1. 2n + 1 is:

a. Nullisomic

b. Trisomic

c. Tetrasomic

d. Monosomic

Correct Option: d

2. 2n + 2 is:

a. Tetrasomic

b. Nullisomic

c. Monosomic

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

3. 2n —0 is:

a. Monosomic

b. Trisomic

c. Tetrasomic

d. Nullisomic

Correct Option: d

4. A pea plant that is heterozygous for two traits is called a

a. Hybrid

b. Dihybrid

c. Trihybrid

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

5. Anticodons are present on:

a. tRNA

b. mRNA

c. rRNA

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

6. Cell divides during:

a. G1 phase

b. G2

c. S

d. M phase

Correct Option: d

7. Cenozoic period is known as period of…….

a. Fishes

b. Mammals

c. Mammals

d. Amphibians

Correct Option: c

8. Charismata dissolve in:

a. Leptotene

b. Diplotene

c. Pachytene

d. Diakinesis

Correct Option: d

9. Codes are present on:

a. mRNA

b. tRNA

c. rRNA

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

10. Comparative anatomy was studied by:

a. Darwin

b. Lamarck

c. Wallace

d. Buffon

Correct Option: d

11. Darwin returned in England in….

a. 1946

b. 1836

c. 1936

d. 1846

Correct Option: b

12. Devonian period is called period of…..

a. Amphibians

b. Fishes

c. Reptiles

d. Fishes

Correct Option: d

13. DNA true replicating enzyme is:

a. Primase

b. Helicase

c. DNA polymerase II

d. Ligase

Correct Option: c

14. Galapagos is named on:

a. Finches

b. Lion

c. Snake

d. Tortoise

Correct Option: d

15. Genetic drift is most powerful in

a. Changing environment

b. Small population

c. Large population

d. Stable environment

Correct Option: b

16. If test cross gives all dominant characters it means the parent is:

a. Homozygote dominant

b. heterozygous

c. Homozygous recessive

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

17. In semi-conservativt model the strands separated and acts as:

a. Fingerprints

b. Model

c. Enzyme

d. gene

Correct Option: b

18. Initiation codon is

a. GUC

b. AUG

c. UAA

d. UAG

Correct Option: b

19. Jurassic period is called golden age of…..

a. Fishes

b. Mammals

c. Reptiles

d. Amphibians

Correct Option: c

20. Lamarck published his theory in

a. 1805

b. 1802

c. 1803

d. 1804

Correct Option: b

21. mRNA is synthesized by:

a. Ligase

b. Helicase

c. RNA polymerase II

d. RNA polymerase I

Correct Option: c

22. North America is present in the region:

a. Oriental

b. Neotropical

c. Nearctic

d. Ethiopian

Correct Option: c

23. Okazaki fragment is a:

a. Enzyme

b. RNA

c. DNA

d. Protein

Correct Option: b

24. Okazaki fragments are synthesize by:

a. Ligase

b. Primase

c. DNA Polymerase II

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

25. On the Origin Species by Means of Natural Selection was published in:

a. 1877

b. 1859

c. 1867

d. 1876

Correct Option: b

26. Peptide bond is formed on….

a. P site

b. A site

c. E site

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

27. Principics of geology was the book of:

a. Darwin

b. Lamarck

c. Lyell

d. Wallace

Correct Option: c

28. The age of Darwin at the end of the voyage was:

a. 26

b. 27

c. 25

d. 24

Correct Option: c

29. The centromere is a specific DNA sequence of about number of nucleotides.

a. 240

b. 260

c. 220

d. 230

Correct Option: c

30. The DNA polymerase only add nucleotide to the end:

a. 3

b. 5

c. 4

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

31. The enzyme which play a supporting role in DNA replication is:

a. Primase

b. Helicase

c. DNA polymerase II

d. Ligase

Correct Option: c

32. The gametes of F2 are formed in ratio:

a. 0.25416666667

b. 0.042361111111

c. 0.12569444444

d. 0.37569444444

Correct Option: c

33. The helix has a uniform width of…

a. 5nm

b. 2nm

c. 3nm

d. 4nm

Correct Option: b

34. The length of Okazaki fragments is:

a. 500-600 nucleotide

b. 100-200 nucleotide

c. 200-300 nucleotide

d. 300-400 nuceotide

Correct Option: b

35. The natural selection in which individuals of the most commons phenotypes are at disadvantage is called:

a. Disruptive

b. Stabilizung

c. Directional

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

36. The semi conservative model of DNA was proved by:

a. Lamarck

b. Lyell

c. Meselson – Stahl

d. Darwin

Correct Option: c

37. The strand which is transcribed during transcription is:

a. anti sense strand

b. Lagging strand

c. Leading strand

d. sense strand

Correct Option: b

38. The strands in which elongates towards replication fork is:

a. Leading strand

b. Lagging strand

c. antisense strand

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

39. The synthesis of protein is called:

a. Translation

b. Replication

c. Transcription

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

40. The synthesis of RNA from DNA is:

a. Transcription

b. Translation

c. Replication

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

41. The theory of acquired characters was put forward by:

a. Buffon

b. Lamarck

c. Darwin

d. Wallace

Correct Option: b

42. Transcription starts at:

a. Promotor

b. Operator

c. Enhancer

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

43. When tall is crossed with dwarf, F1 gives tall, it is:

a. Hybrid

b. Dominant

c. Recesive

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

44. Which of the following conditions can result in evolution in a population?

a. Random mating

b. No mutations

c. no natural selection

d. None of these

Correct Option: a

45. Which of the following proteins is absent is in nucleosome?

a. H2B

b. H4

c. H1

d. H2A

Correct Option: c

46. Which of the followings is linker protein?

a. H2B

b. H4

c. H1

d. H2A

Correct Option: c

47. Which of the followings should be large for Hardy Weinberg theorem:

a. Mutation

b. Migration

c. Population

d. gene

Correct Option: c

48. XO system is found in:

a. Earthworm

b. Protenor

c. man

d. Birds

Correct Option: b

49. XY system is found in:

a. Birds

b. Man

c. Protenor

d. Man

Correct Option: d

50. ZW system is found in:

a. man

b. Birds

c. Protenor

d. Birds

Correct Option: d