- Mesoderm form muscles through
- Myogensis
- Hematogensis
- Thrombopiosia
- Endodermal ossification
- mesoderm has ability to induce formation of neural plate.
- True
- False
- mesoderm appears in…….weak of embryonic development
- Third
- Eighth
- First
- Tenth
- paraxial mesoderm is one of important segments of mesoderm
- True
- False
- lateral plate mesoderm give rise to……
- Heart
- Liver
- Brain
- Pancreas
- which of the following organ is formed during gastrulation?
- Gill
- Vitelline membrane
- Heart
- Archentron
- mesoderm give rise to all structures except
- Gonads
- Circulatory system
- Muscular system
- Nervous system
- Brain nerve cell and spinal cord develops from embryonic…..
- Mesoderm
- Ectoderm
- Endoderm
- mesenchyme refers to middle layer of trilaminar embryo
- True
- False
- intraembeyonic coelom form within
- Somites
- Lateral plate
- Neural tube
- Intermediate mesoderm
- All paraxial mesoderm segments about Somites
- True
- Falsa
- lateral plate mesoderm is split into
- Somatic mesoderm
- Splanchnic
- Epiblast
- Somatic and splanchnic mesoderm
- From Hansen node dorsal mesoderm formed and is organized into
- Axons
- Somites
- Dendrites
- Fusion of cytoplasm is known as
- Plasmogamy
- Karyogamy
- Progamy
- Microgamy
- one of symptoms of diabetes inspidus
- Great itching
- Nausea
- Great thirst
- Depression
- In vertebrates ectoderm has five parts
- True
- False
- ……discovered the three germ layers.
(a) Heinz Christian pander
(b) Alexander
(c) Paul Muller
- Epidermal cells gives rise to central nervous system
(a) True
(b) False
- Epithelium and mesenchyma are origins from all organs rising from ectoderm
(a) True
(b) False
- Develops from ectoderm derived from mesenchyma cartilage
(a) Mammalian teeth
(b) Nails
(c) Hairs
- A condition in which tissue groups derived ectoderm undergo abnormal develment is termed as ectodermal dysplasia
(a) Trust
(b) False
- …… is type of surface ectoderm
- keratinocyte
(b) Schvan cells
(c) Astrocyte
- The ……… tooth enamel and epidermis are formed by differentiation of ectoderm
(a) Reproductive system
(b) digestive system
(c) endocrine system
(d) nervous system
- During later stages of pregnancy ectoderm can be observed first amphibians and fishes
(b) False