Q. The international organization “IPCC” presents its report on climate change. IPCC stands for
(A) International Program on Climate Change
(B) International Program to Curtail Change
(C) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(D) None of these
The answer is: (C) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ☑
Q. The “Corruption Perception Index” is an annual report published by which of the following organization?
(A) Amnesty International
(B) European Union
(C) United Nations
(D) Transparency International
The answer is: (D) Transparency International ☑
Q. Which of the following country is recently put on the “grey list” by Financial Action Task Force (FATF)?
(A) Oman
(B) Vietnam
(C) South Korea
(D) United Arab Emirates
The answer is: (D) United Arab Emirates ☑
Q. In February 2022, there was a massive protest in Canada against
(A) inflation
(B) taxation
(C) pension deduction
(D) Covid Vaccine
The answer is: (D) Covid Vaccine ☑
Q. Currently in February 2022, there is a massive protest in Canada against
(A) inflation
(B) taxation
(C) pension deduction
(D) Covid Vaccine
The answer is: (D) Covid Vaccine ☑
Q. Who has recently donated $5.7 billion to a charity?
(A) Bill Gates
(B) Elon Musk
(C) Larry Page
(D) Mark Zuckerberg
The answer is: (B) Elon Musk ☑
Q. The “Donbas War” is currently being fought in
(A) Serbia
(B) Ukraine
(C) Syria
(D) Lebanon
The answer is: (B) Ukraine ☑
Q. Some parts of South-East Ukraine are currently occupied by rebels backed by
(A) Serbia
(B) Israel
(C) Russia
(D) United States
The answer is: (C) Russia ☑
Q. Who is the current Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia?
(A) Vladimir Putin
(B) Sergey Vyazalov
(C) Sergei Lavrov
(D) None of these
The answer is: (C) Sergei Lavrov ☑
Q. Alliance among Brazil, Germany, India and Japan to support each other’s bid for permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is called
(A) Alliance 4
(B) G 4
(C) Big 4
(D) None of these
The answer is: (B) G 4 ☑
Q. What price is considered as a benchmark price in the oil industry?
(A) Opec Basket
(B) Mars US
(C) Brent Crude
(D) WTI Crude
The answer is: (C) Brent Crude ☑
Q. The benchmark oil price in the United States is
(A) Opec Basket
(B) Mars US
(C) Brent Crude
(D) WTI Crude
The answer is: (D) WTI Crude ☑
WTI stands for West Texas Intermediate.