of these
  • Hall in his both theories focus on —-
  1. Decoder
  2. Audience
  3. Receiver

D)    All of these

 Laura Mulvey’s male gaze

  • Laura Mulvey is ——–
  1. British Feminist
  2. Psychoanalyst
  3. Liberalist

D)    Both A and B

  • Mulvey is best known for theorizing the concept of ——-
  1. Feminism

B)    Male gaze

  1. Psychoanalysis
  2. None of these
  • When did Mulvey wrote her essay? A) 1980
  1. B) 1986

C) 1975

  1. D) 1900
  • Which theory states that male got pleasure through visualizing females?
  1. Feminist
  2. Narrative cinema

C)    Visual pleasure

  1. None of these
  • Mulvey said, the gender power asymmetry is a controlling force in —–
  1. Society
  2. World

C)    Cinema

  1. Discourse
  • Which is Target audience according to Mulvey?
  1. Females

B)    Males

  1. Children
  2. All of these
  • Mulvey said, females are——— of meaning not makers of meaning.
  1. Supporters

B)    Bearers

  1. Volunteers
  2. None of these


  • According to Mulvey, women is treated just as a———— in society.
  1. Individual

B)    Sexual object

  1. Animal
  2. All of these
  • The aesthetic pleasure drawn from looking at a naked person is called—-
  1. Voyeurism

B)    Scopophilia

  1. Gazing
  2. All of these
  • The interest in observing unsuspecting people while they undress or engage in sexual activities is calles—-

A)    Voyeurism

  1. Scopophilia
  2. Spying
  3. None of these
  • With how many perspective we usually analyse the theory of male gaze?
  1. 1
  2. 2

C)    3

  1. 4



Michel Foucault

  • In which work Foucault talks about way of punishment?
  1. Madness

B)    Discipline and punish.

  1. Both A and B
  2. Noe of these
  • There is——– in ways of punishment with the passage of time.
  1. No change
  2. Transition

C)    No transition

  1. None of these
  • Who introduced the idea of Panopticism?
  1. Foucault

B)    Jeremy Bentham

  1. Ben
  2. Martin Esslin
  • Foucault said, Panopticism is a diagram of mechanism of —–
  1. Society

B)    Power

  1. Knowledge
  2. None of these
  • Foucault said madness is also a ——–


  1. Norm

B)    Construct

  1. Disease
  2. None of these
  • According to Foucault, a………… in an institutionalized way of speaking or

writing about reality.

  1. Power

B)    Discourse

  1. Knowledge
  2. None of these
  • According to Foucault, power is not concentrated at one place, power is rather


  1. Complex

B)    Diffused

  1. Infused
  2. Both A and C
  • Foucault was a ——–
  1. Post-structuralism

B)    Post-modernist

  1. Structuralist
  2. None of these
  • What is the name of prison which consist on a ring of cells that was built around a central point of observation?

A)    Panopticism

  1. Flow of punishments
  2. Space of surveillance
  3. None of these

1.                    When was Michel Foucault born? a) 1975

  1. b) 1935

c)   1926

  1. d) 1929

2.                    From which author does Foucault derive the concept of Genealogy?

  1. Nietzsche
  2. Heidegger
  3. Canguilhem
  4. Beccaria


3.                    What is the subtitle of Discipline and Punish?

  1. The growth of the carceral system
  2. Penalty in the classical period

c)         The birth of the prison

  1. Surveillance and Observation


4.                    With which two images does Foucault begin this book?

  1. A prison and a guillotine


  1. A prisoner and a delinquent
  2. A genealogy and the carceral system

d)                  A public execution and a timetable


  1. According to Foucault which one creates relation between power and knowledge…?
  2. Speech

b)                  Discourse

  1. Wisdom
  2. Knowledge
  3. In the……. existence creates knowledge and act the same time induces itself…?
  4. Knowledge
  5. Discourse

c)         Power

  1. All of these
  2. For Foucault where there is power there is resistance…?

a)                   Resistance

  1. Freedom
  2. Resources
  3. knowledge
  4. power relations occur at the level of ,,?
  5. Individuals
  6. Groups
  7. Classes

d)         Society

  1. In the essay “prison talk” he says, one cannot practice in the………….. of other?
  2. Presence

b)         Absence

  1. Ambivalence
  2. None of these
  3. Truth is constructed through different strategies as Foucault……….. the traditional


  1. Accepted
  2. Bound

c)         Demolished

  1. Figurate

11.             What does modern penality aim to affect?

  1. The body of the prisoner
  2. The future of the prisoner

c)                    The soul of the prisoner

  1. The essence of the prisoner


John Fiske


  1. Who theorized ‘popular culture’ in context of television studies?

A.    John Fiske

  1. Laura Mulvey
  2. Stuart Hall
  3. Manual Castells


  1. Reaction to popular culture can be in which way?
    1. Resistance
    2. Evasion
    3. Ignoring

D.    Both 1&2

  1. Who plays the pivotal and the foremost role in making the things popular in context of ‘popular culture’?
    1. Media
    2. Texts

C.     People

  1. Think tanks
  1. The meaning of popular culture exist only in their…….
    1. Popularity
    2. Texts
    3. Productivity

D.    Circulation

  1. Popular culture is the culture of……. WhoWho resent their subordination.

A.    Subordinate

  1. Super-ordinate
  2. Inferior
  3. Non of the above
  1. ‘popular culture’ is structured within what……. Calls the opposition between the power- bloc and the people.
    1. Mulvey
    2. Jhon Fiske
    3. Paul Lazersfeld

D.    Stuart Hall

  1. Hegemonic power is necessary,or even possible, only because of……

A.    Resistance

  1. Evasion
  2. Acceptance
  3. unconsciousness
  1. Culture making is a….. process.
    1. Political
    2. Cultural
    3. Ritual

D.    Social

9……… Is central to popular culture, for it minimizes the difference between text and life,

between the aesthetic and everyday.

A.    Relevance

  1. Media
  2. Connection


  1. Movies
  2. Semiotic power can be defied by……
    1. Resistance

B.     Semiotic resistance

  1. Evasion
  2. Semiotic evasion


Globalization and cultural imperialism reconsidered

  1. According to ……… in new era of globalization, we stand “at the End of History”.
    1. Fukuyanma
    2. Michael Focualt
    3. Noam Choamsky
    4. David Morely
  2. Cultural Imperialism is tantamount to use of ……..
    1. Semiotic power
    2. Hard power
    3. Soft power
    4. None of the above
  3. In globalization our culture is dominated by global firms such as Macdonald, KFC and Coca Cola etc. This domination can be incarnated as……
  4. Neo-colonization
  5. Colonization
  6. Cultural Imperialism
  7. Market Liberalism
  8. According to Major Ralph Peters’s article in The US Army War College quarterly journal ‘Parameters’ two-pronged US assault is……….
  9. Military
  10. Mass Produced popular Culture
  11. Anti-terrorism narrative
  12. Both a & b
  13. One of the limits to cultural imperialism is ……..
    1. Glocalization
    2. Globalization
    3. Critical globalization
    4. Capitalism
  14. From the perspective of the West, modernization is hard to disentangle from the story of Westernization and in the 20th century from the …….
    1. Capitalism
    2. Marxism
    3. McDonaldization
    4. Americanization
  15. According to North American ‘modernization Theory’ of 1960s there was no successful modernization in the Middle East is due to backward-looking…….
    1. Regressive thought
    2. Traditional attitudes
    3. Extremism
    4. None of the above
  16. Glocalization is the mixture of……
    1. Orient and oxidant


  1. Local and Global
  2. Capitalism and Marxism
  3. All of them
  1. Who suggested bi-focal perspective of analyzing philosophy?
    1. John Fiski
    2. David Morely
    3. Lacan
    4. Derrida
  2. Postmodern world of active audiences, according to ‘optimistic’ school of cultural studies audience theory, is living in a …………
    1. Semiotic democracy
    2. Semiotic power
    3. Hegemony
    4. Cultural imperialism



Market Liberalism

  1. In 1989,the Berlin wall came down and it was the historic victory of…..
  2. communism
  3. Marxism
  4. socialism

D)    capitalist democracy

  1. Development of media and cultural studies in Britain during late 20th century was influenced by

A)    market liberalism and globalization

  1. nationalism
  2. gender imbalance
  3. statism
  4. Foucault’s work seemed to suggest that simply unmasking the epistemic foundations of power would lead to..

A)    human liberation

  1. oppression
  2. enslavement
  3. . Subjugation
  1. Anti-statist orientation and focus on individual self-realisation are the Characteristics of

A)    free market

  1. planned economy
  2. socialism
  3. Marxism
  • compel the media to connect to the social experiences and concerns of the people,

irrespective of the values of media owners or the dominant discourses of society.

A)    market pressures

  1. social pressures
  2. Gender pressures


  1. Cultural pressures
  1. Globally distributed cultural goods is transformed through local cultural appropriations in

A)    Global capitalism

  1. elitism
  2. socialism
  3. nationalism
  1. Positive development of globalization through cultural populism symbolizes

A)    cosmopolitan disposition

  1. Discourse of nationalism
  2. Conservatism
  3. nothing
  1. American brand Coca Cola advertisement is an example of….

A)    popular culture

  1. anti culture
  2. Real culture
  3. low culture
  1. In media, hyper commercialization is leading towards
    1. high quality journalism

B)    low quality journalism

  1. Better information
  2. both a and c
  1. In market liberalism , the moral rhetoric of ‘hard work, talent and enterprise’ is misleading because it provides justification for….

A)    elite class

  1. poor class
  2. middle class
  3. both b and c

Jean Baudrillard

  1. Jean Baudrillard born in….?

a)                   France

  1. Japan
  2. America
  3. Russia
  4. Who gave the concept of hypereality and simulacra…?
  5. Michel Foucault
  6. Judith Butler

c)         Jean Baudrillard

  1. George Gurbner
  2. Disneyland is a good example of….?
  3. Hyperbola


b)         Hypereality

  1. Superficial
  2. All of these
  3. According to Baudrillard, Media set the agenda on the narrative of …..?
  4. People
  5. Producers
  6. Things

d)         War

  1. The TV speech of a political candidate something staged entirely to be seen on TV, is a good example of…?
    1. Hyperreality
    2. Fragmented vision

c)         Simulation

  1. None of these
  1. The concept of Baudrillard’s simulacra and simulation is appeared in the first….?

a)         Matrix

  1. Mortal Engines
  2. Dark city
  3. Inception
  1. Which thing is the more important then the real thing …?
  2. Sings
  3. Symbols

c)         Representations

  1. All of these
  2. The secret of theory is that truth does not..?

a)         Exist

  1. Absolute
  2. Generate
  3. Reciprocate
  1. Which one is the example of simulacrum ..?
  2. God
  3. Disneyland

c)         Both A/B

  1. None of these
  2. The eye of TV is no longer the source of an absolute gaze, and the ideal of control is no longer that of transparency is linked with………?
    1. Reality is everywhere

b)         Big brother is watching

  1. Truth is absolute
  2. Truth is relevant
  1. According to Baudrillard which thing is most powerful in the world…?
  2. Culture
  3. Tradition

c)         Media

  1. All of these
  2. Reality exists but it is distorted through…?


  1. Reshaping
  2. Rethinking
  3. Hiding

d)         Representation

George Gerbner


  1. George Gerbner was born in…..?

a)  1919

  1. b) 1914
  2. c) 1917
  3. d) 1921
  4. Gerbner took an early interest in ….?
  5. Piano
  6. Guitar

c)         Folklore

  1. Violine
  2. Cultivation theory was first advanced by ….?
  3. Currin

b)         George Gerbner

  1. Adorno
  2. Foucault
  3. Cultivation theory is the social theory which examine the long term effects of…..?
  4. Radio
  5. Newspaper
  6. Mobile

d)         TV

  1. Who created the television violence index….?
  2. Paul lazarsfeld
  3. Walter Lippmann

c)         George Gerbner

  1. Marshall
  2.            States that, the more time people spend “living” in the television world the more likely they are to believe.

a)                   Cultivation theory

  1. Simulation theory
  2. Transcultural theory
  3. Agenda based theory
  4. The Cultivation theory is also known as ….?
  5. Cultivation marketing
  6. Cultivation plot

c)         Cultivation hypothesis

  1. Cultivation synopsis
  2. Which type of viewers are affected by the “Mean World Syndrome”…?
  3. Light viewers

b)         Heavy viewers

  1. Both light and heavy
  2. None of these


  1. Which one is spreading violence among peoples…?
  2. Books
  3. Magazines
  4. Generals

d)         Television

  1. Mass media serves a surveillance function as evidence in …?

a)                   News coverage

  1. Reality shows
  2. Quiz shows
  3. Variety shows
  4. Cultivation Theory is used to demonstrate the relationship between…?
  5. Violence and television
  6. Television and other media
  7. Society and individuals

d)                  All of these

Judith Butler:

  1. Judith butler was born in ….?

a)  1956

  1. b) 1967
  2. c) 1978
  3. d) 1980
  4. There is no gender identity behind the expressions of gender that identity is performatively constituted by the very expression that are said to be its results said by…?
  5. James Currin

b)         Judith butler

  1. George Gerbner
  2. None of these
  3. Judith butler is well known as a theorist of ….?
  4. Power
  5. Gender
  6. Feminism

d)         All of these

  1. Gender is some kind of performance when once installed by culture at least fixed which kind of theory it reflects ?
  2. Gender theory
  3. Power theory

c)         Queer theory

  1. Cultural theory
  2. According to Butler Gender is not a ……. Identity?

a)                   Fixed

  1. Changed
  2. Free
  3. None of these
  4. According to Butler we do not have ….. identity which informs our behavior ?
  5. Cultural


b)         Gender

  1. Race
  2. Political
  3. Which thing our……. is all that our gender is ?

a)                   Behavior

  1. Happiness
  2. Identity
  3. None of these
  4. There is nothing fixed, Gay relationships seems similar in style which partnership…?
  5. Homosexual
  6. Dithecal

c)         Heterosexual

  1. None of these


Morning MCQs

“Media and cultural studies in the age of Market Liberalism” The claims of liberalism are:

  1. All citizens are juridically equal and have equal rights to education, access to free press, and religious tolerance.
  2. The legislative assembly of the state possesses only those powers vested in it by the people.
  3. Liberty of the individual is the right to own property including productive forces.

d)         All of the options given are correct. Neo-liberals share with neo-realists their belief:

  1. In the anarchic international structure and centrality of states.
  2. In theory of international regimes.
  3. That anarchy does not mean durable patterns of cooperation are impossible.
  4. All of the options given are correct.

The term market liberalism is often used as a synonym to:

  1. Economic liberalism.
  2. Social liberalism.
  3. Neo liberalism.
  4. New liberalism.

Stuart Hall introduced work of Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci which emphasized that social order is not just maintained by only coercion but also through:

  1. Active consent.
  2. Passive consent.

In modern society, mass media often drive our:



Neo-liberalism is widely attacked in Britain on the grounds that it is:


c.      Reductionist.

  1. Neo-liberal.

The mass media are seen today as playing a key role in enhancing:


“Ferdinand de Saussure and Roland Barthes” According to Saussure the sign is made of…

  1. Two parts: representment and interpretant.
  2. Three parts: Signified, signifier and referent.

c.      Two parts: Signified and signifier.

  1. None

The term semiology was introduced by                             ?

  1. Charles Sanders Pierce

b.      Ferdinand de Saussure

  1. Noam Chomsky
  2. Edward Sapir

Ferdinand de Saussure was a                     linguist.

  1. French
  2. Italian
  3. American
  4. British

Roland Barthes, a French scholar, is considered to be one of the most prominent theorists of the           _

  1. 20th Century
  2. 19th Century
  3. 18th Century
  4. 17th century

Semiotics is the study of                  

  1. speech sounds
  2. formation of sentences.


c.      Signs and Symbols

  1. language use

Barthes explained the theory of semiotics in his book               

  1. Mythologies
  2. Course in General Linguistics
  3. The Language Instinct
  4. The Power of Babel

According to Roland Barthes, the meaning of the word exists at two levels – denotative meaning and  

  1. Literal meaning

b)         Connotative meaning

  1. Manifest meaning
  2. Latent meaning

Jean Baudrillard

According to Jean Baudrillard What is hyper reality?

  1. Modern theme parks such as Disneyland

b.      The merging of reality and media representations

  1. The virtual world made possible by the Internet
  2. People’s affinity with soap characters rather than real people

Which of the following are well-known Post-Modern theoreticians?

  1. Linda Hutcheon
  2. Jean Baudrillard
  3. Thomas Hobbes

d.     Both A and B

Which of the following is true about ‘hyper-reality’?

  1. An inability of unconsciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation or reality

b.      An inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation or reality

  1. The ability to get very excited about new products
  2. None

Jean Baudrillard was?

  1. French
  2. German
  3. Italian
  4. American

Who applied Post-Modern Theory to sign system?

  1. Baudrillard


  1. Chomsky
  2. Weber
  3. Marx

Theories of Jean Baudrillard were based upon ideas from?

  1. Semiotics
  2. Structuralism

c.      Both

  1. None

According to whom “All of America is Disneyland”?

  1. A:Butler.
  2. B: Gerbner
  3. Baudrillard
  4. Weber

Gender and Performity Idea of gender performativity is given by :

  1. John Fiske
  2. Michel Foucault

c.      Judith Butler

  1. George Gerbner

Judith Butler is known to have given the :

  1. Feminism Theory

b.      Queer Theory

  1. Media and cultural theory
  2. Gender and performativity theory

In general what is Judith Butler’s concept of gender?

  1. Women’s gender is artificial while men’s gender is not
  2. While gender is not real the stereotypes that accompany it are true

c.      Gender is largely a cultural construct

  1. All of the above

Which of these is not part of Judith Butler’s Theory of gender identity?

  1. Gender is performative

b.      People’s biological sex underpins their gender identity

  1. Gender is about what we do not who we are
  2. There is no essential or biological basis to gender

Judith Butler’s most well-known book is titled as:

  1. Gender Problem: Challenging the Patriarchy

b.      Gender Trouble :Feminism and the subversion of identity

  1. Gender Trouble: Challenging Binary Gender Categories
  2. Gender Issues :Sexual Identity and Expression


Judith Butler argues that gender should be seen as a human attribute that is…

  1. Binary
  2. Rigid and unchangeable
  3. Determined only by anatomy

d.     Fluid and can change based on a given context

A Central concept of Butler’s theory is that your gender is constructed through your…

  1. Language

b.     Repetitive performance of gender

  1. Sex either male or female
  2. Costumes

Media and cultural studies

Marx was a…….socialist, philosopher, historian and social scientist.

  1. Russian

b)         German

  1. American
  2. African

Economic base is supported by a………. which is made of institutions like law, policy,

education and even media.

  1. Basic structure

b.      Superstructure

  1. Proletariat class
  2. Bourgeois class

Marx argued that these superstructures legitimize capitalism and make the proletariat believe that this is the only way in which the society should function. This concept is termed as…..

  1. Over-consciousness

b.      False consciousness

  1. False Sub-consciousness
  2. Both A&B

Marx argued that equality can be restored in a society when the means of production are taken away from the…..

  1. Bourgeois
  2. Proletariat
  3. Government
  4. All of them

Marxism propagates ideas of…….

  1. Communism

b.     Socialism

  1. Capitalism


  1. Feminism

According to Marx and Engels’ argument, class struggle also leads to…….

  1. Ideological Dominance
  2. Class consciousness
  3. Superstructure
  4. None of these

The ideology and culture of a society is dominated by the ideas of the…….

  1. Upper class
  2. Lower class
  3. Minorities
  4. Both A&B

The Neo-Marxist school of political thought gained prominence in the latter half of the……

  1. 17th century
  2. 18th century
  3. 19th century

d.     20th century

……… examined the effects of mass culture and the rise of the consumer society on the working class.

  1. Capitalism
  2. Marxism

c.      The Frankfurt School

  1. The school of thought

…….studies of radio soap operas.

  1. Adorno’s
  2. Lowelenthal’s

c.      Herzog’s

  1. Karl Marx

……. studies of popular literature and magazines.

  1. Adorno’s

b.     Lowelenthal’s

  1. Herzog’s
  2. Karl Marx

……. analysis of popular music, television, and other phenomena ranging from astrology columns to fascist speeches.

  1. Adorno’s
  2. Lowelenthal’s
  3. Herzog’s
  4. Karl Marx


Media were able to tap into the audience members’ unconscious, stir their passions and get them to think and behave as the message source wished. This was also known as the…….

  1. Cultural theory
  2. Media theory

c.      Mass society theory

  1. Media and cultural theory

Paul Lazarsfeld was a……….. Social scientist.

  1. American
  2. African
  3. Indian
  4. Syrian

Globalization and cultural materialism The process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide is called:

  1. Glocalization
  2. Culture Imperialism
  3. Globalization
  4. Trans culturalism

Cultural imperialism operates in an inocuous guise of

  1. Homogenization
  2. Heterogenization
  3. Multiculturalism
  4. None of these

Celebration of Valentine’s day and Aurat March are visible relection of

  1. Trans culturalism

b.      Cultural imperialism

  1. Liberalism
  2. Socialism

Localization of foreign influence is called

  1. Regionalization

b.     Glocalization

  1. Globalization
  2. Trans culturalism

The key medium in promoting cultural imperialism and globalization is

  1. Trade

b)         Media

  1. Tourism
  2. Migration

…………. help protect national cultural diversity from foreign influence.


  1. Regional values
  2. Religion

c.      Cultural firewall

  1. Nationalism

Critics of globalization believe that globalization has happened at the cost of……

  1. Regional values
  2. Global values
  3. National identity
  4. None of these

The process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide is called:

  1. Glocalization
  2. Culture Imperialism

c.      Globalization

  1. Trans culturalism

Cultural imperialism operates in an inocuous guise of

  1. Homogenization
  2. Heterogenization
  3. Multiculturalism
  4. None of these

Celebration of Valentine’s day and Aurat March are visible relection of

  1. Trans culturalism

b.      Cultural imperialism

  1. Liberalism
  2. Socialism

Localization of foreign influence is called

  1. Regionalization

b.     Glocalization

  1. Globalization
  2. Trans culturalism

The key medium in promoting cultural imperialism and globalization is

  1. Trade

b.     Media

  1. Tourism
  2. Migration

…………. help protect national cultural diversity from foreign influence.

  1. Regional values
  2. Religion

c.      Cultural firewall


  1. Nationalism

Critics of globalization believe that globalization has happened at the cost of……

  1. Regional values
  2. Global values
  3. National identity
  4. None of these

When a community receives and acquires cultural forms belonging to another culture, and then assimilates and integrates them into its culture, leaving aside its own cultural practices, what is known as?

  1. Multiculturalism

b)         Trans culturalism

  1. Both A&b
  2. None of these

concept of transculturalism was developed by the Cuban anthropologist and ethnologist Fernando Ortiz Fernández

  1. (1884-1971)

b.  (1881-1969)

  1. (1880-1961)
  2. (1880-1970)

This concept of transculturalism was developed by ?

  1. A .Angel Rama

b)         BFernando Ortiz Fernández

  1. Kymlicka

D. Edward tylor Is food an example of transculturalism?

  1. A Yes
  2. No

What does transculturalism means?

  1. seeing oneself in the othe
  2. “extending through all human cultures”.
  3. combining elements of more than one culture”.

d.      All of these

What are the characteristics of trans culturalism?

  1. theses takes place through the contact of two different cultures.
  2. takes place as a consequence of immigration .
  3. This process can be direct or indirect, with the consent of the community adopting the new culture or it can be imposed.

d.      All of these


The concept of transculturation was first used by…………………… anthropologist Fernando


  1. Indian
  2. Canada

c.      Cuba

  1. US

In which year Multiculturalism emerged in the Anglophone countries? a) 1960

  1. b) 1970
  2. c) 1980
  3. d) 1990

What was the foremost meaning of multiculturalism?

  1. Social one

b)         Political one

  1. Cultural one
  2. None of these

Which prime minister introduced the multiculturalism as official policy?

  1. Attlee
  2. George Washington
  3. Thomas Jefferson

d)         Pierre Trudea

Multiculturalism refers towards the concept of

  1. Similarity
  2. Popularity

c)         Otherness

  1. None of these

Multiculturalism deals the manner in which society deals with

  1. Poverty
  2. Climate change
  3. Overpopulation

d)         Cultural diversity Trans culturalism is based on

  1. Breaking down of ties

b)         Breaking down of boundaries

  1. Breaking down of connections
  2. None of these

Tran culturalism helps to build

  1. Harmony


b)         Tolerant communities

  1. Anarchy
  2. Pessimistic society

In Paul Lazarsfeld study, people interviewed seven times between May and November.

  1. 500

b.  600

  1. 700
  2. 1000

In Paul Lazarsfeld study……….. chose their candidate in May and never changed their


  1. Early Deciders
  2. Waverers
  3. Converts
  4. Crystallizers

In Paul Lazarsfeld study…….chose one candidate, but then voted for the opponent.

  1. Early Deciders
  2. Waverers
  3. Converts
  4. Crystallizers

In Paul Lazarsfeld study……. had not made a choice in May, but chose their candidate in November.

  1. Early Deciders
  2. Waverers

c.      Converts

  1. Crystallizers

In Paul Lazarsfeld study……….. chose one candidate, then were undecided or switched to

another candidate, but in the end voted for their first choice.

  1. Early Deciders
  2. Waverers
  3. Converts

d.      Crystallizers

Early deciders for presidential elections in 1940 in Paul Lazarsfeld study were a. 53%

  1. 28%
  2. 15%
  3. 8%

Crystallizers for presidential elections in 1940 in Paul Lazarsfeld study were

  1. 53%

b.  28%


  1. 15%
  2. 8%







 MCQ’s Media and Culture Studies




“Media and cultural studies in the age of Market Liberalism”

The claims of liberalism are:

  1. All citizens are juridically equal and have equal rights to education, access to free press, and religious tolerance.
  2. The legislative assembly of the state possesses only those powers vested in it by the people.
  3. Liberty of the individual is the right to own property including productive forces.
  4. All of the options given are correct.



Neo-liberals share with neo-realists their belief:

  1. In the anarchic international structure and centrality of states.
  2. In theory of international regimes.
  3. That anarchy does not mean durable patterns of cooperation are impossible.
  4. All of the options given are correct.



The term market liberalism is often used as a synonym to:

  1. Economic liberalism.
  2. Social liberalism.
  3. Neo liberalism.


  1. New liberalism.



Staurt Hall introduced work of Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci which emphasized that social order is not just maintained by only coercion but also through:

  1. Active consent.
  2. Passive consent.



In modern society, mass media often drive our:


Neo-liberalism is widely attacked in Britain on the grounds that it is:

  4. Neo-liberal.



The mass media are seen today as playing a key role in enhancing:




“Ferdinand de Saussure and Roland Barthes”


According to Saussure the sign is made of…

  1. Two parts: representment and interpretant.
  2. Three parts: Signified, signifier and referent.
  3. Two parts: Signified and signifier.
  4. None



The term semiology was introduced by                                                 ?

  1. Charles Sanders Pierce
  2. Ferdinand de Saussure
  3. Noam Chomsky
  4. Edward Sapir



Ferdinand de Saussure was a                                     linguist.

  1. French
  2. Italian
  3. American
  4. British



Roland Barthes, a French scholar, is considered to be one of the most prominent theorists of the                                

  1. 20th Century
  2. 19th Century
  3. 18th Century
  4. 17th century



Semiotics is the study of                                 

  1. speech sounds
  2. formation of sentences.


  1. Signs and Symbols
  2. language use



Barthes explained the theory of semiotics in his book                                       

  1. Mythologies
  2. Course in General Linguistics
  3. The Language Instinct
  4. The Power of Babel



According to Roland Barthes, the meaning of the word exists at two levels

– denotative meaning and                                 

  1. Literal meaning
  2. Connotative meaning
  3. Manifest meaning
  4. Latent meaning




Jean Baudrillard

According to Jean Baudrillard What is hyper reality?

  1. Modern theme parks such as Disneyland
  2. The merging of reality and media representations
  3. The virtual world made possible by the Internet
  4. People’s affinity with soap characters rather than real people Which of the following are well-known Post-Modern theoreticians?
  5. Linda Hutcheon
  6. Jean Baudrillard
  7. Thomas Hobbes
  8. Both A and B


Which of the following is true about ‘hyper-reality’?

  1. An inability of unconsciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation or reality
  2. An inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation or reality
  3. The ability to get very excited about new products
  4. None

Jean Baudrillard was?

  1. French
  2. German
  3. Italian
  4. American

Who applied Post-Modern Theory to sign system?

  1. Baudrillard
  2. Chomsky
  3. Weber
  4. Marx

Theories of Jean Baudrillard were based upon ideas from?

  1. Semiotics
  2. Structuralism
  3. Both
  4. None

According to whom “All of America is Disneyland”?

  1. Butler
  2. Gerbner
  3. Baudrillard
  4. Weber









Gender and Performity


Idea of gender performativity is given by :

  1. John Fiske
  2. Michel Foucault
  3. Judith Butler
  4. George Gerbner



Judith Butler is known to have given the :

  1. Feminism Theory
  2. Queer Theory
  3. Media and cultural theory
  4. Gender and performativity theory



In general what is Judith Butler’s concept of gender?

  1. Women’s gender is artificial while men’s gender is not
  2. While gender is not real the stereotypes that accompany it are true
  3. Gender is largely a cultural construct
  4. All of the above



Which of these is not part of Judith Butler’s Theory of gender identity?

  1. Gender is performative
  2. People’s biological sex underpins their gender identity
  3. Gender is about what we do not who we are


  1. There is no essential or biological basis to gender



Judith Butler’s most well known book is titled as:

  1. Gender Problem:Challenging the Patriarchy
  2. Gender Trouble :Feminism and the subversion of identity
  3. Gender Trouble:Challenging Binary Gender Categories
  4. Gender Issues :Sexual Identity and Expression



Judith Butler argues that gender should be seen as a human attribute that is…

  1. Binary
  2. Rigid and unchangeable
  3. Determined only by anatomy
  4. Fluid and can change based on a given context



A central concept of Butler’s theory is that your gender is constructed through your…

  1. Language
  2. Repetitive performance of gender
  3. Sex either male or female
  4. Costumes




Media and cultural studies

Marx was a…….socialist, philosopher, historian and social scientist.

  1. Russian
  2. German
  3. American
  4. African


Economic base is supported by a…………………….. which is made of institutions like

law, policy, education and even media.

  1. Basic structure
  2. Superstructure
  3. Proletariat class
  4. Bourgeois class

Marx argued that these superstructures legitimize capitalism and make the proletariat believe that this is the only way in which the society should function. This concept is termed as…..

  1. Over-consciousness
  2. False consciousness
  3. False Sub-consciousness
  4. Both A&B

Marx argued that equality can be restored in a society when the means of production are taken away from the…..

  1. Bourgeois
  2. Proletariat
  3. Government
  4. All of them

Marxism propagates ideas of…….

  1. Communism
  2. Socialism
  3. Capitalism
  4. Feminism

According to Marx and Engels’ argument, class struggle also leads to…….

  1. Ideological Dominance
  2. Class consciousness
  3. Superstructure
  4. None of these


The ideology and culture of a society is dominated by the ideas of the…….

  1. Upper class
  2. Lower class
  3. Minorities
  4. Both A&B






The Neo-Marxist school of political thought gained prominence in the latter half of the……

  1. 17th  century
  2. 18th  century
  3. 19th  century
  4. 20th  century

……… examined the effects of mass culture and the rise of the consumer society on the working class.

  1. Capitalism
  2. Marxism
  3. The Frankfurt School
  4. The school of thought

…….studies of radio soap operas.

  1. Adorno’s
  2. Lowelenthal’s
  3. Herzog’s
  4. Karl Marx

……. studies of popular literature and magazines.

  1. Adorno’s
  2. Lowelenthal’s
  3. Herzog’s


  1. Karl Marx

……. analysis of popular music, television, and other phenomena ranging from astrology columns to fascist speeches.

  1. Adorno’s
  2. Lowelenthal’s
  3. Herzog’s
  4. Karl Marx

Media were able to tap into the audience members’ unconscious, stir their passions and get them to think and behave as the message source wished. This was also known as the…….

  1. Cultural theory
  2. Media theory
  3. Mass society theory
  4. Media and cultural theory

Paul Lazarsfeld was a………………… Social scientist.

  1. American
  2. African
  3. Indian
  4. Syrian



Globalization and cultural materialism

The process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide is called:

  1. Glocalization
  2. Culture Imperialism
  3. Globalization
  4. Transculturalism

Cultural imperialism operates in an inocuous guise of

  1. Homogenization


  1. Heterogenization
  2. Multiculturalism
  3. None of these

Celebration of Valentine’s day and Aurat March are visible relection of

  1. Transculturalism
  2. Cultural imperialism
  3. Liberalism
  4. Socialism

Localization of foreign influence is called

  1. Regionalization
  2. Glocalization
  3. Globalization
  4. Transculturalism

The key medium in promoting cultural imperialism and globalization is

  1. Trade
  2. Media
  3. Tourism
  4. Migration

…………. help protect national cultural diversity from foreign influence.

  1. Regional values
  2. Religion
  3. Cultural firewall
  4. Nationalism

Critics of globalization believe that globalization has happened at the cost of……

  1. Regional values
  2. Global values
  3. National identity


  1. None of these






The process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide is called:

  1. Glocalization
  2. Culture Imperialism
  3. Globalization
  4. Transculturalism

Cultural imperialism operates in an inocuous guise of

  1. Homogenization
  2. Heterogenization
  3. Multiculturalism
  4. None of these

Celebration of Valentine’s day and Aurat March are visible relection of

  1. Transculturalism
  2. Cultural imperialism
  3. Liberalism
  4. Socialism

Localization of foreign influence is called

  1. Regionalization
  2. Glocalization
  3. Globalization
  4. Transculturalism

The key medium in promoting cultural imperialism and globalization is

  1. Trade
  2. Media


  1. Tourism
  2. Migration

…………. help protect national cultural diversity from foreign influence.

  1. Regional values
  2. Religion
  3. Cultural firewall
  4. Nationalism

Critics of globalization believe that globalization has happened at the cost of……

  1. Regional values
  2. Global values
  3. National identity
  4. None of these

When a community receives and acquires cultural forms belonging to another culture, and then assimilates and integrates them into its

culture, leaving aside its own cultural practices, what is known as?

  1. Multiculturalism B.Transculturalism C.Both A&b
  2. None of these

concept of transculturalism was developed by the Cuban anthropologist and ethnologist Fernando Ortiz Fernández

  1. (1884-1971)
  2. (1881-1969)
  3. (1880-1961)
  4. (1880-1970)

This concept of transculturalism was developed by ?? A .Angel Rama

B Fernando Ortiz Fernández


  1. Kymlicka
  2. Edward tylor



Is food an example of transculturalism??

A Yes

  1. No

What does transculturalism means??

  1. seeing oneself in the othe
  2. “extending through all human cultures”.
  3. combining elements of more than one culture”.
  4. All of these

What are the characteristics of transculturalism?

  1. theseess takes place through the contact of two different cultures.
  2. takes place as a consequence of immigration .
  3. This process can be direct or indirect, with the consent of the community adopting the new culture or it can be imposed.

All of these

The concept of transculturation was first used by……………………………………………………………………………………………………. anthropologist

Fernando Ortiz.

  1. Indian
  2. Canada
  3. Cuba
  4. US

In which year Multiculturalism emerged in the Anglophone countries?

  1. a) 1960
  2. b) 1970
  3. c) 1980
  4. d) 1990

What was the foremost meaning of multiculturalism?


  1. Social one
  2. Political one
  3. Cultural one
  4. None of these

Which prime minister introduced the multiculturalism as official policy?

  1. Attlee
  2. George Washington
  3. Thomas Jefferson
  4. Pierre Trudea

Multiculturalism refers towards the concept of

  1. Similarity
  2. Popularity
  3. Otherness
  4. None of these

Multiculturalism deals the manner in which society deals with

  1. Poverty
  2. Climate change
  3. Overpopulation
  4. Cultural diversity

Transculturalism is based on

  1. Breaking down of ties
  2. Breaking down of boundaries
  3. Breaking down of connections
  4. None of these Transculuralism helps to build
  5. Harmony
  6. Tolerant communities
  7. Anarchy


  1. Pessimistic society

In Paul Lazarsfeld study, people interviewed seven times between May and November.

  1. 500
  2. 600
  3. 700
  4. 1000




In Paul Lazarsfeld study……………….. chose their candidate in May and never

changed their mind

  1. Early Deciders
  2. Waverers
  3. Converts
  4. Crystallizers

In Paul Lazarsfeld study………………. chose one candidate, but then voted for the


  1. Early Deciders
  2. Waverers
  3. Converts
  4. Crystallizers

In Paul Lazarsfeld study……………….. had not made a choice in May, but chose

their candidate in November.

  1. Early Deciders
  2. Waverers
  3. Converts
  4. Crystallizers

In Paul Lazarsfeld study……………….. chose one candidate, then were undecided

or switched to another candidate, but in the end voted for their first choice.

  1. Early Deciders


  1. Waverers
  2. Converts
  3. Crystallizers

Early deciders for presidential elections in 1940 in Paul Lazarsfeld study were

  1. 53%
  2. 28%
  3. 15%
  4. 8%

Crystallizers for presidential elections in 1940 in Paul Lazarsfeld study were

  1. 53%
  2. 28%
  3. 15%
  4. 8%


                           Media and culture studies

  1. The word ‘’media’’ is from which word?
  2. Mediator

B)    Medium

  1. Message
  2. Modem
  3. Media is and                 

A)    Political and Agenda based

  1. Apolitical and Agenda less
  2. Neutral and agenda less
  3. None of these
  4. Which thing people needs to implement their specific ideas?
  5. Determination
  6. Optimism

C)    Institution

  1. Ideas
  2. Can media change or manipulate our ideas and thinking process?
  3. No
  4. Never

C)    Yes


  1. None of these
  2. Who gave three major definitions of culture?
  3. Noam Chomsky
  4. Stuart Hall

C)    Raymond William

  1. None of these
  2. In which year Raymond William defined culture? A) 1890
  3. B) 1990

C) 1983

  1. D) 1968
  2. Culture refers to a general process of————-
  3. Intellectual
  4. Spiritual
  5. Aesthetic

D)    All of these

  1. The study of media in which we explore media’s political, social and cultural power is called?
  2. Media studies
  3. Sociology
  4. Cultural studies

D)    Media and cultural studies

  1. In which studies we supposed to analyse cultural texts and people’s relations with each other?
  2. Media studies

B)    Cultural studies

  1. Natural studies
  2. None of these
  3. Culture refers to the ——- and———– of intellectual and especially artistic activities.

A)    Works, practices

  1. Norms, practices
  2. Habits and norms
  3. Binormal, works.

Ferdinand De Saussure and Roland Barthes

  1. Who is father of linguistics?
  2. Roland Barthes

B)    Saussure

  1. Derrida
  2. Stuart Hall
  3. Saussure said, ‘’language is a system of signs embedded in———– ‘’
  4. Human thought

B)    Culture

  1. Politics
  2. Ideas
  3. Something that stands for something else is called?
  4. Labour


B)    Sign

  1. Alienation
  2. Referent
  3. How many parts of signs?
  4. 1

B)    2

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. The sound image or psychological imprint is called?

A)    Signifier

  1. Signified
  2. Referent
  3. None of these
  4. All those mantle images which we create with the help of sound image is calles?
  5. Signifier

B)    Signified

  1. Estrangement
  2. Both A and b
  3. Part and chunks of language which we used in daily life routine is called?
  4. Langue

B)    Parole

  1. Fabula
  2. Suzette
  3. The relationship between signifier and signified is——
  4. Fixed
  5. Vague

C)    Arbitrary

  1. Both A and b
  2. Who creates meaning of words?
  3. Individual

B)    Community

  1. Philosophers
  2. All of these
  3. What are cultural representations?
  4. Symbols
  5. Signs

C)    Texts

  1. None of these
  2. Who was second structuralist?
  3. Ferdinand De

B)    Roland Barthes

  1. Jakobson
  2. Victor
  3. Barthes was the only person who analysed——-
  4. Images
  5. Moving pics
  6. Portraits


D)    Both A and B

  1. The subject which deals with the study of signs is called?
  2. Neurology
  3. Neurotics

C)    Semiology

  1. Sociology
  2. How many levels of signification according to Barthes?
  3. 1

B)    2

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. The dictionary and literal meaning of word is called———-
  4. Connotative meanings

B)    Denotative meanings

  1. Both A and B
  2. None of these
  3. Which meaning people generate without association to their culture, ideology and society?
  4. Connotative

B)    Denotative

  1. Negotiated
  2. None of these



  1. The personal, individual, and subjective interpretation of the word is called……..
  2. Denotative

B)    Connotative

  1. Oppositional
  2. Negotiated
  3. Figurative meanings which we extract from text are called……
  4. Denotative

B)    Connotative

  1. Literal
  2. False

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

  1. According to Marx, culture, history, text and every practise is supposed to analyse under the relation to——–
  2. Mode of production

B)    Means of production

  1. Material of production
  2. None of these
  3. Which theory influences historical movements, and ideological perceptions?
  4. Cultivation theory

B)    Marx’s theory

  1. Mulvey’s theory


  1. None of these
  2. For Marx, ‘’———— Is struggle of classes for materialistic pursuits’’.
  3. Life
  4. Class

C)    History

  1. Religion
  2. Who determine the political social and cultural shapes of society?
  3. Family

B)    Mode of production.

  1. Mean of production.
  2. Religion
  3. When society was feudal and Agrarian then modes of production were——-
  4. Technological
  5. Developed

C)    Agrarian

  1. None of these
  2. On which thing superstructure is based?
  3. Money

B)    Base

  1. Power
  2. Knowledge
  3. Economy is———— of society.
  4. Superstructure

B)    Base

  1. Both A and B
  2. None of these
  3. All the raw material, technology, workers and their skills are called——
  4. Means of production.
  5. Mode of production.

C)    Forces of production

  1. Relations of production
  2. Which aspect determine the Class position of anyone in Marxist society?
  3. Forces of production

B)    Relations of production

  1. Means of production.
  2. Mode of production
  3. The ideology which dominates a specific era and consists of institutes is called——
  4. Base

B)    Superstructure

  1. Both A and B
  2. None of these
  3. The relationship between Base and superstructure is ——–
  4. Linear
  5. Complex

C)    Two-fold

  1. Arbitrary
  2. Superstructure often legitimate Base because it creates —–


  1. Class
  2. Identity

C)    Ideology

  1. Politics
  2. What happed to superstructure if base is mechanical?
  3. Remain same

B)    Superstructure also mechanical

  1. Divided in parts.
  2. Disappeared
  3. Which disease in society need to diagnose, according to Marx?
  4. Alienation

B)    Capitalism

  1. Nihilism
  2. Dadaism
  3. The gap and estrangement between a worker and product is called ——
  4. Isolation

B)    Alienation

  1. Liberalism
  2. Surplus
  3. Who control all the surplus value?
  4. Workers

B)    Capitalist

  1. Marxist
  2. None of these
  3. In which process in which pre-capitalist modes of production are transformed into capitalist modes of production?
  4. Linear progression
  5. Alienation

C)    Primitive accumulation

  1. Both A and B
  2. Capitalism in its heart is ———-
  3. Strong
  4. Stable

C)    Unstable

  1. Ruined
  2. According to Marx, unemployment in any society symbolises that we have ——–
  3. No resources

B)    Enough resources

  1. Unstable economy
  2. Both A and C

Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer

  1. Who is child of Marxism?
  2. Feminism

B)    Frankfurt school

  1. Liberal school
  2. Economical school


  1. When did Frankfurt school established? A) 1914

B) 1923

  1. C) 1922
  2. D) 1990
  3. Which theory was produced by Frankfurt school?
  4. Modern theory

B)    Critical theory

  1. Marxist theory
  2. Post-modern theory
  3. Critical theory is mixture of which two theories?

A)    Marxism and psychoanalysis.

  1. Marxism and liberalism.
  2. Marxism and structuralism
  3. None of these
  4. Cultural theory was given by which two philosophers?
  5. Marx and Engel

B)    Adorno and Horkheimer

  1. Adorno and Kipling
  2. Horkheimer and Marx
  3. In which year cultural theory was published? A) 1988

B) 1944

  1. C) 1922
  2. D) 1993
  3. The set of corporation which produce culture like films, media, magazines is called—
  4. Media industry

B)    Culture industry

  1. Economical industry
  2. Fashion industry
  3. How many features culture industry have?
  4. 1

B)    2

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. Culture industry have features of ———- and ————-
  4. Nobility and idealism
  5. Homogeneity and idealism

C)    Homogeneity and predictability

  1. Predictability and universality
  2. How many claims Adorno made in his essay on popular music?
  3. 1
  4. 2

C)    3

  1. 5
  2. Adorno talks about 1940s when———– was on peak.
  3. Marxism


B)    Pop music

  1. Fashion
  2. Jazz music

Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman

  1. Media is source of information as well as entertainment that’s why we called it ——

A)    Infotainment

  1. Infogainment
  2. Infopayment
  3. Entertainment
  4. Who proposed the influential model of propaganda?
  5. Noam Chomsky
  6. Edward Herman

C)    Both A and B

  1. None of these
  2. According to propaganda modal, which thing is manufactured by media?
  3. Economy
  4. Our values

C)    Our consent

  1. Both A and B



  1. In propaganda modal, how many filters are described by Chomsky?
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3

D)    5

  1. In 1920s we observed————– of press.
  2. Rise
  3. Downfall

C)    Industrialization

  1. Relocation
  2. How many companies owned whole media industry?
  3. 23

B)    24

  1. 34
  2. 25
  3. How many conglomerates holed 90% of world’s media?
  4. 3
  5. 4

C)    5

  1. 6
  2. On which thing media’s revenue models are based?
  3. Audience

B)    Advertisement

  1. Media giants


  1. None of these
  2. Advertisement supports media ——– and give power to fight with their ——
  3. Emotionally, rivals

B)    Financially, rivals

  1. Financially, pals
  2. None of these
  3. who can manipulate news by misusing their powers?
  4. Audience
  5. Viewers

C)    Corporates

  1. Sellers
  2. Which thing based on official and non-official resources?
  3. Power of news

B)    Credibility of resource

  1. Authenticity and power
  2. None of these
  3. The negative response to the statement and program published or broadcasted is called
  4. Slang

B)    Flak

  1. Negotiation
  2. Both A and B
  3. Which thing was evil for American corporation and elite groups?
  4. Revolutions
  5. Flak

C)    Communism

  1. All of these

Paul Lazarsfled

  1. Who proposed theory of limited effects?
  2. Stuart Hall
  3. Noam Chomsky

C)    Paul Lazarsfled

  1. Both A and B
  2. In which year Lazarsfled conducted research on presidential election? A) 1980
  3. B) 1987

C) 1940

  1. D) 1990
  2. According to Paul, in reality who is manipulating the thoughts of people more than media?
  3. Politicians

B)    Opinion leaders

  1. President
  2. None of these
  3. Which are two interpretations of word ‘’limited’’ in limited effects theory?
  4. Minimal and low


B)    Minimal and influential

  1. Influential and high
  2. Strong and repulsive
  3. Which theories talk about overwhelming effects of media?
  4. Limited effects theory
  5. Hypodermal needle theory
  6. Magic bullet theory

D)    Both B and C

  1. Which era of media studies is started from limited effects modal?
  2. 1st
  3. 2nd
  4. 3rd
  5. 4th
  6. Lazarsfled———- all previous notions regarding media.
  7. Accepted

B)    Challenged

  1. Supported
  2. Both A and C



  1. According to limited effects theory, media has———– effects on us.
  2. Worse

B)    Limited

  1. High
  2. Low
  3. How many kinds of listeners are described by Lazarsfled?

A)    2

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. Lazarsfled proposed—– step flow.
  5. 1

B)    2

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. Limited effects theory states that, most people form their opinions not through media but through ——
  4. Family

B)    Opinion leader

  1. Music
  2. News
  3. At high level all those people who control the flow of information are called——–
  4. Opinion leader

B)    Gatekeepers

  1. Opinion followers
  2. None of these
  3. An active person who interprets the meaning of media messages to others is called—-


  1. Opinion follower
  2. Gatekeeper

C)    Opinion leader

  1. Both A and C
  2. The low media user who dependent on opinion leaders for all information are called…
  3. Gatekeeper
  4. High listener

C)    Opinion followers

  1. Political sheep

 Marshall McLuhan’s technological determinism

  1. Marshal McLuhan was a————–
  2. Russian
  3. American

C)    Canadian

  1. British
  2. What is the name of theory given by Marshal McLuhan?
  3. Cultivation
  4. Popular culture

C)    Technological determinism

  1. None of these
  2. According to technological determinism, who determine our society, culture, life and existence?
  3. God
  4. Human

C)    Technology

  1. Weather
  2. According to Marshall, ‘’technological determinism is a belief that technology is —–

force in society’’.

  1. Repulsive

B)    Governing

  1. Attractive
  2. None of these
  3. Technological determinism determines the relationship between ——- and ——–
  4. Human and God
  5. Human and politics
  6. Society and Government

D)    Society and technology

  1. Who said, ‘’technology determines history’’?
  2. Raymond William

B)    Roe Smith

  1. Marshall
  2. Stuart Hall
  3. Which is basic statement made by Marshall McLuhan’s theory of technological determinism?
  4. All relations are money relation.

B)    Medium is message.


  1. Message is pluralistic.
  2. None of these
  3. The medium through which message is transmitted is———- than message itself.
  4. Ambiguous
  5. Vague

C)    Important

  1. None of these
  2. Marshall adopted which term for the explanation of ‘’Medium is message’’?
  3. Glocalization

B)    Global village

  1. Imperialism
  2. None of these
  3. Which is driving force in technological determinism?
  4. Economy

B)    Medium

  1. Message
  2. Society



  1. Marshall said, ‘’you cannot understand the message without understanding the———————————————————————————————– ‘’
  2. Society

B)    Medium

  1. Politics
  2. None of these
  3. How many kinds of determinists are pointed by Marshal McLuhan?
  4. 1

B)    2

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. Which kind of determinists said that technology is independent from social concerns?

A)    Hard determinists

  1. Soft determinist
  2. Neutral determinists
  3. None of these
  4. Marshal was———-

A)    Soft

  1. Hard
  2. Neutral
  3. Vague
  4. Which determinists believe that we have option regarding the outcomes of situation?
  5. Hard

B)    Soft

  1. Neutral
  2. None of these

Manuel Castells


  1. Manuel Castell was———-
  2. British
  3. Canadian

C)    Spain

  1. American
  2. From which valley Castells got concept of network societies?
  3. Neutral valley
  4. Technological valley

C)    Silicon- valley

  1. None of these
  2. The society whose social structure is made of networks is called—–
  3. Technological society
  4. Modern society

C)    Network society

  1. All of these
  2. Network society is a———
  3. Linear

B)    Multidimensional

  1. Simple
  2. Noe of these
  3. Network society emerged as a result of transformation from —– to —-


  1. Modern to post-modern

B)    Industrial to information

  1. Feudal to industrial
  2. Pre-modern to modern
  3. The set of inter-connected nodes are called——–
  4. Family

B)    Network

  1. Technological circle
  2. Loop
  3. How many dimensions of social change is described by Castell?
  4. 1
  5. 3

C)    5

  1. 6
  2. Which is basic and very first dimension of network society?
  3. Globalisation

B)    Information technology

  1. Crisis of patriarchy
  2. Hypertext
  3. What is backbone of network societies?
  4. Globalism
  5. Technology

C)    Electronic hypertext

  1. None of these
  2. The technology culture not only effected our mode of living but our—-


  1. Familia institution
  2. Societal institution

C)    Both A and B

  1. None of these
  2. What is the only advantage of networks or network society?
  3. Adaptability
  4. Volatile

C)    Both A and B

  1. None of these
  2. The concept of place lessness is named by Castel as ………..
  3. Rootlessness

B)    The space of flows

  1. The space of decline
  2. Web of network
  3. Why is Castell criticized by other theorists?

A)    He is optimistic.

  1. He is pessimistic.
  2. He is materialistic.
  3. None of these

Stuart Hall

  1. How many theories of Stuart Hall is famous?
  2. 1

B)    2

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. Stuart Hall discusses the relationship between ——- and ——
  4. Politics and media

B)    Media and audience

  1. People and society
  2. None of these
  3. Producer of message———– the text.
  4. Decode

B)    Encode

  1. Crack
  2. All of these
  3. Hall——– the important aspect that how media messages are composed and


  1. Accepted

B)    Challenged

  1. Represent
  2. None of these
  3. Conventional modal of communication was———– In sense.
  4. Complex

B)    Linear

  1. Vague
  2. Composed


  1. Hall focuses on how people————
  2. Encode

B)    Decode

  1. Reject
  2. None of these
  3. In postmodern world, meaning is ——-
  4. Fixed

B)    Not fixed

  1. Stable
  2. Both A and C
  3. Message is not transparent, it always has ——
  4. Agenda
  5. Political background
  6. Specific purpose

D)    All of these



  1. Which aspect is crucial to Hall’s argument?
  2. Mode of communication

B)    Lack of fit

  1. The space of flow
  2. Process of encoding
  3. Hall is concerned with—— values in tele-visual signs.
  4. Linear

B)    Polysemic

  1. Neutral
  2. Political
  3. Hall said, Consumer is also—-
  4. Political
  5. Corrupt

C)    Producer

  1. None of these
  2. When we decode the universal and dominant meaning, it is called—–
  3. Negotiated meaning.

B)    Preferred meaning

  1. Implemented meaning.
  2. None of these
  3. How many hypothetical positions of decoding are given by Hall?
  4. 1
  5. 2

C)    3

  1. 4
  2. The position in which viewer has the potential to adopt and oppose the dominant code is called—–
  3. Hegemonic position

B)    Negotiated position

  1. Oppositional position


  1. None of these
  2. The position in which viewer opposed the dominant and hegemonic position or meaning, is called—-
  3. Negotiated position.
  4. Hegemonic position.

C)    Oppositional position.

  1. None of these
  2. Along with theory of decoding/encoding, Hall also proposed theory of—-

A)    Representation

  1. Cultural identity
  2. Neutrality
  3. None of these
  4. According to Hall, Media does not reflect meaning but———
  5. Manipulate

B)    Generate

  1. Avoid
  2. All of these
  3. Hall in his both theories focus on —-
  4. Decoder
  5. Audience
  6. Receiver

D)    All of these

 Laura Mulvey’s male gaze

  1. Laura Mulvey is ——–
  2. British Feminist
  3. Psychoanalyst
  4. Liberalist

D)    Both A and B

  1. Mulvey is best known for theorizing the concept of ——-
  2. Feminism

B)    Male gaze

  1. Psychoanalysis
  2. None of these
  3. When did Mulvey wrote her essay? A) 1980
  4. B) 1986

C) 1975

  1. D) 1900
  2. Which theory states that male got pleasure through visualizing females?
  3. Feminist
  4. Narrative cinema

C)    Visual pleasure

  1. None of these
  2. Mulvey said, the gender power asymmetry is a controlling force in —–
  3. Society
  4. World


C)    Cinema

  1. Discourse
  2. Which is Target audience according to Mulvey?
  3. Females

B)    Males

  1. Children
  2. All of these
  3. Mulvey said, females are——— of meaning not makers of meaning.
  4. Supporters

B)    Bearers

  1. Volunteers
  2. None of these



  1. According to Mulvey, women is treated just as a———— in society.
  2. Individual

B)    Sexual object

  1. Animal
  2. All of these
  3. The aesthetic pleasure drawn from looking at a naked person is called—-
  4. Voyeurism

B)    Scopophilia

  1. Gazing
  2. All of these
  3. The interest in observing unsuspecting people while they undress or engage in sexual activities is calles—-

A)    Voyeurism

  1. Scopophilia
  2. Spying
  3. None of these
  4. With how many perspective we usually analyse the theory of male gaze?
  5. 1
  6. 2

C)    3

  1. 4



Michel Foucault

  1. In which work Foucault talks about way of punishment?
  2. Madness

B)    Discipline and punish.

  1. Both A and B
  2. Noe of these
  3. There is——– in ways of punishment with the passage of time.
  4. No change
  5. Transition


C)    No transition

  1. None of these
  2. Who introduced the idea of Panopticism?
  3. Foucault

B)    Jeremy Bentham

  1. Ben
  2. Martin Esslin
  3. Foucault said, Panopticism is a diagram of mechanism of —–
  4. Society

B)    Power

  1. Knowledge
  2. None of these
  3. Foucault said madness is also a ——–
  4. Norm

B)    Construct

  1. Disease
  2. None of these
  3. According to Foucault, a………… in an institutionalized way of speaking or

writing about reality.

  1. Power

B)    Discourse

  1. Knowledge
  2. None of these
  3. According to Foucault, power is not concentrated at one place, power is rather


  1. Complex

B)    Diffused

  1. Infused
  2. Both A and C
  3. Foucault was a ——–
  4. Post-structuralism

B)    Post-modernist

  1. Structuralist
  2. None of these
  3. What is the name of prison which consist on a ring of cells that was built around a central point of observation?

A)    Panopticism

  1. Flow of punishments
  2. Space of surveillance
  3. None of these

1.                    When was Michel Foucault born? a) 1975

  1. b) 1935

c)   1926

  1. d) 1929

2.                    From which author does Foucault derive the concept of Genealogy?


  1. Nietzsche
  2. Heidegger
  3. Canguilhem
  4. Beccaria


3.                    What is the subtitle of Discipline and Punish?

  1. The growth of the carceral system
  2. Penalty in the classical period

c)         The birth of the prison

  1. Surveillance and Observation


4.                    With which two images does Foucault begin this book?

  1. A prison and a guillotine
  2. A prisoner and a delinquent
  3. A genealogy and the carceral system

d)                  A public execution and a timetable


  1. According to Foucault which one creates relation between power and knowledge…?
  2. Speech

b)                  Discourse

  1. Wisdom
  2. Knowledge
  3. In the……. existence creates knowledge and act the same time induces itself…?
  4. Knowledge
  5. Discourse

c)         Power

  1. All of these
  2. For Foucault where there is power there is resistance…?

a)                   Resistance

  1. Freedom
  2. Resources
  3. knowledge
  4. power relations occur at the level of ,,?
  5. Individuals
  6. Groups
  7. Classes

d)         Society

  1. In the essay “prison talk” he says, one cannot practice in the………….. of other?
  2. Presence

b)         Absence

  1. Ambivalence
  2. None of these
  3. Truth is constructed through different strategies as Foucault……….. the traditional


  1. Accepted
  2. Bound

c)         Demolished

  1. Figurate

11.             What does modern penality aim to affect?


  1. The body of the prisoner
  2. The future of the prisoner

c)                    The soul of the prisoner

  1. The essence of the prisoner


John Fiske


  1. Who theorized ‘popular culture’ in context of television studies?

A.    John Fiske

  1. Laura Mulvey
  2. Stuart Hall
  3. Manual Castells


  1. Reaction to popular culture can be in which way?
    1. Resistance
    2. Evasion
    3. Ignoring

D.    Both 1&2

  1. Who plays the pivotal and the foremost role in making the things popular in context of ‘popular culture’?
    1. Media
    2. Texts

C.     People

  1. Think tanks
  1. The meaning of popular culture exist only in their…….
    1. Popularity
    2. Texts
    3. Productivity

D.    Circulation

  1. Popular culture is the culture of……. WhoWho resent their subordination.

A.    Subordinate

  1. Super-ordinate
  2. Inferior
  3. Non of the above
  1. ‘popular culture’ is structured within what……. Calls the opposition between the power- bloc and the people.
    1. Mulvey
    2. Jhon Fiske
    3. Paul Lazersfeld

D.    Stuart Hall

  1. Hegemonic power is necessary,or even possible, only because of……

A.    Resistance

  1. Evasion


  1. Acceptance
  2. unconsciousness
  1. Culture making is a….. process.
    1. Political
    2. Cultural
    3. Ritual

D.    Social

9……… Is central to popular culture, for it minimizes the difference between text and life,

between the aesthetic and everyday.

A.    Relevance

  1. Media
  2. Connection
  3. Movies
  4. Semiotic power can be defied by……
    1. Resistance

B.     Semiotic resistance

  1. Evasion
  2. Semiotic evasion


Globalization and cultural imperialism reconsidered

  1. According to……….. in new era of globalization, we stand “at the End of History”.
    1. Fukuyanma
    2. Michael Focualt
    3. Noam Choamsky
    4. David Morely
  2. Cultural Imperialism is tantamount to use of ……..
    1. Semiotic power
    2. Hard power
    3. Soft power
    4. None of the above
  3. In globalization our culture is dominated by global firms such as Macdonald, KFC and Coca Cola etc. This domination can be incarnated as……
  4. Neo-colonization
  5. Colonization
  6. Cultural Imperialism
  7. Market Liberalism
  8. According to Major Ralph Peters’s article in The US Army War College quarterly journal ‘Parameters’ two-pronged US assault is……….
  9. Military
  10. Mass Produced popular Culture
  11. Anti-terrorism narrative
  12. Both a & b
  13. One of the limits to cultural imperialism is ……..
    1. Glocalization
    2. Globalization
    3. Critical globalization
    4. Capitalism


  1. From the perspective of the West, modernization is hard to disentangle from the story of Westernization and in the 20th century from the …….
    1. Capitalism
    2. Marxism
    3. McDonaldization
    4. Americanization
  2. According to North American ‘modernization Theory’ of 1960s there was no successful modernization in the Middle East is due to backward-looking…….
    1. Regressive thought
    2. Traditional attitudes
    3. Extremism
    4. None of the above
  3. Glocalization is the mixture of……
    1. Orient and oxidant
    2. Local and Global
    3. Capitalism and Marxism
    4. All of them
  4. Who suggested bi-focal perspective of analyzing philosophy?
    1. John Fiski
    2. David Morely
    3. Lacan
    4. Derrida
  5. Postmodern world of active audiences, according to ‘optimistic’ school of cultural studies audience theory, is living in a …………
    1. Semiotic democracy
    2. Semiotic power
    3. Hegemony
    4. Cultural imperialism



Market Liberalism

  1. In 1989,the Berlin wall came down and it was the historic victory of…..
  2. communism
  3. Marxism
  4. socialism

D)    capitalist democracy

  1. Development of media and cultural studies in Britain during late 20th century was influenced by

A)    market liberalism and globalization

  1. nationalism
  2. gender imbalance
  3. statism
  4. Foucault’s work seemed to suggest that simply unmasking the epistemic foundations of power would lead to..

A)    human liberation

  1. oppression
  2. enslavement


  1. . Subjugation
  1. Anti-statist orientation and focus on individual self-realisation are the Characteristics of

A)    free market

  1. planned economy
  2. socialism
  3. Marxism
  • compel the media to connect to the social experiences and concerns of the people,

irrespective of the values of media owners or the dominant discourses of society.

A)    market pressures

  1. social pressures
  2. Gender pressures
  3. Cultural pressures
  1. Globally distributed cultural goods is transformed through local cultural appropriations in

A)    Global capitalism

  1. elitism
  2. socialism
  3. nationalism
  1. Positive development of globalization through cultural populism symbolizes

A)    cosmopolitan disposition

  1. Discourse of nationalism
  2. Conservatism
  3. nothing
  1. American brand Coca Cola advertisement is an example of….

A)    popular culture

  1. anti culture
  2. Real culture
  3. low culture
  1. In media, hyper commercialization is leading towards
    1. high quality journalism

B)    low quality journalism

  1. Better information
  2. both a and c
  1. In market liberalism , the moral rhetoric of ‘hard work, talent and enterprise’ is misleading because it provides justification for….

A)    elite class

  1. poor class
  2. middle class
  3. both b and c


Jean Baudrillard

  1. Jean Baudrillard born in….?

a)                   France

  1. Japan
  2. America
  3. Russia
  4. Who gave the concept of hypereality and simulacra…?
  5. Michel Foucault
  6. Judith Butler

c)         Jean Baudrillard

  1. George Gurbner
  2. Disneyland is a good example of….?
  3. Hyperbola

b)         Hypereality

  1. Superficial
  2. All of these
  3. According to Baudrillard, Media set the agenda on the narrative of …..?
  4. People
  5. Producers
  6. Things

d)         War

  1. The TV speech of a political candidate something staged entirely to be seen on TV, is a good example of…?
    1. Hyperreality
    2. Fragmented vision

c)         Simulation

  1. None of these
  1. The concept of Baudrillard’s simulacra and simulation is appeared in the first….?

a)         Matrix

  1. Mortal Engines
  2. Dark city
  3. Inception
  1. Which thing is the more important then the real thing …?
  2. Sings
  3. Symbols

c)         Representations

  1. All of these
  2. The secret of theory is that truth does not..?

a)         Exist

  1. Absolute
  2. Generate
  3. Reciprocate
  1. Which one is the example of simulacrum ..?
  2. God
  3. Disneyland

c)         Both A/B


  1. None of these
  2. The eye of TV is no longer the source of an absolute gaze, and the ideal of control is no longer that of transparency is linked with………?
    1. Reality is everywhere

b)         Big brother is watching

  1. Truth is absolute
  2. Truth is relevant
  1. According to Baudrillard which thing is most powerful in the world…?
  2. Culture
  3. Tradition

c)         Media

  1. All of these
  2. Reality exists but it is distorted through…?
  3. Reshaping
  4. Rethinking
  5. Hiding

d)         Representation

George Gerbner

  1. George Gerbner was born in…..?

a)  1919

  1. b) 1914
  2. c) 1917
  3. d) 1921
  4. Gerbner took an early interest in ….?
  5. Piano
  6. Guitar

c)         Folklore

  1. Violine
  2. Cultivation theory was first advanced by ….?
  3. Currin

b)         George Gerbner

  1. Adorno
  2. Foucault
  3. Cultivation theory is the social theory which examine the long term effects of…..?
  4. Radio
  5. Newspaper
  6. Mobile

d)         TV

  1. Who created the television violence index….?
  2. Paul lazarsfeld
  3. Walter Lippmann

c)         George Gerbner

  1. Marshall
  2.            States that, the more time people spend “living” in the television world the more likely they are to believe.

a)                   Cultivation theory


  1. Simulation theory
  2. Transcultural theory
  3. Agenda based theory
  4. The Cultivation theory is also known as ….?
  5. Cultivation marketing
  6. Cultivation plot

c)         Cultivation hypothesis

  1. Cultivation synopsis
  2. Which type of viewers are affected by the “Mean World Syndrome”…?
  3. Light viewers

b)         Heavy viewers

  1. Both light and heavy
  2. None of these
  3. Which one is spreading violence among peoples…?
  4. Books
  5. Magazines
  6. Generals

d)         Television

  1. Mass media serves a surveillance function as evidence in …?

a)                   News coverage

  1. Reality shows
  2. Quiz shows
  3. Variety shows
  4. Cultivation Theory is used to demonstrate the relationship between…?
  5. Violence and television
  6. Television and other media
  7. Society and individuals

d)                  All of these

Judith Butler:

  1. Judith butler was born in ….?

a)  1956

  1. b) 1967
  2. c) 1978
  3. d) 1980
  4. There is no gender identity behind the expressions of gender that identity is performatively constituted by the very expression that are said to be its results said by…?
  5. James Currin

b)         Judith butler

  1. George Gerbner
  2. None of these
  3. Judith butler is well known as a theorist of ….?
  4. Power
  5. Gender
  6. Feminism

d)         All of these


  1. Gender is some kind of performance when once installed by culture at least fixed which kind of theory it reflects ?
  2. Gender theory
  3. Power theory

c)         Queer theory

  1. Cultural theory
  2. According to Butler Gender is not a ……. Identity?

a)                   Fixed

  1. Changed
  2. Free
  3. None of these
  4. According to Butler we do not have ….. identity which informs our behavior ?
  5. Cultural

b)         Gender

  1. Race
  2. Political
  3. Which thing our……. is all that our gender is ?

a)                   Behavior

  1. Happiness
  2. Identity
  3. None of these
  4. There is nothing fixed, Gay relationships seems similar in style which partnership…?
  5. Homosexual
  6. Dithecal

c)         Heterosexual

  1. None of these