Fishes – Vertebrate success in water

  1. The number of the living species of the Actinopterygii’s is nearly
  1. 30 species
  2. 23 species
  3. 25 species
  4. 55 species
  5. : Members of the class myxini feed on the
  1. plants
  2. vertebrates
  3. soft-bodied animals
  4. snails
  5. : Gills in the fishes supported by the
  1. trachea
  2. gill arches
  3. gills filaments
  4. pharyngeal slits
  5. Pharyngeal slits in the member of the subclass Holocephali is covered with
  1. lid
  2. lobe
  3. operculum
  4. jaws
  5. Members of the genus lampetra are called
  6. lancelets
  7. brook lamprey
  8. hagfishes
  9. hedgehog
  10. In India which of the following genera of earthworms is extensively used for vermiculture
  11. Eudrilus
  12. Pheretima
  13. Eudrigaster
  14. Pontoscolex
  15. Induced breeding technique is used in
  16. Culture fishery
  17. Marine fishery
  18. Capture fishery
  19. Inland fishery
  • Isinglass is employed in

A Clearing of wines

B Preservation of wines

C Preparation of wines

D Distillation of wines

  • One of the following is not a benefit of vermicompost

A Reduction in microbialo activity

B increased availability of minerals

C Protection of water bodies from pollution

D increased hydration and aeration

  1. Smooking is used as a technique of

A Fish preservation

B Crop harvesting

C Crystalisation of sugar

D Mushroom cultivation

  1. Pisciculture is rearing and production of

A Fishes

B Wool yielding animals

C Birds

D None of the above

  1. pH of vermiculture is kept at

A Near neutral

B Highly alkaline

C Alkaline

D Acidic

  1. Inand fisheries are

A raising and capturing fishes in fresh water

B oil extraction from fish

C deep sea fishing

D capturing fishes from sea coast

  1. If more than single species of fish is cultured at a time, then it is called

A Polyculture

B Mori culture

C Monoculture

D Aquaculture

  1. Identify the edible freshwater teleost

A Sharks

B Hilsa ilisha

C Rays and skates

D Catla catla

  1. Bony armor fishes are:

A Ostracoderms

B Elasmobranchs

C Placoderms

D None of the above

  1. The fish remained buried in the mud and sand is:

A Sharks

B Ostracoderms

C Hag Fishes

D Lamprey

  1. 18. Sucking mouth and rasping tongue is present in :

A Ostracoderms

B Lampreys

C Hag fishes

D Sharks

  1. The larva of Lamprey is:

A Ammocoete

B Trochophore

C Tadpole

D Tonaria

  •  Cartilaginous fishes are:

A Osteichthyes

B Chindrichythyes

C Acanthodians

D Placoderms

  •  scales are present in:

A Sharks

B Hag Fishes

C Lamprey

D Salmons

  •  The lung fish found in tropical Africa is:

A Neoceratodus

B Protopterus

C Lepidosiren

D None

  • Which fish of the following aestivate?

A Neoceratodus

B Protopterus

C Lepidosiren

D None

  •  Some elasmobranchs have modified pelvic fin for copulation called:

A Clasper

B Cloaca

C Penis

D None

  • Elasmobranchs remove sodium chloride through:

A Gills

B Kidney

C Liver

D Rectal glands

26.  The potential of marine fish production from the Indian EEZ is

a. 3.9 million tonnes        

b. 3.0 million tonnes        

c. 5.4 million tonnes     

d. 4.5 million tonnes

27. The following state has the highest marine fish production in India.

a. Maharashtra     

b. Gujarat       

c.   Kerala      

d. Tamil Nadu

28.  The major gear used to exploit tunas from the Indian coastal waters is

a. Drift gill nets       

b. Trawlers       

c. Purse seines        

d. Trolling

29.  Scientific name of Frigate tuna is

a. Auxis thazard     

b. Auxis rochei     

c. Thunnus tonggol      

d. Katsuwonus pelamis

30. Choodavalai used to exploit the Whitebaits from southwest coast of India is a type of

a. Gill net     

b. Shore seine     

c. Ring seine     

d. Bag net

31. Whitefish is also known as

a. False trevally       

b. Jew fish         

c. Croaker        

d. Thread fin

32. The example of Slipmouth is

a. Leiognathus bindus    

b. Harpodon nehereus    

c. Nemipterus japonicas

d. None of the above

33. The maximum production of Chinese pomfret is from the state of

a. Karnataka      

b. Kerala       

c. Maharashtra        

d. Orissa

34.  The species having topmost production in the world is

a. Peruvian anchoveata     

b. Alaskan Pollock      

c. Chub mackerel      

d. Blue Whiting

35. The area of EEZ along the west coast of India is

a. 0.86 million sq. km     

b. 0.90 million sq. km     

c. 0.56 million sq. km       

d. 1.0 million sq. km

36. The species of mackerel found rarely along the southeast coast is

a. Rastrelliger kanagurta    

b. Rastrelliger brachysoma       

c. Rastrelliger faughnii     

d. None of the above

37. The dominant species of ribbon fish occurring in the ribbon fish landings is

a. Trichiurus lepturus    

b. Trichiurus russeli     

c. Lepturocanthus savala   

d. Lepturocanthus ggangeticus

38. Leatherjackets are included in following group of fishes

a. Carangids        

b. Sciaenids      

c. Whitebaits    

d. Threadfin breams

39. Scientific name if short neck clam is

a. Paphia malabarica       

b. Tapes brugueiri       

c. Perna viridis        

d. Meretrix casta

40. The example of deep sea shrimp is

a. Metapenaeopsis jerryi      

b. Aristeus alcocki       

c. Penaeopsis jerryi      

d. All of the above

41. India has got an EEZ of

a. 2.02 m     

b. 2.05        

c. 2.0 m        

d. 2.1 m sq. km

42.……………….net is popularly used to exploit the Bombay duck along northwest coast of India.

a. Disco net       

b. Rampani       

c. Long line        

d. None of the above

43. The Indian marine fisheries sector is characterized by………………..

a. Multigear fisheries      

b. Multispecies fisheries    

c. Multigear & multispecies fisheries

d. none of the above

44. ………….. have got well developed swim bladders

a. Sciaenids   

b. Flying fishes   

c. Half beaks    

d. Whitebaits

45.…………… state has got highest standing crop of seaweeds in India

a. Gujarat      

b. Tamil Nadu      

c. Maharashtra          

d. Orissa

46. The objectives of fisheries management are

a. MSY       

b. MEY     

c. Maintenance of minimum spawning stock    

d. All of the above

47. Holistic models are

a. More data demanding    

b.  Age-structured  

c. Less data demanding     

d. None of the above

48. Beverton and Holt Yield per Recruit Model assumes that

a. Recruitment is constant    

b. Natural mortality is variable   

c. Fishing mortality is variable

d. There is no complete mixing within a stock.

49. Catch per unit effort data gives a measure of

a. Relative stock abundance   

b. Absolute stock abundance    

c. Fishing effort   

d. None of the above

50.  Von Bertalanffy Growth Equation is used to determine growth in terms of ………….. as a function of time.

a. Length and Weight     

b. Weight      

c. Length      

d. None of the above

51. MSY refers to …………..

a. Maximum Social Yield   

b. Minimum Social yield    

c. Maximum Sustainable Yield     

d. Minimum Sustainable yield

52. The mesh size of Cod end determines the gear selectivity in ……………..

a. Gill net     

b. Trawl net      

c. Cast net       

d. Long line

53. Age of massive maturation is denoted by …………….

a. T 50%      

b.  Tm

c. TC     

d. TTC

54. Growth overfishing is an overfishing of …………….

a. Young fish    

b. Adult fish      

c. Spent individuals     

d. None of the above

55. Instantaneous rate of natural mortality is denoted by ……………..

a. M       

b. F        

c. Z      

d. R

56. L refers to …………….

a. Minimum length      

b. Length at maturation     

c. Asymptotic length   

d. Mean length

57. Fox model is an example of …………….

a. Analytical model    

b. Surplus production model   

c. Virtual Population Analysis

d. None of the above

58. Predation is categorized into …………….

a. Natural mortality   

b. Fishing mortality   

c. Total mortality      

d. None of the above

59.. ……………………… is a useful tool for determination of optimum mesh size for a gear.

a. Gear selectivity   

b. Exploitation rate    

c. CPUE     

d. None of the above.

60.. ………………….. Determines the number of survivors in a cohort of a fish.

a. Virtual population Analysis     

b. Swept Area Method.      

c. Modal progression Analysis

d. None of the above.

61. Rikhter & Effanov formula is used to estimate

a. Natural mortality   

b. Fishing mortality   

c. Total mortality      

d. None of the above

62. ………………….. is a type of output control

a. Bag limit       

b. Mesh size regulation     

c. Closed season    

d. Closed area

63. The proportion of number or biomass of a fish stock removed by fishing is

a. Exploitation rate           

b. Exploitation ratio      

c. fishing effort      

d. none of the above

64.The graph of logarithm of numbers caught plotted against respective age is

a. catch curve       

b. selection curve      

c. selection ogive       

d. growth curve

65. Inverse von Bertalanffy equation is used to convert

a. Lengths into ages       

b. Ages into lengths   

c. Lengths into weight   

d. none of the above

66. Machrobrachium rosenbergii passes through ……… number of larval stages

a. 11         

b. 10        

c. 9     

d. 13 

67. Torsion is the characteristic of …………

a. Bivalvia     

b. Gastropoda    

c. Cephalopda   

d. Polyphora

68. The larva of Artemia is known as ……………

a. Zoea  


c. Phyllosoma   

d. NaNaupli

69. The integument enclosing the visceral mass in mollusca is known as —–

a. Pallium    

b. Ostracum    

c. Periostracum    

d. Spicules

70. .…………. has rhipidoglossate radula.

a. Cyprae    

b. Diadora   

c. Conus  

d. Patella

71. Contractile filaments used for sensing food in Scaphoda are known as —–

a. Osphradium    

b. Captucula     

c. Tentacles    

d. Antennae

72. The larvae of lobster is known as ——

a. Zoea    

b. Mysis    

c. Phyllosoma    

d. NNauplius

73. In …………. the mantle is studded with spicules.

a. Polyplacophora   

b. Monoplacophora    

c. Aplacophora    

d. Scaphopoda

74. In Stomatopoda gills are present at the base of ………………

a. Thorax    

b. Abdomen    

c. Mouth   

d. Legs

75. Conus has …………….. type of radula.

a. Docoglossate     

b. Taxoglossate    

c. Rachiglossate   

d. Taenioglossate

76. Thin leaf like processes attached to each maxillipeds of crustaceans are known as

a. Endopodite   

b. Epipodite   

c. Uropod     

d. Maxilla

77. Operculum in gastropods is secreted by …………….

a. Mantle cells   

b. Cuticular cells     

c. Glandular cells     

d. Dermal cells

78. Larva of squilla is known as
a.  Alima    b. Megalopa    c. Nauplius     d. Veliger
79. Cypraea has ——- radula.
a. Rhipidoglossat   b. Taxoglossate    c. Taenioglossate   d. Docoglossate
80. Cypris larva is present in —–
a.Artemia      b. Squilla    c. Balanus    d. Lobster
81. Shell in Bavilvia is the secretion of epithelial cells in ——-
a. viscera    b. mantle     c. gonad    d. ctenidia
82. ——-  is  a  digestive  gland  which  is extended over  the  posterior  portion  of  hindgut.                                           
a. Gastric mill   b. Hepatopancreas       c. Scaphognathite      d. Corfrontle
83. Osphradium acts as a  —– organ
a. sense    b. defense   c. reproductive    d. respiratory
84.. Hinge dentition in Arcidae is
a. desmodont    b. taxodont      c. pachyodont     d. dysodont
85. Subclass belonging to Class Aplacophora
a. Rostroconchia    b. Caudofoveata    c. Prosobranchia     d. Scaphopoda
86. In ——–, gills are present to the right and behind the heart.
a. Prosobranchia    b. Opisthobranchia     c. Pulmonata    d. Rostroconchia
87. Tusk shells belong to Class —–
a. Monoplacophora     b. Scaphopoda    c. Aplacophora    d. Polypachophora
88. Non-penaeid prawns have —– naupli stages
a. 8     b. 7       c. 6       d. 9
88. Penaeid prawns have 17 —— stages.
a. Naupli    b. Post larva    c. Zoea    d.

89.. Hagfishes belongs to the order

a. Petromyzontiformes    

b. Clupeiformes     

c. Myxiniformes  

d. Perciformes

90.. ………….. has its dorsal fin modified into a luring filament.

a. Catfish     

b. Carp    

c. Angler fish   

d. Rasbora

91. Rastrelliger kanagurta is locally known as

a. Karkata bangda   

b. Lubluba bangda   

c. Bombil    

d. Renvi

92. Which of the following fish belongs to family Stromatidae

a. Rhincodon typus   

b. Sardinella longiceps   

c. Saurida tumbil   

d. Pampus chinensis

93. Sciaenids have well developed …………….

a. Pyloric caecae    

b. Stomach    

c. Gills   

d. Air bladder

94. Ravas belongs to family ……………..

a. Carangidae    

b. Polynemidae   

c. Engruilidae    

d. Clupeidae

95. Which of the following fish is known as lamprey?

a. Myxine    

b. Petromyzon    

c. Bombay duck   

d. Sting Ray

96. Scientific name of lady fish is

a. Atropus atropus   

b. Silago sihama    

c. Saurida tumbil    

d. Elops macnata

97. Trilobed caudal fin is the character of

a. Chorbombil     

b. Kap    

c. Bombil     

d. Saranga

98. Which one of the following is the family of solefish?

a. Cynoglossidae      

b. Mobulidae     

c. Stromatidae    

d. Carangidae

99. What is the scientific name of silver carp?

a. Ctenopharyngodon idella   

b. Catla catla   

c. Hypothalmicthys molitrix   

d. Cyprinus carpio

100. Pony fishes belong to family…………….

a. Psettodidae     b. Leognathidae    c. Cynoglossidae    d. Mugilidae