Evolution of Horse

1-horses are belong to genus

a-Equus               b- perissodactyla        c-tylopoda           d-non     

2-how many species present in genus Equus

   a-ten                b-eleven                c-seven                d-nine

3-asses and zebras are also belong to single genus

 a-artiodactyla             b- Equus           c-camelidae            d-all

4-how many species of zebra present in Africa

a-Three         b-two         c-one           d-nine

5-horses are belong to order

a-artiodactyla              b-Perissodactyla               c-proboscidea             d-non

6-in horses clavicle is absent or

a-Reduced        b-fully formed             c-both a and b        d-non      

7-how many suborders are present in order perissodactyla

    a-one            b-Two         c-three         four

8-hippomorpha and ceratomorpha are sub orders of

a-Perissodactlya         b-tylopoda           c-artiodactyla            d-non

9-ceratomorpha includes family tapiridae and

a-camelidae           b-Rhinocerotidae               c-elephantidiae          d-non of these

10-tapirs are found in Malaysia, java and

a-South America          b-  china         c-  japan          d-    india

11-tapirs have long nose which is

a-Prehensile         b- thin         c-  narrow        d-  non

12-Equuscabalus is a

a-white horse            b-Wild horse              c-both         d-non

13-rhinoceros is found in asia and

a-Africa             b-america         c-japan          d-pakistan

14-evolution of horse started about

a-50-55mya          b-60-98mya           c-55-68mya           d-23-45mya

15-most primitive horse of old world is known as

a-hippomoroha             b-Hyracotherium             c-eohippus              d-merychippus

16-the major center of distribution and origin of horse is

a-North America           b-euorpe            c-asia            d-africa

17-horses appeared subsequently in asia, Africa and

  1. Europe            b-japan         c-indonasia          d-all

18-horses migrated from

a-africa            b-china           c-North America          d-asia

19-how many genera of horses are known from Eocene of north America

a-one          b-Three       c-five          d-eight

20-how many genera of horses are known from Oligocene

a-Two         b-five          c-four           d-non

21-which is first stage in development of horse

a-Eohippus            b-merychippus          c-pilohippus          d-parahippus

22-size of horses present at Eohippus stage is like a

a-elephant            b-Fox         c-goat        d-camel

23-at Eohippus stage the locomotion of horses is

a-Plantigrade         b-bipadel         c-jumping          d-crawling

24-dentition of horses at first stage of development was

a-homodont          b-hetrodont       c- Bunodont      d-non

25-diastema was absent in

a-Eohippus          b-pilohippus         c-hippidium          d-hipparion

26-heel was well developed in

a-parahippus           b-Orohippus         c-eohippus        d-non

27-last premolar change in shape to become molar in

a-Orohippus         b-merychippus           c-hippidium             d-all

28-4 toes in front side and 3 toes on hind legs are present in

a-parahippus           b-eohippus            c-pilohippus          d-Orohippus

29-Epihippus was evolved in

a-oligocene           b-Middle Eocene          c-early Eocene    d-non

30-small pad foot was present in

a-Epihippus          b-parahippus        c-hippidium          pilohippus

31-mesohippus and miohippus were present in

a-holocene            b-Lower Oligocene        c-miocene           d-jurasic

32-size of horses in mesohippus is

a-24 inches          b-26 inches          c-13 inches           d-45 inches

33-all premolars changed into molars except the 1st premolar in

a-pilohippus           b-Miohippus       c-meychippus        d-hippidium

34-size increased from 24 to 30 inches in

a-Miohippus           b-parahippus            c-hipparion          d-non

35- parahippus was larger in size then

a-hiparion            b-epihippus            c-orohippus             d-Miohippus

36-firstly snout became large in

a-hippidium           b-hilarion            c-Parahippus        d-parahippus

37-parahippus was the first three

a-omnivore         b-Toed browser        c-crnivore        d-non      

38-Merychippus were appeared in upper

a-jurasic            b-neocene           c-permian      d-Miocene

39-Merychippus were the first three toed

a-Grazers           b-omnivore          c-carnivore       d-all

40-each foot had three toes but 3rd toe was the main locomotory organ in

a-merychippus           b-hippidium       c-hilarion        parahippus

41-which toes merychippus reduced

a-2nd and 6th        b-2nd and 4th                     

42-how many genera were developed from Merychippus

a-Two         b-one        c-eight          d-zero

43-name of genera of merychippus was

a-Pilohippus and hipparion           b-hippidium          c-parahippus         d-non

44-a progressive horse developed from

a-pilohippus          b-Merychippus         c-parahippus          d-all

45-in merychippus horse was progressive in respects of development of

a-Skull and teeth         b-legs and   neck         c-hair and mouth        d-non of these

46-horse became a single toed in

a-Pilohippus         b-parahippus         c-hippidium          d-eohippus

47-horse became 3 toed and very successful in

a-pilohippus           b-eohippus          c-Hipparion          d-parahippus

48-pilohippus gave rise to

a-Hippidium and Equus         b-epihippus          c-mesohippus        d-miohippus

49-Hippidium migrated from north America to

a-South America          b-asia         c-euorpe         d- japan

50-hippidium became extinct in

a-asia        b-island          c-india           d-South America

51-hippidium extinct before the end of

a-Glacious period          b-jurasic period      c-permian  period      d-all

52-Equus was

a-3 digit horse        b-One toed horse         c-hoof           d-non

53-Equss developed in early

a-eocene        b-miocene         c-Pleistocene        d-all

54-which is genus of all the modern horses

a-Equus      b-hominidae       c-actinodactyla         d-all

55-in Equus teeth are very straight and called

a-horny teeth        b-sharp teeth        c-Grazing teeth       d-non

56-flexible muzzle and deep jaws are present in

a-Equus         b-orohippus          c-epihippus        d-non

57-incisors very large, canine small, premolars larger than molars are present in

a-Equus        b-pilohippus         c-parahippus         d-merychippus

58-which is a general character of horse

a-They are large in size and swift moving animals with long legs        b-they are small in size slow moving animals                                     c-orbit are opened


59-bone behind the digits are known as

a-Metapodials          b-cannon bone        c-meta carpsal         d-non

60-in modern horses 2nd and 4th digits are fused with

a-tibia bon       b-carpsal bone        c-Cannon bone     d-all

61-sense of smell and hearing in horses is

a-good         b-Acute        c-very  good        d-non

62-how many species of horses are originated during evolution

a-150          b-990          c-278          d-260

63-how many genera of horses are living now

a-Only one         b-five         c-ten       d- seven

Zoology MCQS