Plant Anatomy-Collenchyma

1. Collenchyma are characterized by the presence of

a) elongated cells with deposits of cellulose and pectin all over the wall

b) isodiametric cells with deposits of cellulose and pectin at the corners

c) elongated cells with thickening at the corners

d) isodiametric cells with thickening all over the wall

2. The waxy substance associated with the wall of cork cells is

a) Cutin


c) Hemicellulose

d) Suberin

3. A simple mechanical tissue devoid of lignin is

a) parenchyma

b) sclerenchyma

c) collenchyma

d) chlorenchyma

4. Vascular bundles in a dicot stem are

Dicot Stem

a) open,collateral,exaarch

b)closed, collateral, endarch

c) closed, collateral,exarch

d) open, collateral, endarch

5. Abnormal secondary growth is found in

a) Dracaena

b) Triticum

c) Helianthus

d) Cucurbita

6. Presence of casparian strips is characteristic feature of

a) Endodermis

b) Exodermis

c) Epidermis

d) Pericycle

7. External protective tissue of plants are

a) cork and cortex

b) cortex and epidermis

c) Epidermis and cork

d) pericycle and cortex

8. Annual rings are distinct in plants growing in Annual rings

a) Temperate regions

b) Tropical regions

c) Grasslands

d) Arctric region

9. The lateral roots generally originate in

a) cork cambium

b) cortex

c) pericycle cells lying against protoxylem

d) endodermal cells lying against protoxylem

10. Velamen cells are found in epiphytes

a) below the epidermis

b) just outside the cortex

c) below the endodermis

d) just outside the exodermis

11. Sclerenchymatous bundle sheath is present in

a) Grass

b) Mango

c) Banyan

d) Mango

12. Intercalary meristem results in

a) secondary growth

b) apical growth

c) primary growth

d) none of the above

13. The best method to determine the age of tree is

a) to count the number of leaves

b) to count the number of annual rings

c) to measure it’s diameter

d) to find out the number of branches

14. The bark of a tree comprises

a) all the tissues outside the cork cambium

b) all the tissues outside the vascular camboim

c) only the cork

d) just inside the cork cambium

15. Which of the following give rise to the cork tissue?

a) phellogen

b) periblem

c) periderm

d) phelloderm
