(r-1)’s and r’s complement

Let’s Try (r-1)’s and r’s complement. How to get (r-1)’s complement of decimal number…?

Say r =10

How do we get (r-1)’s complement …?

(r-1)′s i.e. 9’s complement of decimal number can be obtained by ((10n – 1)-number)

where n represents the number of digits in the given number.

Example 1: Find 9’s complement of   (1234)10

9′s complement = 104-1-1234 = 9999-1234 = 8765

How do we get (r)’s complement …?

r’s i.e. 10’s complement can be obtained by (10n – number)

where n represents the number of digits in the given number.

Example 2: Find 10′s complement = 104-1234 = 8766.

Now that we have learned to convert decimal numbers to their 9′s & 10′s complements, we will move to subtraction using them. Remember always the number to be subtracted or the negative number is converted to 9′s or 10′s complement.

(r-1)’s and r’s complement examples