Aquatic Toxicology Part-8

1.Oxidative stress effects on DNA resulting in the formation of

A.  DNA adductus

B.  RNA adductus

C.  Protein adductus

D.  Lipid adductus

2.When damage to DNA overwhelms the repair capacity then there is

A.  Decrease in mutation rate

B.  Increase in mutation rate

C.  Mutation rate remains constant

D.  No change occur

3.Oxidative stress becomes the reason of alteration in

A.  Shape of cell membrane

B.  Function of cell membrane

C.  Nature of cell membrane

D.  Permeability of cell membrane

4.Apart from few exceptions reproduction in aquatic organisms is

A.  External

B.  Internal

C.  Both of these

D.  None of them

5.Oxidative stress effects on reproduction of organism including

A.  Reproductive hormone cycle

B.  Reproductive behavior

C.  Fertilization

D.  All of these

6.Oxidative stress is caused by imbalance between the generation and detoxification

A.  Reactive oxygen specie

B.  Reactive nitrogen specie

C.  Both A and B

D.  Neither A nor B

7.The reproductive cycle is mainly controlled by

A.  Reproductive hormones

B.  Endocrine hormones

C.  Exocrine hormones

D.  Local hormones

8.The environmental cues which control the secretion of reproductive hormones are

A.  pH

B.  Humidity

C.  Day length and temperature

D.  Light intensity

9. Fertilization depends upon the properties of

A.  Reproductive organ

B.  Sperm and egg

C.  Reproductive hormones

D.  Organisms

10.Endocrine disruptors cause……..

A.  Cancerous tumor

B.  Birth defects

C.  Developmental disorders

D.  All of these

11.The chemical substances which bind with hormone receptors and activate their function are

A.  Agonist hormone

B.  Antagonist hormone

C.  Specific hormone

D.  Local hormone

12.An example of estrogen agonist is

A.  Oxycodone

B.  Methadone

C.  Morphine

D.  Diethylstilbestrol

13.Glycolipoprotein that is cleaved to form yolk protein is

A.  Vitellogenin

B.  Phostivin

C.  Lipovitellin

D.  Aminovitellin

14.An antagonist bind with hormone receptors and ……..

A.  Activate hormone function

B.  Block hormone function

C.  No change occur

D.  Has no function

15.When endocrine disruptors activate the enzyme synthesis is

A.  Decreased

B.  Increased

C.  Remains constant

D.  Blocked