1. Endocrine glands are also known as
a. None of above
b. Lymphoid gland
c. Internal secretion glands
d. Glands of Zeis
Correct Answer: b
2. Storage gland is
a. Adrenal
b. Pancrease
c. Testis
d. Thyroid
Correct Answer: b
3. Rceptors for protein hormones are located
a. On E.R
b. In cytoplasm
c. On surface cell
d. In nucleus
Correct Answer: b
4. Nervous system control the functioning of endocrine gland.It is stated by
a. claude bernard
b. Pott
c. Sanger
d. None
Correct Answer: c
5. Acromegaly is a disease caused by
a. Thyroid gland
b. Endocrine gland
c. Pituitary gland
d. All above
Correct Answer: c
6. Which hormone is secreted by Thyroid gland?
a. Serotonin
b. Thyroxine
c. LH
d. Adrenaline
Correct Answer: d
7. Adrenal cortex secretes salt retaining hormone
a. Androsterone
b. Progestrone
c. Testosterone
d. Aldosterone
Correct Answer: c
8. Complete failure of adenohypophysis of Pituitary gland
a. Cishing’s disease
b. Dwarfism
c. Simmond’s disease
d. Addison’s disease
Correct Answer: d
9. Acid secretion of gastric gland is stopped by
a. CCK
b. Gastrin
c. Enterogasterone
d. All
Correct Answer: a
10. At the time of puberty in boys which hormones triggers changes
a. Insuline
b. Testosterone
c. Thyroxin
d. Adrenaline
Correct Answer: d
11. Hormone present in greatest concentration during ovulation is
a. FSH
b. LH
c. Prolactin
Correct Answer: a
12. According to recent knowledge,the pineal body is considered as
a. An endocrine gland
b. A vestigial organ
c. An organ of involuntary action
d. An organ of intellegence
Correct Answer: d
13. The hormones were first recognised by the name
a. Insulin
b. Oxytocin
c. secretin
d. Vassopressin
Correct Answer: c
14. Adenyl cyclase enzyme catalyze ATP into
a. Cyclic AMP
b. ADP
c. Phosphocreatine
d. None
Correct Answer: a
15. Serotonin is synthesized from
a. Glutamate
b. Trypsin
c. Tryptophan
d. Glutamine
Correct Answer: a
16. In C.N.S clusters of cell bodies are called
a. Axon
b. Nuclei
c. Ganglia
d. Dendrites
Correct Answer: a
17. The black and white vision of eye occurs In
a. Cones
b. Rhodopsin
c. Rods
d. Choroid
Correct Answer: c
18. Human central nervous system contains interneurons
a. 300 billion
b. 100 billion
c. 50 billion
d. 500 billion
Correct Answer: d
19. Corpus luteum is formed by
a. Empty follicle
b. Germinal epithelium of ovary
c. vitelline membrane
d. None
Correct Answer: a
20. Hormones,Melatonin and Serotonin are secreted by
a. Pineal gland
b. Thymus gland
c. Thyroid gland
d. Adrenal gland
Correct Answer: d
21. Function of CCK is
a. Contract gall bladder
b. Increase bile production
c. Increase digestion
d. Decrease bile production
Correct Answer: a
22. Tetany and Osteoporesis are caused due to deficiency of
a. Cortison
b. Estrogen
c. Insulin
d. Parathormone
Correct Answer: a
23. Absorption of UV light at a wavelength of 280nm by a protein is due to
a. Aromatic A.A and peptide bond
b. aromatic and aliphatic
c. Aliphatic amino acids
d. Aromatic amino acids
Correct Answer: d
24. Intracellular negative potential and extracellular positive potential occurs in;
a. In liver cells
b. In all cells
c. In neurons
d. In kidney cells
Correct Answer: b
25. The nerve centers in the brain which control the body temperature and the urge for eating;
a. Cerebellum
b. Hypothalamus
c. Pones
d. Thalamus
Correct Answer: b
26. Which of the following pairs of structures distinguishes nerve cell from other cells;
a. flagellum and medullary sheath
b. Perikaryon
c. Nucleus and mitochondria
d. Vacuoles and fibers
Correct Answer: a
27. Mechanistic approach was poineered by
a. Tinbergen
b. Pavlov
c. Lorenz
d. Von Frisch
Correct Answer: b
28. One of the following is not an endocrine gland
a. Stomach
b. Intestine
c. Testis
d. Oesophagus
Correct Answer: b
29. The alternative name for growth hormone is;
a. LH
b. STH
c. FSH
Correct Answer: d
30. Mammalian thymus is mainly connected with
a. Regulation of body temperature
b. Immunological function
c. Regulation of body growth
d. Regulation of hormones
Correct Answer: c
31. Survival time can be minimized if we remove
a. Pituitary
b. Thymus
c. Thyroid
d. Adrenal
Correct Answer: d
32. Cretinism in children is caused by
a. Hypo-insuline-secretion
b. Hypothyroidism
c. Hypopituitarism
d. Hypoparathyroidism
Correct Answer: b
33. Secretion of pancreatic juice is stimulated by
a. Adrenaline
b. Insulin
c. secretin
d. Oxytocin
Correct Answer: c
34. Some behaviour patterns appear only after a specific developmental stage or time called;
a. Instinct
b. Imprinting
c. Maturation
d. Learning
Correct Answer: b
35. The inherited behaviour is called;
a. Maturation
b. Imprinting
c. Learning
d. Instinct
Correct Answer: b
36. The inner most membrane of human eye is;
a. Blind spot
b. Sclera
c. Choroid
d. Retina
Correct Answer: a
37. Ratio of number of rods to the number of cones is;
a. 1:2 ratio
b. 1:1 ratio
c. 1:5 ratio
d. 1:20 ratio
Correct Answer: d
38. The absence of receptors is in the retinal area is called
a. Fovea
b. Lens
c. Ciliary body
d. Blind spot
Correct Answer: b
39. The process of focusing light rays precisely on retina is called
a. Rhodopsin
b. nictitating Membrane
c. Fovea
d. accommodation
Correct Answer: d
40. What is the most important factor in resting membrane potential?
a. Active transport
b. K+ concentration gradient
c. Concentration of ions
d. Na+ permeability
Correct Answer: b
41. Which is false regarding Insulin?
a. Promote gluconeogenesis
b. Cause lipogenesis
c. Secreted by beta cells of pancrease
d. Promote glycogenesis
Correct Answer: c
42. The active form of Vitamin D is;
a. Calcium
b. 1,25DHCC
c. Parathyroid hormone
d. Chlolecalciferol
Correct Answer: a
43. The secretions from which of these glands differs between males and females?
a. Parathyroid
b. Gonadal
c. Pancrease
d. Adrenal
Correct Answer: d
44. The clusters of cells in pancreas that produce hormones are known as;
a. Pancreatic cortex
b. Nodules
c. Islets of Langerhans
d. Pancreatic medulla
Correct Answer: b
45. Thhe posterior pituitary stores and releases;
a. Growth hormone and prolactin
b. Prolactin and oxytocin
c. Oxytocin and ADH
d. ADH and growth hormone
Correct Answer: a
46. Which gland controls basal metabolic rate(BMR)?
a. Parathyroid
b. Testes
c. Thyroid
d. Pancreas
Correct Answer: c
47. The study of ecological effects of animal behaviour is called;
a. Behavioural ecology
b. Ethology
c. Comparative psychology
d. Socio-biology
Correct Answer: a
48. The pituitary gland is;
a. Exocrine gland
b. Endocrine gland
c. Sensory organ
d. Thermoreceptor
Correct Answer: c
49. Movement directed toward a light source is called;
a. Positive phototaxis
b. Positive kinesis
c. Positive chemotaxis
d. Negative kinesis
Correct Answer: c
50. Facilitation which takes place through the synthesis of new peotein is;
a. Synthetic facilitation
b. Long term facilitation
c. Short term facilitation
d. Novel facilitation
Correct Answer: b