1. SDLC stands for ____

a. system deployment life cycle

b. software deployment life cycle

c. software development life cycle

d. system development life cycle

Answer: c

2. which of these is not account for software failure

a. less compatible

b. increasing supply

c. increasing demand

d. less reliable

Answer: b

3. RAD Model has _____ phases

a. 5

b. 6

c. 4

d. 8

Answer: a

4. Which model can be selected if user is involved in all the phases of SDLC?

a. spiral model

b. iterative model

c. RAD Model

d. waterfall model

Answer: c

5. Which one of the following is not a step of requirement engineering?

a. documentation

b. design

c. elicitation

d. analysis

Answer: b

6. The user system requirements are the parts of which document ?

a. CRM

b. none

c. SRS

d. DFD

Answer: c

7. Efficiency in a software product does not include ________

a. processing time

b. licensing

c. memory utilization

d. responsiveness

Answer: b

8. Which is the first step in the software development life cycle ?

a. Analysis

b. Design

c. Problem Identification

d. Development and Documentation

Answer: c

9. A step by step instruction used to solve a problem is known as

a. An Algorithm

b. A List

c. A plan

d. Sequential structure

Answer: a

10. Debugging is:

a. creating program code

b. finding and correcting errors in the program code

c. creating the algorithm

d. identifying the task to be computerized

Answer: b

11. The importance of software design can be summarized in a single word which is:

a. short

b. long

c. Quality

d. Efficiency

Answer: c

12. Which one of the following models is not suitable for accommodating any change?

a. spiral

b. RAD

c. prototyping

d. Waterfall Model

Answer: d

13. Which one of the following is not a phase of Prototyping Model?

a. Coding

b. Prototype Refinement

c. Quick Design

d. Engineer Product

Answer: a

14. Which two models doesn’t allow defining requirements early in the cycle?

a. waterfall & Spiral

b. Waterfall & RAD

c. Prototyping & Spiral

d. Prototyping & RAD

Answer: c

15. Which of the following life cycle model can be chosen if the development team has less experience on similar projects?

a. RAD

b. Iterative Enhancement Model

c. Spiral

d. Waterfall

Answer: c

16. Which two of the following models will not be able to give the desired outcome if user’s participation is not involved?

a. RAD & Spiral

b. Waterfall & Spiral

c. RAD & Prototyping

d. RAD & Waterfall

Answer: c

17. Which one of the following is a requirement that fits in a developer’s module ?

a. Availability

b. Flexibility

c. Usability

d. Testability

Answer: d

18. What are the four dimensions of Dependability ?

a. Availability, Reliability, Security, Safety

b. Security, Safety, Testability, Usability

c. Usability, Reliability, Security, Flexibility

d. Availability, Reliability, Maintainability, Security

Answer: a

19. Which one of the following is a functional requirement ?

a. Maintainability

b. Robustness

c. security

d. Portability

Answer: c

20. Which one of the following is not a software process quality?

a. Visibility

b. Portability

c. Timeliness

d. Productivity

Answer: b

21. Which of the following activities of a Generic Process framework provides a feedback report?

a. Deployment

b. Modeling & Construction

c. Planning

d. Communication

Answer: a

22. Which of the following is not a diagram studied in Requirement Analysis ?

a. Activity Diagram

b. State Transition Diagram

c. Entity Relationship Diagram

d. Use Cases

Answer: a

23. How many feasibility studies is conducted in Requirement Analysis ?

a. Four

b. Two

c. five

d. Three

Answer: d

24. Which of the following property does not correspond to a good Software Requirements Specification (SRS) ?

a. Ambiguous

b. Complete

c. Verifiable

d. Traceable

Answer: a

25. In DFDs, user interactions with the system is denoted by

a. Circle

b. Arrow

c. Rectangle

d. Triangle

Answer: a

26. Agile Software Development is based on

a. Incremental Development

b. Incremental and Iterative Development

c. Linear Development

d. Iterative Development

Answer: b

27. Which of the following diagram is not supported by UML considering Data-driven modeling ?

a. Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

b. State Chart

c. Component

d. Activity

Answer: a

28. _________________ allows us to infer that different members of classes have some common characteristics.

a. Aggregation

b. Generalization

c. dependency

d. Aggregation

Answer: b

29. ___________ classes are used to create the interface that the user sees and interacts with as the software is used.

a. Boundary

b. Business

c. Entity

d. Controller

Answer: a

30. Which process model should be used in virtually all situations of web engineering?

a. RAD

b. Incremental Model

c. Waterfall Model

d. Spiral Model

Answer: b

31. What category of web-based system would you assign to electronic shopping?

a. Workflow-oriented

b. Interactive

c. Informational

d. Transaction-oriented

Answer: d

32. Risk management is one of the most important jobs for a

a. Investor

b. Client

c. Project manager

d. Production team

Answer: c

33. Which of the following is not considered as a risk in project management?

a. Product competition

b. Specification delays

c. Staff turnover

d. Testing

Answer: d

34. A 66.6% risk is considered as

a. very low

b. high

c. moderate

d. low

Answer: b

35. Quality planning is the process of developing a quality plan for

a. project manager

b. team

c. project

d. customers

Answer: c

36. Identify the sub-process of process improvement

a. Process introduction

b. De-processification

c. Process analysis

d. Process distribution

Answer: c

37. Which one of the following is not a maintenance model?

a. Reuse-oriented model

b. Iterative enhancement model

c. Quick fix model

d. Waterfall model

Answer: d

38. Which of the following manuals is not a user documentation?

a. Reference Guide

b. Installation guide

c. Beginner’s Guide

d. SRS

Answer: d

39. Which of the following risk is the failure of a purchased component to perform as expected?

a. Product risk

b. Programming risk

c. Business risk

d. Project risk

Answer: a

40. A ________ view shows the system hardware and how software components are distributed across the processors in the system.

a. none

b. physical

c. logical

d. process

Answer: b

41. The UML was designed for describing _________

a. object-oriented systems

b. object-oriented systems and Architectural design

c. SRS

d. architectural design

Answer: b

42. Which of the following view shows that the system is composed of interacting processes at run time?

a. development

b. physical

c. process

d. logical

Answer: c

43. Which of the following is not included in Architectural design decisions?

a. architectural styles

b. distribution of the system

c. type of application

d. testing the system

Answer: d

45. Classes and interfaces are a part of

a. Behavioral things

b. Grouping things

c. Annotational things

d. Structural things

Answer: d

46. What is a collection of operations that specify a service of a class or component?

a. Use Case

b. Interface

c. Relationship

d. Actor

Answer: b

47. What is a physical element that exists at runtime in UML?

a. A node

b. An interface

c. An activity

d. none

Answer: a

48. Which things are dynamic parts of UML models?

a. Behavioral things

b. Structural things

c. Grouping things

d. Annotational things

Answer: a

49. Which diagram in UML emphasizes the time-ordering of messages?

a. Collaboration

b. Class

c. Sequence

d. Activity

Answer: c

50. Which things in UML are the explanatory parts of UML models?

a. Annotational things

b. Grouping things

c. Behavioral things

d. Structural things

Answer: a