What is the difference between struct and class?

A structure is a user-defined data type which contains variables of dissimilar data types.The class is a user-defined data type which contains member variables and member functions.
The variables of a structure are stored in the stack memory.The variables of a class are stored in the heap memory.
We cannot initialize the variables directly.We can initialize the member variables directly.
If access specifier is not specified, then by default the access specifier of the variable is “public”.If access specifier is not specified, then by default the access specifier of a variable is “private”.
The instance of a structure is a “structure variable”.
Declaration of a structure:struct structure_name { // body of structure; } ;Declaration of class:class class_name { // body of class; }
A structure is declared by using a struct keyword.The class is declared by using a class keyword.
The structure does not support the inheritance.The class supports the concept of inheritance.
The type of a structure is a value type.The type of a class is a reference type.