Sociology MCQs Quiz-5

1.”It is the process of learning the norms of the group and society”. this concept according to

a. Ogbum

b. Gecas

c. K.Devis

d. Elliot& Merit

2.How many agents of socialization

a. 5

b. 3

c. 7

d. 6

3.The family is one of the many small face to face groups that are

a. neutral group

b. social group

c. primary group

d. secondary group

4.The first contact of the child is

a. Personality development

b. Character development

c. To Promote cultural values

d. To satisfy basic needs

5._________ is an attitude towards superhuman powers

a. Religion

b. Culture

c. Norms

d. Status

6.Religion provides society with ________framework to manage frustrations and miseries

a. Neutral framework

b. Secondary framework

c. Positive framework

d. Negative framework

7.A _________is a social group whose members have interests , social positions and age in common

a. Peer group

b. Classmate

c. Teachers group

d. Family group

8.The _________are the means for delivering impersonal communications directed to a vast audience.

a. Literature

b. Marketing

c. Mass media

d. Psychology

9._______to behave appropriately within occupational setting is fundamental aspects of human socialization .

a. Social media

b. Learning

c. Observation

d. Culture

10.How many phases involve in socialization in workplace.

a. 3

b. 5

c. 6

d. 4

11.- ________-described  types of deviance in terms of the acceptance or rejection of social

a. Merton

b. Edwin Lemert

c. Erich Goode

d. Travis Warner Hirschi

12.______- is behavior expected of someone who holds a particular status

a. Role

b. Status

c. Culture

d. Sub culture

13._________- is recognized as violating expected rules and norms.

a. Behavior

b. Attitude

c. Norms

d. Culture

14.In a bureaucracy works are carried on “sine ira et studio.”-“without hatred and passion.”

a. Hierarchy of authority

b. Technical qualification

c. Impersonality

d. Division of labor

15.How many characteristics of Bureaucracy.

a. 6

b. 4

c. 3

d. 5

16._________are what help keep people in good social health and well being

a. Informal organization

b. Formal organization

c. Reference group

d. Structured organization

17.How many types of formal organization

a. 2

b. 5

c. 3

d. 4

18.It refers to the gap between the material and non-material culture

a. Sub culture

b. Counter culture

c. Culture lag

d. Culture

19.their attitudes, and their behavior

a. Reference group

b. In group

c. Out group

d. Formal organization

20.Sociology class is an example of

a. Social group

b. Informal group

c. Secondary group

d. Primary group

21.Family, basketball team , a pair of lovers, clique is an example of

a. Secondary group

b. Neutral group

c. Social group

d. Primary group

22.According to social identification. How many types of groups

a. 5

b. 3

c. 2

d. 4

23.“People who are riding in a bus.” Is an example of

a. Social statistics

b. Social aggregates

c. Social class

d. Social category

24._________is just referring to a numbered categorization of individuals

a. Social statistics

b. Social group

c. Social category

d. Social aggregates

25.How many characteristics of collective behavior

a. 5

b. 6

c. 9

d. 8

26.Collective behavior describes the actions, thoughts, and feelings of relatively _______ of people.

a. permanent or structured

b. temporary or structured

c. permanent or unstructured

d. temporary or unstructured

27.How many types of crowd behavior

a. 4

b. 6

c. 2

d. 5

28.A______- is a collection of people who happen to be in the same place at the same time.

a. Conventional crowd

b. Casual crowd

c. Expressive crowd

d. Acting crowd

29.“ A movie, a play, a concert, or a lecture” are the examples of

a. Expressive crowd

b. Conventional crowd

c. Acting crowd

d. Casual crowd

30.A________  is a relatively spontaneous outburst of violence by a large group of people

a. Celebration riots

b. Riot

c. Protest riots

d. Violent disorder

31.According to Goode how many types of riots

a. 7

b. 4

c. 2

d. 3

32.“Collective behaviour among people who are spatially dispersed from one another.” Are

a. Social behavior

b. Mass behavior

c. Mass hysteria

d. Mob

33.A ______ is a piece of information gathered informally which is used to interpret an ambiguous situation.

a. Mob

b. Rumour

c. Panic

d. Mass hysteria

34.Public and public opinion has _____ elements

a. 4

b. 2

c. 3

d. 5

35.The main difference between the animal and human societies is of _____-

a. Norms

b. Status

c. Culture

d. Religion

36.According to _________ “ Culture is the way of life which is transmitted from generation to generation”.

a. Edward Tylor

b. John Beattee

c. Linton

d. Taylor

37.How many types of culture

a. 2

b. 5

c. 4

d. 3

38.The culture which is presented as a pattern to the people is

a. Material culture

b. Non material culture

c. Ideal culture

d. Real culture

39.Folk ways, mores, customs, social norms etc. are the example of

a. Formal social control

b. Society control

c. publicity

d. Informal social control

40.How many types of social control

a. 4

b. 7

c. 2

d. 3

41.Social bond theory I developed by _____

a. Kimball Young

b. Ogbum and Nimkoff

c. Travis Hirschi

d. Herbert Spencer

42._________is the way in which entire social order coheres and maintains itself.

a. Social control

b. Nationalization

c. Mobilization

d. Public aspects

43._____is Sociological phenomenon. _____- is psychological phenomenon.

a. Religion , status

b. Status , role

c. Role, status

d. Norms , culture

44.Behavioral expected of a status is

a. Status

b. Culture

c. Language

d. Role

45.“Female Lecturer resigned for children” is an example of

a. Duty & responsibility

b. Role conflict

c. Role strain

d. Role

46._________refers to tension among the roles connected to a single status.

a. Role strain

b. Role conflict

c. Role &status

d. Norms & culture

47.-_________ are the bundles of socially defined attributes and expectations – associated with

a. Roles

b. Status

c. Religion

d. Culture

48.______is part of our social identity and helps to define our relationship to others.

a. Society

b. Status

c. Norms

d. Role

49.______ refers to what a person is.

a. Status

b. Religion

c. Culture

d. Norms

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