Temperature and body fluid regulation (Animal Form and Function-I)

(1).The ability to maintain the internal condition constant is called..

(a) Homeostasis           (b) Thermoregulation           (c) Conduction        (d) Convection

(2).The temperature at which enzyme catalyze their chemical reaction most efficient is called..

(a) Temperature regulation       (b) Temperature optima        (c) Thermoregulation    (d) Conduction

(3).Direct transfer of heat between molecules of environment and body surface of an animal is called..

(a) Conduction          (b) Convection         (c) Radiation        (d) Evaporation 

(4).The loss of heat from a surface are water molecules escape in the form of gas is called..

(a) Conduction        (b) Convection          (c) Radiation       (d) Evaporation

(5).The transfer of heat by the emission of electromagnetic waves is called..

(a) Conduction        (b) Convection         (c) Radiation         (d) Evaporation

(6).The animal which desive most of their body heat from the environment is called..

(a) Ectotherm           (b) Endotherm           (c) Hetrotherm         (d) Homeotherm

(7).The animal which maintain their body heat from external processes are called..

(a) Endotherm          (b) Ectotherm        (c) Homeotherm        (d) Heterotherm

(8).The animal which maintain their body temperature constant is called..

(a) Homeotherm         (b) Heterotherm       (c) Ectotherm       (d) Endotherm

(9).The animal which variable body temperature is called…

(a) Homeotherm        (b) Heterotherm      (c) Ectotherm       (d) Endotherm

(10).Humming birds enter into sleep like state at night is called…

(a) Hibernation          (b) Estivation        (c) Winter sleep        (d) Torpor

(11).Digestive enzymes in trout function optimally at….

(a) 20C           (b) 10C                        (c) 30C                        (d) 40C

(12).Animals use…..physical process to exchange heat with the environment..

(a) 1                    (b) 2                   (c) 3                   (d) 4

(13).The ability to control the temperature of body is called….

(a) Homeostasis           (b) Thermoregulation           (c) Radiation        (d) Evaporation

(14).Most endotherms are..

(a) Homotherms            (b) Heterotherms          (c) Ectotherm      (d) None

(15).Most ectotherm are..

(a) Heterotherms         (b) Homoeothermic         (c) Ectoderms         (d) Endotherm

(16).Birds and mammals maintain their body temperature between…

(a) 20C to 25          (b) 30C to 35C           (c) 35C to 40C           (d) 35C to 50C

(17).Some species have a highly vascularized pouch called..

(a) Gular flater          (b) rate Mirabel          (c) Gular pouch           (d) Both (a) and (b)

(18).Blabber is a layer of…

(a) Fat           (b) Protein         (c) Lipids          (d) None

(19).The generation of heat is called…

(a) Thermoregulation        (b) Thermogenetic          (c) Thermodynasis      (d) Thermogenesis

(20).Heat generation by shivering is called….

(a) Non shivering thermogenesis                  (b) Shivering thermogenesis

(c) Overlapping hypogenesis                          (d) Underweighted osmogenesis

(21).The animals which use saliva and urine for cooling…

(a) Lizards        (b) Cats        (c) Bears        (d) Bats

(23).The regional temperature difference within an animal are obtained by..

(a) Vasodilatation only                  (b) Vasoconstriction only

(c) Vasodilatation and vasoconstriction        (d) None

(24).The homeostic thermostat which activates the process of thermoregulation in man is present in.

(a) Cerebrum           (b) Thalamus            (c) Medulla        (d) Hypothalamus

(25).The state of inactivity during winter is called….

(a) Prolong sleep       (b) Aestivation          (c) Hibernation       (d) None

(26).Stat of slow metabolism and inactivity is summer are called..

(a) Prolong sleep            (b) Aestivation       (c) Hibernation    (d) None

(27).All hibernating animal have..

(a) Brown fat          (b) Cuticle         (c) Integument        (d) Blabber

(28).Some animal enter in prolong sleep in…

(a) Summer              (b) Spring           (c) Winter          (d) None

(29).The digestive of trout function normally at:

(a) 40C           (b) 60C              (c) 100C         (d) 200C

(30).Which of the following compounds act as antifreeze?

(a) Lipids         (b) Glycoprotein         (c) Glycolipids           (d) Carbohydrates

(31).Rete mirabile is a:

(a) Fluid                (b) Vessels          (c) Nerves          (d) Hormones

(32).Gular pouch is present in:

(a) Amphibian         (b) Fishes        (c) Birds            (d) Mammals

(33).Blubber is present in:

(a) Dogs            (b) Bear           (c) Sharks              (d) Whales

(34).Prolonged sleep take place in;

(a) Bat             (b) Frogs        (c) Bears         (d) Cats

(35).Gills are used as excretory organ in:

(a) Insects           (b) Crustaceans             (c) Arachnids          (d) Fishes

(36).Maxillary glands are present in:

(a) Pillbugs            (b) Bees           (c) Cray fish           (d) None

(37).Coxal glands are present in:

(a) Pillbugs           (b) Bees           (c) Cray fishes           (d) Spider

(38).The kidney present only in the embryo is:

(a) Pronephros              (b) Mesonephros              (c) Metanephros              (d) None

(39).The kidney present in the adults amphibians is:

(a) Pronephros          (b) Mesonephros             (c) Metanephros            (d) None

(40).Trimethylamine oxide(TMO) is produced in:

(a) Trout                (b) Sharks              (c) Whales             (d) Bony fishes

(41).All invertebrates are:

(a) Ectotherm          (b) Endotherm           (c) Thermoconforms         (d) None

(42).Invertebrates have metabolic rate:

(a) High                   (b) Low           (c) Extreme high         (d) Extreme low

(43).Tricks are animals:

(a)Warm blooded             (b) Cold blooded          (c) Equatic          (d) None

(44).Insects are produced:

(a) Glycolipids             (b) Glycoprotein           (c) Glycerol        (d) Both b and c

(45).Cicads live in:

(a) Southern America          (b) Sonoran deserts          (c) Asian sea        (d) None

(46).Visible spectrum have radients energy:

(a) 20%              (b) 30%           (c) 50%          (d) 80%

(47).In which part of the day white beetles are move active:

(a) Cooler part           (b) Dark part        (c) Hotter part         (d) Whole day

(48).Which arrangement is present in fishes:

(a) Zigzag              (b) Lining arrangement          (c) Counter current       (d) All of these

(50).Amphibians and reptiles are animals:

(a) Equatic             (b) Terrestial            (c) Homothermic             (d) Heterothermic

(51).The amphibians which control the amount of mucous on skin:

(a) Turtle             (b) Snake           (c) Bullfrog           (d) All of these

(52).Which antifreezing material act to lower the freezing point of blood in fishes?

(a) Glycerol            (b) Peptides             (c) Glycoprotein          (d) All of these

(53).Amphibians live in:

(a) Dry place          (b) Cool place        (c) Warm Moist place       

(54).Reptiles are:

(a) Endotherm          (b) Ectoderm        (c) Hydrotherm           (d) All of these

(55).Which hormone reptiles secrete for aggression?

(a) Epinephrine           (b) Carbohydrates           (c) Thyroxin      (d) Both a and b

(56).The advantage of counteracting osmolyte strategy is:

(a) Temperature raise                            (b) Function in rectal gland

(c) It is used for bloating                        (d) It raise the osmotic pressure of body fluids

(57).Shark used these to conserve water:

(a) Rectal gland        (b) Bodies coated with mucus       (c) Uric acid and TMO      (d) Short loops

(58).Salmons migrate for spawning from:

(a) Fresh water to sea water                        (b) Sea water to fresh water

(c) Not migrated                                              (d) Fresh water only

(59).Freshwater fishes conserve energy:

(a) True                                     (b) False

(60).The urinary bladder of amphibians is on imported ion and water resrvior:

(a) True                                     (b) False

(61).Amphibians have similar kidney to:

(a) Marine fish          (b) Freshwater fishes       (c) Migrated fishes    (d) Sharks

(62).Amphibians bladder release water in:

(a) Hydration          (b) Bloating        (c) Dehydration        (d) For keep balancing

(63).Major site of water loss in mammals is:

(a) Lungs           (b) Nasal cavities          (c) Skin         (d) Glands

(64).Nephron has filtration apparatus:

(a) Glamerulus         (b) Medulla        (c) Cortex        (d) Loop of henle

(65).The filtrate having high salt concentration in the extracellular fluid know as:

(a) Brine bath         (b) Hyposomatic urine      (c) Hypersomatic urine     (d) None of these

(66).The urine of camel is…..concentrated than its plasma:

(a) 10 times         (b) 5 times        (c) 20 times         (d) 8 times

(67).Mammalian kidney can remove more water from the glomruler filtrate than:

(a) Birds         (b) Reptiles       (c) Amphibians        (d) Fishes

(68).More water and ions are reabsorbed through:

(a) Longer loop of nephron            (b) Shouter loop of nephron

(c) Longer glamerulas                      (d) Shorter glomerulus

(69).Blood leaves glomerulus through:

(a) Efferent arteriole         (b) Afferent artery       (c) Renal artery       (d) Renal vein

(70).Dogs nose is usually cold and moist because of:

(a) Excretion                                  (b) Temperature maintenance

(c) Evaporation                             (d) Water balance in the body

(71).The major waste product that must be eliminate are:

(a) Ammonia            (b) Urea           (c) Uric acid            (d) All

(72).Coxal gland muscle promote:

(a) Filtration             (b) Secretion        (c) Respiration       (d) Digestion

(73).In filtration small molecules:

(a) Reabsorbed           (b) Filter          (c) Pass through        (d) None

(74).Human daily water gain(ml):

(a) 1050            (b) 2000         (c) 2550          (d) 3000

(75).Organ that are in the back of the abdominal cavity on either side of aorta:

(a) Lungs           (b) Kidney           (c) Stomach           (d) None

(76).Kangroo rat(daily) water loss(ml):

(a) 40            (b) 50             (c) 60             (d) 70

(77).Region between capsule and madula is:

(a) Cortex             (b) Nepheone           (c) Renal capsule        (d) None

(78).Osmoregulatory and excretory organ of tadpoles larvae:

(a) Pronephrose          (b) Mesonephrose         (c) Metanephrose         (d) None

(79).Functioning embryonic kidney of many vertebrates:

(a) Pronephrose         (b) Mesonephrose       (c) Metanephrose       (d) All

(80).End product of metabolism e.g.:

(a) K+,H+,NH3         (b) Na,Cl,NH3       (c) K,Na,NH3      (d) None

(81).Blood coming out of liver has high concentration of:

(a) Urea       (b) Protein     (c) Oxygen         (d) Erythrocytes

(82).Snake. animals living in deserts are..

(a) Ureotelic           (b) Uricotelic          (c) Ammonotelic       (d) Both a& b

(83).Urinary bladder opens into..

(a) Uretrus         (b) Ureter         (c) Urethra        (d) None of these

(84).Reabsorption of water in the kidney is under the control of…

(a) ADH             (b) ACTH           (c) LH            (d) FAH

(85).Normal adult excrete urine per day;

(a) 4-5 litres          (b) 3-4 litres          (c) 2-3 litres          (d)1.2 to 1.5 litres

(86).The correct order of ornithine cycle of urea formation is.

(a) Ornithine, Arginine, Citrulline                      (b) Ornithine,Citrulline, Arginine

(c) Ornithine, Arginine, Urinine                         (d) Ornithine, Urinine, Argnine

(87).Surplus amino acids are broken down to form urea in..

(a) Spleen            (b) Kidney            (c) Intestine             (d) Liver

(88).Loop of henle lies in:

(a) Cortex           (b) Medulla        (c) Pelvis               (d) Ureter

(89).Removal of amino group from an amino acid is:

(a) Amination             (b) Deamination            (c) Excretion        (d) Defection

(90).Glomeruler filtrate differs from plasma in:

(a) Absence of protein        (b) Yellowish colour       (c) Presence of urea    (d) Potassium conc

(91).Glucose present in glomeruler filtrate is reabsorbed in:

(a) Bowmans capsule    (b) Distal convoluted tubule       (c) Proximal convoluted tubule     (d) None

(92).Nitrogenous wastes are excreted as uric acid in bird to help in:

(a) Conservation of water inside body               (b) Reducing the chance of kidney stone

(c) Conservation of body heat                             (d) Elimination of excess heat

(93).Structural and functional unit of kidney is…

(a) Glomerulus         (b) Loop of henle          (c) Malpighian body      (d) Nephron

(94).Onithine cycle was discovered by..

(a) Malpighi         (b) Krebs       (c) Krebs and Hanseliet         (d) Bowman

(95).Glucose is taken back from glomerular filtrate through..

(a) Active transport       (b) Passive transport        (c) Osmosis        (d) Diffusion

(96).Which one of the four parts mentioned below does not constitute a part of single uriniferous tubule?

(a) Henles loop       (b) Bowmans capsule       (c) Glomerulus        (d) Collecting duct

(97).Beside urination another important activity In which water is substantially lost from the body is…

(a) Salivation        (b) Defaection        (c) Expiration          (d) Inspiration

(98).Reabsorption of chloride ions from the glomerular filtrate in the kidney tubules of mammals is carried out by…

(a) Osmosis        (b) Diffusion       (c) Active transport       (d) Brownian movement

(99).Uric acid is excreted in:

(a) Frog         (b) Rabbit        (c) Man           (d) Pigeon

(100).Length of female urethra is…. (a) 2cm           (b) 4cm          (c) 5cm        (d) 6cm