1.     The elastic tissue which connects the cauda epididymis to the scrotal sac is

(a)    Caput epididymis

(b)    Scrotal ligament

(c)     Gubernaculum

(d)    Tendinous cord

Answer: (c)

2.      By the contraction of the spermatic cord, the testis of man are not taken to the abdominal cavity due to this structure

(a)  fat bodies and gubernaculum present over the testis

(b)  attachment of testis by gubernaculum to the scrotal sac only

(c)  narrowness of inguinal canal

(d)  both (b) and (c)

Answer: (b)

3.     The seminiferous tubules of the testis are lined by the germinal epithelium consisting of

(a)  spermatids

(b)  cells of Sertoli

(c)  spermatogonium

(d)  spermatocytes

Answer: (b)

4.     These cells of the testes secrete testosterone

(a)  Sertoli cells

(b)  cells of germinal epithelium

(c)  Cells of Leydig or interstitial cells

(d)  secondary spermatocytes

Answer: (c)

5.     There is a connective tissue cord extending between the testis and abdominal wall known as

(a)  mesenteric cord

(b)  gubernaculum

(c)  testis cord

(d)  spermatic cord

Answer: (d)

6.     Which of these is an accessory reproductive gland in male mammals

(a)  Inguinal gland

(b)  Prostate gland

(c)  Mushroom-shaped gland

(d)  Gastric gland

Answer: (b)

7.      There are some special types of cells present in the seminiferous tubules known as Sertoli cells which are

(a)  somatic cells

(b)  germinal cells

(c)  protective cells

(d)  reproductive cells

Answer: (c)

8.     Seminiferous tubules develop central lumen after

(a)  Old age

(b)  Prepuberal time

(c)  Birth

(d)  Puberty

Answer: (d)

9.     Another name for Bulbourethral gland is

(a)  Meibomian gland

(b)  Prostate gland

(c)  Perineal gland

(d)  Cowper’s gland

Answer: (d)

10.       In man, Cryptorchidism is the condition when

(a)  testes do not descent into the scrotum

(b)  there are two testes in each scrotum

(c)  testis degenerates in the scrotum

(d)  testis enlarges

11.    Which one of the following is not part of the male reproductive system?

A.  Scrotum

B.   Ovary

C.    Testes

D.   Penis

12     Which part of the male reproductive system transfers sperm into the woman?

a.   Scrotum

b.   Penis

c.    Urethra

d.    Gamete

13    Which one of the following is not part of the male reproductive system?

a.   Bladder

b.   Scrotum

c.   Penis

d.  Prostrate gland

14    The process where the reproductive organs begin to mature is called

a.        The menstrual cycle

b.        Fertilisation

c.         Puberty

d.               Intercourse

15    Another name for the sex cell is

a.        gamete

b.        testicle

c.         zygote

d.               hormone

16    Approximately how many sperm cells are produced by each testicle daily by a mature male?

a. 85 million

b.        200

c.        5,000

d.        1

17    Approximately how many sperm cells are produced by each testicle daily by a mature male?

a. 85 million

b.        200

c.         5,000

d.        1

18    Approximately how many sperm cells are produced by each testicle daily by a mature male?

a. 85 million

b.        200

c.         5,000

d.        1

19    What is the name of the tube that carries the sperm from the testes to the urethra?

a.       Sperm duct

b.              Penis

c.         Prostrate gland

d.        Seminal vesicles

20    The joining together of male and female gametes to form a zygote is called

a.       fertilisation

b.        puberty

c.         reproduction

d.               transpiration

21 Sperm is made here

a.       The testis

b.        The sperm duct

c.         The pancreas

d.               The urethra

22 Humans reproduce by

a.               asexual reproduction which involves two parents

b.       sexual reproduction which involves two parents

c.               sexual reproduction which involves one parent

d.               asexual reproduction which involves one parent

23       Ureter release are semen from the penis during intercourse is known as

a.       ejaculation

b.               fertilization

c.             pollination

d.               implantation

25 During sexual intercourse, the erect penis is placed inside the vagina of the woman. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

A.              The sperm travel towards the egg.

B.        The man releases millions of sperm during intercourse.

C.        Sperm is released into the vagina.

D.       The tail of the sperm enters the egg first

26.      Sperm production begins in the

a. seminiferous tubules

b.  epididymis

c.  vas deferens

d.  ejaculatory duct

27.      The cell produced by fertilization is called

a.  gamete

b.  embryo

c.  fetus

d. zygote

28.      The production of testosterone in the interstitial cells is stimulated by

a.    inhibin

b.    luteinizing hormone

c.    follicle-stimulating hormone

d.    progesterone

29.      Sperm maturation occurs in the

a. seminiferous tubules

b. epididymis

c. vas deferens

d. urethra

30.      The layer of the uterine wall that is shed during menstruation is the

a. endometrium

b.  myometrium

c.  epimetrium

d.  none of the above

31    The external genitalia of the female are collectively called the

a. labia

b. vulva

c. clitoris

d. mons pubis

32  . The hormone that works with estrogen to prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg is

a.    LH

b.    FSH

c.    ADH

d.    progesterone

33.        The average menstrual cycle is

a.  14 days

b.  18 days

c.  24 days

d. 28 days

34.        The structure between the uterus and the vagina is the

a. uterine tube

b. cervix

c. vulva

d. hymen

35.        The hormone that stimulates uterine contractions is

a. oxytocin

b.  estrogen

c.  granular cell carcinoma

d.  progesterone

36.         The hormone stimulate the contraction of uterus is

a.  relaxin

b.  oxytocin

c.  prolactin

d.  estrogen

37.         the hormone which stimulate uterine contraction is

a. relaxin

b.  oxytocin

c.  prolactin

d.  estrogen

38. Immature oocyte is developed by

a.  LH

b.  GnRH

c.  FSH

d.  HCG

39.  The hormone which prevent corpus luteum from degeneration is

a. LH

b.  GnRH

c. FSH

d. HCG

40.  The temperature of human testis is

a.  34 C

b.  37 C

c.  30 C

d.  40 C